The royal city of the kingdom of Dawu, the hall of the Wang family.

At this time, Wang long, the head of the Wang family, was excited.

"Dad! Today can be regarded as a bad breath. When the douhun college is destroyed, one third of the inside information of douhun college is our Wang family! It's just the kingdom of fire spirit... "

On the lobby, Wang you looks excited.

"Shh! Are you free to talk about the Lord of Huoling kingdom? "

Wang Long interrupts at once.

"It's just that a pillar of incense has passed. Normally speaking, douhun college should have been broken. Why hasn't it come back yet?"

Wang Long said that he was worried. Although the possibility of Wuzong of Huoling Kingdom being blocked was very small, he still had some worries in his heart.

"Dad, don't worry. I think they must be sharing the stuff of douhun college. After all, it's a piece of fat! With the reason and strength of huolingguo, none of them dare to support the douhun academy! "

Wang you looks contemptuous. In his eyes, the royal family has become the heaven of the kingdom of Dawu, and he doesn't pay attention to the royal family.


With thunder, Jiang Yuanfei went over the Wang family.

Looking down, a high mountain stands slightly. Looking at the houses that stretch out under it, Jiang Yuan smiles.

"Dad! Listen, it's a good news

Wang You shouts to Wang long.

"Here comes the good news?"

Wang Long is slightly a Leng, the worry in the heart is more powerful.

"The people of the Wang family come out to take the blame!"

At this time, a sharp drink sounded over the Wang family.

Jiang Yuan's voice spread to every corner of the Wang family.

Because most of the people of the Wang family went to douhun college, the guards of the Wang family were extremely rare.

Only a few people rushed after hearing the news.

"Is it Jiang Yuan?"

"Why did he come?"

"How did the devil come back? Is douhun college still alive? "


One by one surprised voice from below, obviously very afraid of Jiang Yuan.

"Well! Jiang Yuan, how dare you make trouble in my Wang family? Shouldn't you go to your douhun college to see if your martial brothers are OK! Ha ha ha... "

Looking at Jiang Yuan in the sky, Wang long, the head of Wang's family, laughed loudly.

"Jiang Yuan didn't expect you to have today! The pursuit of Huo Ling kingdom is that no matter how talented you are, what's the use? You are nothing before you grow up! "

Wang You echoed.

"You mean this?"

Jiang Yuan laughed scornfully, threw his left hand and fell down with a touch of blood.

Looking at the things Jiang Yuan left behind in the sky, Wang long and Wang you quickly turned to the elixir field, and looked on guard.


Lift your left hand.

The blood color settled down before it fell to the ground.

Take a close look, Wang you and Wang long look pale!

Because it was the head of the elder of the king's family that fell in front of them!

"How can it be!? The elder is dead! "

"Is it Jiang Yuan? That's Wuzong! "

"No! I don't believe it


For a moment, everyone in the Wang family took a breath.


The thunder trembled.

In front of him, Jiang Yiguang falls into the shape of a dragon.

"Now it's your turn to pay the debt!"

Hold it with your left hand.

He slowly turned Jiang's hand into lavender in front of him.


Without waiting for Wang long to struggle, Jiang Yuan gently grasped Wang long and turned him into a pool of coke.

Wang You's father, Wu Huang, died in front of him without any resistance

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