"Don't believe him, chief! This boy is disabled. How can he be the leader of our supreme hall? "

"Yes, I think this boy probably wants to humiliate our supreme hall!"

"Yes, this is the biggest shame to our boss and our supreme hall!"


Seeing his leader's hesitation, the others quickly persuaded him. In their eyes, Jiang Yuan had completely become their belief. They would never allow anyone to speak to humiliate Jiang Yuan or the supreme hall.

"Younger martial brother, I didn't expect that you are very important in the supreme hall, but it seems that people in the supreme hall don't know you very well."

Hearing the words of several people, Li Qingshan's daughter also joked.

"Er, probably because I spend less time in the supreme Hall..."

Jiang Yuan scratched his head, slightly embarrassed.

"Old Boss

There was a scream in the distance.

Before Jiang Yuan turned around, a fragrant wind rushed into his arms.

Jiang Yuan lowered his head and fixed his eyes, only to find that there was already a tearful person in his arms.

"Where have you been in these three months? Why didn't you send back any news? Do you know how I spent these three months? "

Chu Mengyou in her arms is crying and patting Jiang Yuan's chest to vent her worries in the past three months.

"Mengyou is my fault. It worries you."

Jiang Yuan lowers his head, looks at the tearful eyes in his arms, and holds Chu Mengyou in his arms with his left arm.

"You Your right arm? "

After venting for a long time, Chu Mengyou calmed down. Looking at Jiang Yuan's empty right arm, he asked softly.

"No problem."

Jiang Yuan's face was calm and he said with a smile.

"You must not be living well these days."

Looking at Jiang Yuan's right arm, Chu Mengyou instantly put down all the worries and pains in the past three months. What's the pain of his broken arm.

"Fortunately, in fact, your three months are only a few days for me."

Jiang Yuan smiles a little, what he says is true indeed.

However, in other people's ears, he could not help sighing that Jiang Yuan was too optimistic about honing!

"Don't treat them badly this time. It's my best arrangement to bring them back to the hall."

Looking at Liu Feng, Jiang Yuan immediately ordered him to go down.

However, Liu Feng did not directly follow Jiang Yuan's arrangement, but quickly came forward.

"What's the matter?"

Jiang Yuan asked with a slight frown.

"There's something wrong with douhun college. Now the people of Wang family and the people of Yan state surround douhun college. It's said that they are preparing to destroy the whole douhun college!"

Liu Feng came to Jiang Yuan's ear and whispered.

"What? Did the royal family of the kingdom of Dawu not do anything? "

Jiang Yuan was confused. He would never have thought that such a change would happen in the Imperial City in just three months.

"No, even the students from douhun college are few. Now douhun college may be destroyed at any time."

Liu Feng shook his head.

"Elder martial sister, it seems that we can't rest."

Turning his head, Jiang Yuan looks at Li Qingshan's daughter.

"Going again?"

Chu Mengyou hears speech slightly a Zheng, the face is full of worry.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon this time."

Jiang Yuan smiles a little, and his face is full of self-confidence. Now he has the double blessing of the power of God and the power of ancient martial arts. Even in the face of Wuzong, he is not afraid.

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