"Brother Do you want to be so realistic? "

Xuanyuankun saw that there was no love in his life.

"Less nonsense, today..."

Xuanyuanqian sneered.

"Sister!? Can you stop fighting? There are so many people in the street. Aren't you afraid of other people's jokes this time? "

Xuanyuankun quickly waved back.

"What's wrong with so many people? No matter how many people there are, it's no use. I'm the elder. It's natural for me to teach the younger! "

Can't help but say, Xuan Yuan Qian body a jump is a fist to blow out mercilessly of how in Xuan Yuan Kun's chest top.

Jiang Yuan, who witnessed the tragedy from a close distance, shook his head and said: "your sister really doesn't need any reason to beat you. It's not that you have to be beaten for committing a crime, but that if she wants to beat you, you will be beaten!"

After a while of punching and kicking, the pedestrians on the street are shaking their heads, xuanyuankun is also staggering from the ground to climb up, xuanyuanqian is ignored directly into the Longling Pavilion.

"Get up. Although elder Qingyue's fists seem unimportant, every one of them is to avoid the key points, and there seems to be some strange power in his fists."

Jiang Yuan reaches out his hand and pulls xuanyuankun up from the ground.

"Bah! What strange power, I only see a lady fighting

Xuanyuankun frowned and scolded.

"Be careful, elder Qingyue will come out and fight again!"

Jiang Yuan smell speech to remind a, frighten of that Xuan Yuan Kun quickly cover mouth.

Entering the Longling Pavilion, Jiang Yuan goes directly to Qiao Wei's room.

Just outside the door, Jiang Yuan already felt a strong spiritual wave surging in Qiao Wei's room. It was obvious that Qiao Wei was going to break through.

Jiang Yuan didn't bother, just stood outside the door and waited.

For a long time, the fluctuation of spirit power in the house gradually became stable, and slowly dissipated in the invisible.

When practicing, practitioners will set a spiritual blockade, and will not release any fluctuation. Only when breaking through, the spiritual power is difficult to control, and can not release the fluctuation.

And now the fluctuation of psychic power in the house is gradually stable, it must be that the breakthrough is over.

"Dong, Dong, Dong!"

Tap on the door.

"Young master! Come in

Difficult to press the excitement in patience, Qiao Wei shouts directly.

Without hesitation, Jiang Yuan directly pushed the door open, "it seems that you have made a breakthrough?"

Wen Yan Qiao Wei nodded like a chicken.


Jiang Yuan's mouth is light. Although he had expected that his pills would soon upgrade Qiao Wei's capital level, he didn't expect that it would be so fast.

"Young master, your pills are too easy to use. Compared with the pills issued by guanghanzong, they are many times stronger."

Qiao Wei smiles, her face is full of joy, and her grade always catches up with her young master, which makes her feel more happy.

"That's natural. It's tailor-made for you by my young master. Of course, this pill is very powerful!"

Jiang Yuan clapped his chest and chuckled.

"Young master, how many stars are you now?"

Qiao Wei hears speech to ask a way in a hurry.

"Me? I'm Wuxing Wuzong now. You girl suddenly asked, "what are you doing?"

Jiang Yuan doesn't understand.

"Young master, the level gap between us is getting closer and closer, and I have a king level God seed company. Our strength is almost the same, and we will be able to share one or two for young master in the future."

Qiao Wei showed a bright smile, like the sun.

"God seed? You mean this? "

On Jiang Yuan's body, a flash of light disappeared.

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