This is the ultimate ice blue.

At this moment, Qiao Wei looks like a deity, with a little frost on her brow, like the ice bound world conquering emperor. Behind her, there are three ice covered swords, each of which has the power to kill the gods!

"Shengpin martial arts, Jiuyou sword!"

Qiao Wei whispered, and three long swords began to dance around her body with her voice.

In the twinkling of an eye, it turns into three dancing dragons, tearing, twisting and breaking the whole space.

"What's this!? The first appearance of Jiuyou sword

See xuanyuanqian already don't know what to say, this scene has shocked her.

"What do you mean?"

Xuan Yuan Kun some don't understand of ask a way.

"The founder of Jiuyou sword, the ancestor of guanghanzong, used it very differently from us. It is said that what we used was just the castrated version of Jiuyou sword."

Xuanyuanqian whispered softly.

"What do you mean? Do you mean this is the real nine you sword

Smell speech Xuan Yuan Kun immediately turned to look at the sky, for fear of missing Qiao Wei's any action.

"Yes, it's said that Jiuyou cold pulse and Qiaowei belong to the same kind. Now Qiaowei must have realized the true meaning of Jiuyou sword, and exerted her strength to the extreme through Jiuyou cold pulse!"

Xuanyuan Qian nodded.

"What is this?"

Hai buchou looks at the scene in front of him and is completely confused. Although he is a proud man, he has never seen such a posture in the struggle among his peers.


Qiao Wei didn't reply, one sword turned into three swords, three swords in one sword.

With a sword, heaven and earth seem to be divided into two at this moment, and the island is also divided into two with this sword.

"Qiao Wei won! Let me just say that today, guanghanzong won the victory! We are bound to win this battle

Xuanyuankun laughed.

“??? I've just met someone. I'm in a hurry. "

Xuanyuan Qian shook his head.

"Hoo! It's good that I can run fast! Or I'll die in the hands of that woman today! "

When the sword fell, Hai buchou was the first to surrender and escape. Now he has appeared outside the small world.

"Haibuchou lost? How could this kid lose? Who's so overbearing! "

See the sea not worry figure suddenly appeared, has been waiting in the alleys of people, is more talk.

"Go, go, go, go. It's none of your business that I lose and I win!"

He pushed them away and haibuchou ran out of the alley.


At this time, the struggle in the small world was over, and the remaining 200 people were also spread to the location of zhongzongmen.

"Qiao Wei!"

Jiang Yuan has been waiting here for a long time. Just after seeing Qiao Wei's figure, he directly runs up. Although he is calm and cold on the surface, he is really sweating in his heart. Now he is relieved to see Qiao Wei's safe return.

"Young master, how is Qiao Wei's performance today?"

Looking at Jiang Yuan, Qiao Wei is also happy, just hard and painful as if at this moment all dissipated.

"Yes! Yes, of course! It seems that I can no longer regard you as the little servant girl of the Jiang family! "

Jiang Yuan nodded. Before his heart, he really murmured about Qiao Wei and her determination.

The first world war just hit Jiang Yuan in the face.

"Young master, in front of you, I will always be your little servant girl!"

Qiao Wei gave a silly smile.

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