"What about Jiang Yuan? What about the boy

Li Qingshan looked out at the crowd escaping and the figures emerging at the entrance, but he couldn't find Jiang Yuan.


Xie Yumeng's eyes flashed slightly and expressed his worries.

"Not what? Don't be a crow mouth, that's my apprentice

When Li Qingshan heard the speech, he gave a big drink. Although he had such worries in his heart, he did not allow others to say so!

Xie Yumeng has no choice but to shake his head. He doesn't want to think about it like this. After all, Jiang Yuan is a member of douhun college. He is the only one who can be called the arrogant person in douhun college in the past few hundred years. He is also a monster who can stand tall!

Compared with Jiang Yuan, the former genius is a heaven and an underground, without any comparability at all!

If Jiang Yuan is dead, the loss of his douhun college is also enormous!

But now they have to think like this!

"What about Ruoxin? What about Princess ruochu? She won't come out! "

"No, the news before didn't say that she and a mysterious man she didn't know formed Shenzhong Shuangsha, and took away most of the Shenzhong in the secret place?"

"But, look at the expression of ruochu's people, this dignified look doesn't seem to be fake!"

"I didn't expect that so many people were killed in the chaos! What happened to one of the characters in the sky? "


There was a burst of discussion in the crowd. Ruoxin, as a popular winner, was always in the public discussion. What's more, Ruoxin was a real beauty. The changeable appearance alone was enough to make people talk!

"What happened! "Mu er?"

The king of Huoling Kingdom looked at the disheartened Huomu in front of him and asked softly.

Huomu shakes his head slightly. He doesn't know why. All this is totally abnormal. He was searching for the divine seed, but somehow the secret place begins to thunder, and the world is on the verge of destruction. But before this catastrophe, there is something happening!

"There was a battle at the top of the mountain, and then the world was destroyed! If possible, it will be the time of battle and destruction! "

Fire Mu said his inference.

"A battle to destroy the secret world?"

The monarch of Huoling Kingdom frowned slightly, and he couldn't believe it.

After all, the barrier of Yuanshen's secret place is real. It is impossible to destroy the whole secret place!

But now there was no other clue for him to infer that the monarch of Huoling kingdom had to give up.

"But little princess ruochu and her companions didn't show up. It's estimated that..."

Huomu has been looking for the figure of Ruoxin and Jiang Yuan. In fact, he has already made an inference about the party in the war. After all, he once talked with Jiang Yuan and Ruoxin about the things on the top of the mountain.

But he didn't say this to his father, the king of Huoling Kingdom, because he didn't believe that Ruoxin and Jiang Yuan could break out this power!

"Yes, they didn't show up, and the group of people in shenliuyu didn't come back. It has nothing to do with those sneaky guys in shenliuyu!"

The monarch of Huoling kingdom is indeed unique. He found another strange place at a glance.

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