"This is..."

Liu Feng opened the bag of heaven and earth and was stunned.

I saw the heaven and earth bag, as if it was filled with sugar beans. It was full of the best julingdan with three Dan patterns.

If you let out the news of this bag of julingdan, I don't know how many strong men of King Wu will come to rob it.

"Lie, trough, one hundred elixirs! Boss, it's too expensive! "

Liu Feng quickly pushed back the bag of heaven and earth.

These pills are indeed very valuable to him. These 100 pills can be said to be equivalent to the foundation of all the families in Tianyang town.

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said firmly: "I want you to help the Jiang family and strengthen yourself. This is my investment in you. Don't let me down!"

Jiang Yuan trusted Liu Feng. When the ancestors of the Ma family came to the Jiang family yesterday to shout, Jiang Yuan affirmed Liu Feng's loyalty.

Around is a little distrust, Jiang Yuan will never use him!

Seeing that Jiang Yuan was not joking, Liu Feng no longer refused. He took the bag and said, "don't worry, boss!"


The sun rises and the sky is bright.

Jiang Wen looked at the young man who was almost the same height as him. He was full of relief and asked in a deep voice, "are you going?"

Jiang Yuan nodded and said with a smile, "yes, father, take care. If you have anything, you can go to Hutou gang. They are children's people."

"Ha ha ha, don't worry. What happened to Tianyang town over the years? At most, it's just a little thing about the town surrounded by animals. "

Jiang Wen shook his head, his eyes flashed a little crystal.

"That child is unfilial, then go to that day Lan City to make a career, and then come back to do this filial piety."

Jiang Yuan clasped his hands and bent his straight waist. The only one who could make him bend in his life was his parents!

"Yuan'er, don't care here. It's not your world here. It's your world out there!"

Jiang Wen quickly picked up Jiang Yuan.

"The father's gone."

Without seeing off or onlookers, Jiang Yuan left peacefully

But the figure did not have the slightest sense of loneliness, on the contrary, it was with a towering momentum!

Jinlin is not a thing in the pool. It will turn into a dragon in case of storm!

As Jiang Wen said, out of this Tianyang Town, the whole world is Jiang Yuan's!


Ma's courtyard.

Ma's grandfather sat at the table, looking at the engraving that appeared on the table at some time, and his face was full of panic.

"Although the Jiang family is no longer my Jiang Yuan's family, it is not something you can bully. If you dare to move the Jiang family, no matter where I am, I will kill you and kill you!"

Although this is a naked shame for the Ma family, but put the strength of Jiang Yuan there, the Ma family is also dare to anger.


Looking at the inscriptions on the table, the owner of the Ma family is sweating, like a knife hanging on his head, which makes this man in Tianyang town so busy that he can only look at his ancestors.

In silence, Jiang Yuan didn't know when to carve these words on their table. If his target was them, they would not be able to sit here now!

Looking back on yesterday's terror, the ancestor of the Ma family said in a trembling voice: "order to go down. Everything that will cause conflict with the Jiang family will be given to the Jiang family!"

At this time, Jiang Yuan has been on the way to Tianlan city.

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