Looking at the three tall buildings in front of him, Jiang Yuan was surprised.

It's true that he said at that time that it was just a spur of the moment, but it took only three months. Now the Jiuling pavilion has set up a high-rise building for refining utensils, and even stands side by side with the way of alchemy, which has been handed down for hundreds of years.

Jiang Yuan flies to Chu Mengyou's room.

Before the same table, Chu Mengyou is still busy with all kinds of practical processing.

"Didn't you say that? You don't have to work so hard. "

Jiang Yuan quietly into the room, looking at the light of Chu Mengyou whispered.

"Jiang Yuan!"

Hearing this, Chu Mengyou turns his head and looks at Jiang Yuan with surprise.

Then he jumped up and jumped into Jiang Yuan's arms without looking back.

"I'm not ashamed. People are looking at me, so you just turn to me? I'll see what you'll do in the future. "

Comforting Chu Mengyou in his arms, Jiang Yuan gently reminds him.


Smell speech Chu dream you this just slow over God, quickly earn to get out of Jiang Yuan's arms, looking at the door is a face embarrassed bodyguard, and subordinates, quickly shout: "you all back down, no one is allowed to enter this room without my command."


Wen Yan several people hurried out of the room.

"No one is allowed to enter the room? Are you afraid of... "

Jiang Yuan said in Chu Mengyou's ear called for a while, lying in his ear whispered: "disturb us?"

"Bah! Pooh! Pooh

Hearing the words, Chu Mengyou quickly pushes Jiang Yuan away, and his face turns red. Chu Mengyou, who is as cool as an iceberg in front of him, now looks like a shy girl, with her eyes in a hurry.

"You will bully me!"

After a while, Chu Mengyou calmed down and cried out.

"I didn't bully you. I mean I'm afraid to disturb our discussion. How can you say I bully you?"

Jiang Yuan said with a smile.

"Bah incorrect!? Your arm? "

Chu Mengyou looks at Jiang Yuan's right hand and suddenly shouts.

"I took a pill of shengpindan, and now it's all right!"

Hehe, hehe, put the credit on the system instead of yuan.

"Saint Shengpin pill

Chu Mengyou is a little surprised. Jiang Yuan says that shengpin pill is the same as tangdou.

"I happen to get it. By the way, if your master takes this pill, he will be able to recover, but I'm going to return a favor with another elixir And now there is no magic medicine. If I find one, I can practice one for your master. "

Jiang Yuan scratched his head and said softly.

"Practice the holy pill!"

Chu Mengyou is completely confused. His man Jiang Yuan has a prescription for shengpin pills. More importantly, he can refine shengpin pills!?

What level of Dan master is this!?

Holy rank Dan master!?

"Well, it's the elixir you need, holy stone."

Jiang Yuan nodded and said with a smile.


Jiang Yuan's Dan Fang is at a loss for Chu Mengyou.

"By the way, it's time for Jiuling pavilion to expand out!"

To Dan Fang, Jiang Yuan youyou said a word.

"Outward expansion? How to expand? "

Chu Mengyou is puzzled. Although the current Jiuling Pavilion is developing rapidly, it is still too early to say that it will expand. After all, the Jiuling Pavilion is no more powerful than the expansion of power. It needs a lot of human and material resources to expand, which is weak for the current Jiuling Pavilion.

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