"Of course, I know big brother is not a bad man, otherwise I would not help him."

Xiaoling smell speech earn out Jiang Yuan's big hand, show white teeth, smile.

"Well, thank you, Xiao Ling."

Jiang Yuan pressed his hand on Xiaoling's head again, and then asked in a soft voice, "I don't know how the dispute between God and seed will go on tomorrow?"

"Well It's a fight. In fact, the fight for the ownership of the God species in this secret place. Every few decades, some god species can be born in this secret place. My father is responsible for storing all the God species until the once-in-a-hundred-year fight for the God species. He rewards these God species to the strongest. "

Xiaoling didn't seem to be familiar with the rules, thought for a moment and said softly.

"Don't divine species choose their hosts?"

Smell speech Jiang Yuan tiny a Zheng, said in the heart of doubt.

"God chooses the host? How can it be that we choose the host? "

Xiaoling frowned slightly, as if he didn't know what Jiang Yuan was saying.

This time, Jiang Yuan was confused again. Once again, Jiang Yuan felt the strangeness of the secret place of yuan God. Even the way of cultivation, these people seemed to be different from the world where Jiang Yuan lived.

This is definitely not Tianyuan continent!

Jiang Yuan made a judgment in his heart, because since ancient times, there has been no change in the cultivation system of Tianyuan continent, and the cultivation of divine seed has been inherited from beginning to end!

There has never been a reason for God to choose the host!

"Oh, maybe I remember it wrong. There are few records of divine seed in my place."

In order to avoid doubt, Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

"Ah? Big brother must have come from the borderland. There are really few records of divine species there. "

Xiaoling took the lead in making up for Jiang Yuan's hometown.

"Well, Xiaoling is very clever!"

Jiang Yuan also nodded, repeatedly said is.

"Of course!"

Hearing Jiang Yuan's praise, Xiaoling seems to have received candy, and her face is full of joy, which is in line with her age.

"Ah! I almost forgot that when my father asked me to prepare for tomorrow, big brother, I'll leave first. See you tomorrow! "

Before his voice fell, Xiaoling rushed out of the cliff.

Looking at Xiao Ling, Jiang Yuan smiles and sits on the jade bed.


It's night.

Jiang Yuan couldn't sleep for a long time. The world was too strange. It seemed that everything was different from the original world, but it seemed that this was the world. Jiang Yuan didn't understand what happened.

Forget to waist vacancy, Jiang Yuan full of doubts.

The curse should have happened in this world. After all, it was the black air that brought him here!

Maybe this is the elder martial sister's reminder?

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly, but he didn't know where to start. Now he seemed to be pushed on the road, completely lost his previous sense of control, and seemed to be pushed forward all the time.

"Master! Rou'er may let you down! "

Suddenly, a sob interrupts Jiang Yuan in his thinking.

"What are you crying about in the middle of the night? It's very cautious!"

Jiang Yuan frowned slightly and walked out of the cave. He didn't want to jump off the cliff.

"Rou'er has been practicing sword for more than ten years, but if she doesn't, it's hard for her to become a swordsman. Today's battle with Yiteng's apprentice is even worse, but she's really ashamed of her teacher's instruction!"

The voice continued, and the cry became louder and louder, as if it was really in response to Jiang Yuan's statement.

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