Being sucked into the whirlpool, countless breath of terror came from all directions, but what Jiang Yuan saw was darkness.

The darkness that King Wu can't see through!

This darkness is totally different from the normal darkness. This darkness is like a kind of darkness from the depth of the soul, not from the eyes!

Even Jiang Yuan's spiritual power, constantly trying to illuminate the darkness, was useless.

People feel depressed, palpitating, but there is no other way!

But fortunately, Jiang Yuan's sense of danger did not issue any warning, which made him feel at ease a lot.

In addition to the terrible breath and endless darkness, Jiang Yuan's only feeling is the tearing feeling that acts on his body. However, the tearing feeling has not reached the point where Jiang Yuan feels pain. Obviously, he doesn't want to hurt him!

It's more like trying to pull Jiang Yuan forward!

Jiang Yuanjing came down and tried to control his body. He sat slowly with his knees crossed.

It's like there's a soft, muddy ground. You want to keep your body above it without falling into the general. It's powerless.

However, in addition to the feeling of collapse, Jiang Yuan did not feel that kind of feeling trapped.

After trying for a long time, Jiang Yuan sat down with his knees crossed.

As time went by, Jiang Yuan didn't know how long the process would last or whether the feeling was normal.

For this trip to the secret place, Jiang Yuan felt more and more unreliable. No wonder no one from the kingdom of Dawu has successfully returned for so many years!

"I don't want to follow them!"

Jiang Yuan shook his head slightly, although he didn't know whether he had finished the action.

Even a strange idea appeared in Jiang Yuan's heart, that is, he was dead!

At this moment, the space is suddenly bright. Jiang Yuan looks at the dazzling white light in front of him and quickly closes his eyes.

If you don't, this white light will definitely make his eyes useless!


As the white light dissipated, Jiang Yuanchang breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

Obviously, the dark world that was just frightening had dissipated, and Jiang Yuan's perception began to recover.

And then a little flash in my mind, countless breath emerged.


At this time, a voice came from the right side of Jiang Yuan.

Jiang Yuan looked at him quickly, but he saw a man in his twenties. He was looking at himself with a kind eye. He had a bright look in his eyes.

However, he was holding a sword in his hand. The cold light was shining slightly. Looking at the body of the sword made up by the pattern, he knew that the sword was not anything.

The sleeping girl under the sword, Jiang Yuan knew Ruoxin whom he had met yesterday.

Around Jiang Yuan, there were nearly a thousand people or animals.

Jiang Yuan trembled a little. He was afraid in his mind. Just now he was one of the group. If the man did it himself, it would be easy.

And the man's action is good that he is ready to start to Ruoxin.

Jiang Yuan frowned at the thought.

"Oh, this transmission is really like what my father said!"

At this time, a loud voice came from behind Jiang Yuan.

Obviously someone's awake again

"I woke up very early, Huomu!"

The man holding the cold sword turned to the man behind Jiang Yuan and said with a smile.

"There is no such speed as xiaowudi, but the speed of awakening can only show that your soul is strong. Compared with others, you must not be my opponent."

The man named Huomu's eyes flashed slightly and he also said with a smile.

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