"Did Zhu ran admit defeat?"

"The weakest man actually won the first place..."

"Is that the power of money?"

"If I had so many of her treasures, I would be the first one!"


Looking at the island slowly dissipating in the sky, people talked about it.

"All right!"

Just then a cold voice came from the sky.

Wen Yan, Jiang Yuan's heart is also slightly trembling.

"It's him!"

A wave of anger and resentment went straight up to my chest.

No matter how far and how changeable the voice is, he will never forget it!


The guy who took the pulse from his body!

"Jiang Yuan? What's the matter with you? "

Noticing Jiang Yuan's change, Xuanyuan Kun asked softly.

Like a basin of cold water splashing Jiang Yuan wake up.

Shaking his head, Jiang Yuan put down everything in his heart. The anger has been squeezed in his heart for a long time. If it just broke out, maybe Jiang Yuan would fall into an irrational rampage.


Jiang Yuan turned to smile.

"Qiao Wei has a problem with this guy. Why did the kingdom of God send him here today?"

Looking at the sky slowly down, a cold man in blood, xuanyuankun frowned slightly.

"It seems that the kingdom of God is not optimistic about Qiao Wei, but if it wasn't for these boxes of treasures, I'm afraid no one would be optimistic about Qiao Wei."

Xuanyuan Qian is also frowning and whispering.

"It's OK. Qiao Wei can cope with it. It's just that this man is here. I don't know the result of this battle..."

Jiang Yuan didn't finish his words.

But the man in the sky said, "let's call it a day!"

Once this remark was made, the people under the stage began to talk again.

"Yes! With these treasures, even I can be number one. Why can she help us? "

"If everyone takes advantage of the treasure to be number one, what's the use of our efforts?"

"Yes, with this year's precedent, next year will be the arena of treasure ware. Everyone will take the money to make a first. What's the use of this meeting?"

"No way! She has already won the first prize. How can she cancel it? Besides, which one of Zhu Ran's bamboo sticks and Huomu's armor is not a treasure? Why can't someone else win the first prize with a treasure? "


"If you say so, do it?"

Qiaowei's voice sounded from the open space.


Smell speech Xiao Long sneer a, full of disdain.

"When I get the first place, I'm already the first. You can't do it in a word!"

Qiao Wei said that she would fly to the sky and stand face to face with Xiaolong.

"My God! Isn't Qiao Wei afraid to die? "

Looking at Qiao Wei's action, Xuanyuan Kun is confused.

"That's the right thing to do!"

Jiang Yuan shook his head.

"What do you mean?"

Xuan Yuan Kun some don't understand of ask a way.

"Xiaolong doesn't dare to fight in front of so many people. Here is the clan of the whole Tianyuan continent. He fights in front of these people and is in the Star Dragon Spirit city. He wants to ignore the whole Tianyuan continent and provoke all forces of the whole Tianyuan continent. If so, even the first force of the kingdom of God will collapse!"

One side of Xuanyuan Qian explained.

"I represent the kingdom of God!"

Xiaolong smell speech brow a wrinkly, body momentum a put, direct pressure down.

In an instant, the whole assembly field, kneeling down a large area.

"The kingdom of God? So what? This is Tianyuan mainland! We are all practitioners on the Tianyuan continent. Why should we listen to the word of your kingdom? "

Qiao Wei did not give in.

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