My younger martial brother didn't expect to have such strong strength. It's really gratifying!

But Su Rou, who had been watching the battle, couldn't sit still. Jiang Yuan only revealed this. How can this work!

Thinking of this, Su Rou exclaimed: "Jiang Yuan! Are you a man? Dare you fight like a man? I don't think you're as good as a woman! "

Hearing Su Rou's sarcasm, Jiang Yuan shrugs slightly. Does she look like a man? Su Rou's words don't count. He obviously doesn't pay attention to Su Rou's words.

Jiang Yuan didn't pay attention to it, but Li Hao listened to it completely!

What does Su Rou mean?

This is to help him!

Today he surou helped himself, and tomorrow he will not fall in love with himself!?

Thinking of this, Li Hao smiles like a brother pig.

Jiang Yuan has goose bumps.

"Forget it. I've tried enough. I'd better not stay here."

Jiang Yuan secretly shook his head and gathered in a fierce manner.

"Tianjie secret method! The abyss is demonized

Jiang Yuan's momentum soared, his figure rose instantly, with a pair of dark sharp corners and a body full of secret muscles. The appearance alone was enough to attract a group of fans.

"Wow! That's very handsome, isn't it

"MD, this is a man. Compared with Jiang Yuan, Li Hao is a piece of shit."

"No! It's a thrilling feeling! "


In a flash, the fans began to exclaim.

"How powerful! That's his real strength? "

Su Rou is slightly stunned. She looks at Jiang Yuan's figure and whispers.


A thunder exploded, and Jiang Yuan's figure moved with the sound!


Jiang Yuan's fist has been inserted into Li Hao's body, and the meat fragrance is from Li Hao. At this time, Li Hao has been electrified and can't die any more.

Take down the heaven and earth ring on Li Hao's hand. Jiang Yuan smiles and takes back all his spiritual power.

"That's it?"

"That's too strong!"

"Li Hao was completely unprepared and turned into a corpse in an instant? The yuan is too strong

"More than strong! This TMD is God! The son of the king

"This supreme hall must be a hermit God sect, otherwise it would not be able to cultivate such a powerful person!"


After a long silence, the crowd took a breath of cool air, and it was boiling.

"Good How strong! The master in the cave, what he said is true! I can only take advantage of this yuan to win! "

Su Rou recalled the blow she had just made and kept thinking about whether she could take Jiang Yuangang's blow.

"Younger martial brother It's too strong. It's a bit evil! Don't say the third, the first is possible

At this moment, Li Qingshan's daughter is also fully aware of Jiang Yuan's strength, but what she doesn't know is that Jiang Yuan hasn't fully burst out of his full strength!

Now in fact, even Jiang Yuan does not know what kind of height his current strength can reach. Anyway, he is invincible!

"Boy! Sure enough, I have lived up to my expectations. It seems that the matter of the supreme palace is not false! "

Seeing Jiang Yuan's attack, the master of Yuan's mysterious realm was also in constant praise.

"My lord?"

And there is another person on the challenge arena who is constantly complaining. Can the master be more reliable?

"Brother Jiang Yuan, you are wonderful! Xiaoling also seems to learn from big brother's transformation! It's amazing

Facing the landing Jiang Yuan Xiaoling quickly ran up.

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