
Xie Yumeng was slightly surprised. The voice was clearly a child, but he obviously felt that he had reached the realm of Emperor Wu. It was really weird!

"This is really interesting!"

Li Qingshan clapped the bottle and tied the gourd tightly. This time, he rarely took another sip.

Jiang Yuan also slightly opened his eyes. As soon as he turned to look behind him, although he had already made preparations in his heart, he was suddenly surprised.

Because it's so weird!

Because the king of Tianwang mountain is really like a child of seven or eight years old. His face is carved with powder and jade, like a porcelain doll. In front of him, a red belly pocket covers his body. His hands and feet are tender and lovely. It doesn't seem to have the name of the king of Tianwang mountain!

Is there such a genius in the world that he has reached the realm of Emperor Wu at the age of five!

And look at the fluctuation of the spirit power brought by the flying body, it has the strength of the nine star emperor!

Does this guy have a system, and it's earlier than what I got?

This strange idea flashed through Jiang Yuan's mind.

In the twinkling of an eye, the child had already caught up with the three people. He looked angry. It was lovely to match the baby's fat face.

"You three are the ones who just ran away!"

"No, they seem to be going forward."

Li Qingshan shook his head, forced to bear a smile, pointed to the front and said in a deep voice.

"Damn it! These three villains are running so fast. Thank you for telling me. Have a nice trip. "

Hearing the speech, the child's eyes glared, his body jumped up again and flew away in the direction that Li Qingshan pointed to.

"No, it's just like a child. I believe it?"

Jiang Yuan was a little surprised. His eyes flashed slightly. He never thought Li Qingshan's words. The child really believed them.


Xie Yumeng also gave a thumbs up.

"You don't have to look at the intelligence quotient. What's the origin of the child? Why is he so strong?"!? At this age, he reached the realm of nine star Emperor Wu? "

Li Qingshan frowned slightly.

"I don't think the child is human!"

Xie Yumeng nodded.

"Nonsense, of course I know he's not human, right You mean he's Warcraft? "

Li Qingshan turns to understand Xie Yumeng's words, and remembers what happened just now. His eyes flash slightly, as if he understands everything.

"Warcraft? But isn't it necessary for Warcraft to reach the realm of martial arts

Now it's Jiang Yuan's turn. I don't understand.

"Yes, when he just flew, his spiritual power exuded some secret Warcraft breath. Some Warcraft races don't need some, they were born to be directly shaped!"

Li Qingshan nodded.

"MD, you crafty old bastards! How dare you cheat me

While the three were discussing, a roar came from the front.


With the rolling spirit power, stirring the sky, the whole void is like being torn. In front of the three, the child who just left suddenly appears with the shadow.

Jiang Yuan was on one side of his body, as if he had a clean relationship with Li Qingshan. He said in a low voice, "little friend, the old bastards you are looking for are the two of them, but they have nothing to do with me."

"Cunning villain, Xiu has to shirk his responsibility. It's up to you!"

Li Qingshan also shook his body and looked at Jiang Yuan.

Seeing that they are still like this, Xie Yumeng shakes his head and prepares to fight.

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