In the morning, Qiao Wei arrived at Jiang Yuan's door.

"Young master, I made such a decision yesterday. Did I disobey you?"

Looking at Jiang Yuan, Qiao Wei asked softly.

Jiang Yuan shook his head and said, "what's behind my mind? How can your heart affect mine? What's more, your decision is exactly what I want to see. At this meeting, I can have a good look at the influence of the owl dragon and make some plans for the future. "

"That's good."

Smell speech Qiao Wei eyebrow a Shu, repeatedly nod.

"Early in the morning, you two are so affectionate. I'm a lonely family. How do you want me to live?"

At this time, a head sticking out of the door on one side was xuanyuankun.

"All alone."

Jiang Yuan smiles.

"Bah! Pooh! Pooh! I don't want it. I want to have fun! Come on, let's go to the Tianyuan meeting to see the customs of different schools! "

Xuanyuankun shook his head after hearing the speech.

"You're going, too?"

Jiang Yuan had a slight meal.

"Of course, my elder sister said that this time I went to the Tianyuan meeting is an experience for me, and I will certainly attend it in time!"

Xuanyuankun looked up at the sky 45 degrees, a state of complacency.

"Bah! It's not that elder Yue is going to lead the team, but you, as her true disciple, naturally need to go with her. By the way, let you have a long experience. Otherwise, who will let you go with you! Otherwise, how bad is it to teach brother Jiang Yuan badly? Is it younger martial sister Qiao Wei

Just then a light smile came from behind the three.

The three turned to look, and saw Yuqing coming.

"You!? What are you doing here? "

Hearing that xuanyuankun retreated, he was impressed with Yuqing, especially the three figures lying on the ground.

"What? Looking for a fight? Who's the female devil? I'll tell you that elder Yue asked me to urge you. She's already waiting for you! "

Hear the speech jade Qing Jiao angry one.

"Ah? No, I'll go first, or my sister will have to beat me up later. "

Wen Yan didn't wait for the words to finish, Xuanyuan Kun left three people with a muddled face and walked away.

"Younger martial brother Kun is really acute."

Qiao Wei said with a frown.

"He's just afraid of being beaten."

Yu Qing shrugged.

"Let's go, too."

Jiang Yuan also shook his head, but a smile.


"Sister! Don't fight again! If you fight again, you will be killed! "

"There! You can't fight there! If you don't hit people in the face, you... "



Before they reached the palace, a scream had already been heard.

"Ah? Here you are

See three people have to Xuanyuan Qian finally let go of that face full of tragic words Xuanyuan Kun.

"For Why did my sister stop when you came... "

Difficult to climb up from the ground, Xuanyuan Kun trembling voice.

"Because we are outsiders, we can't fight in front of outsiders any more."

Jiang Yuan said with a frivolous smile.

"I What's wrong with me? Doesn't that mean I I should have come with you. In this case... "

Think of xuanyuankun can no longer speak, the heart of a surge of depression, almost tears did not hang on the face.

"Well Poor baby

Jiang Yuan had no choice but to smile and shake his head slightly.


Qiao Wei and Yu Qing are laughing.

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