Super Game Upgrade Summoning System

Chapter 235 Fire Suppression

Seeing this, the demon kings watching the battle from a distance were shocked.

The golden-haired demon king exclaimed: "Awesome!"

The distance, speed, and density of this wave of arrow rain are far superior to ordinary armies.

Bows and arrows are powerful, but people are even more powerful!

This first wave of beasts is composed of low-level monsters such as iron-backed wolves and rodents, and their strength is generally around the first or second level of the body refining realm.

Although their strength is not strong, their numbers are huge, so this loss is just a drop in the bucket.

Seeing the tragic death of their companions in front of them, they have aroused their ferocity!


Another wave of arrow rain fell, and the monsters in the front died in large numbers!

But their speed is not comparable to that of ordinary armies. They are advancing rapidly in the rain of arrows.

Seeing this, Li Mufan shouted: "Catapults, fire!"

With his order, the catapults on the city wall blasted out huge iron balls, drawing an arc in the air and smashing down on their heads!

The monsters that were hit turned into meat patties. The iron balls bounced quickly after landing, plowing out bloody paths.


Some of the masters in the distance gasped.

However, the monsters didn't know what fear was. In the dense herd of beasts, the wolves and rodents close to the iron balls roared and jumped up, crashed into the iron balls, and were crushed in an instant.

They continued to crash into the iron balls, and actually stopped them!

Seeing this act of suicide, many Ming soldiers were surprised.

Liu Long shouted: "Don't stand there! Smash! Keep smashing!"

Accompanied by the rain of arrows, dozens of iron balls fell to the ground!

The scene in front of them was extremely tragic. The monsters that were running wildly were stopped by the terrifying firepower four or five hundred meters away from the city!

In just a moment, there were countless corpses piled up in that place.

The speed of the beast tide slowed down. They advanced step by step at the cost of their lives.

But the terrible rain of arrows and iron balls showed no sign of stopping.

This turned into a tug-of-war.

As time went on, the frequency of the Ming army's bows slowed down, and the iron balls seemed to be running out, and the beast tide's advancement speed suddenly increased a lot.

On the mountain peak, Liu Qinghan and the other two women frowned slightly.

Elsewhere, the red-haired female demon king sneered: "If they only have this ability, I'm afraid they can't even stop this first wave of beast tide!"

But before she finished her words, Li Mufan on the city wall shouted: "Second Division down, Third Division on top!"

As soon as a short horn sounded, a group of new Ming troops immediately rushed to the city wall, replacing the second division whose arms were sore.

As soon as the fresh troops arrived, the rain of arrows in the sky became dense again!

It turned out that only the second division was fighting just now, and the first and third divisions did not go out!

The beast tide suffered another painful blow, and the retreating second division immediately went to replenish arrows and take pills.

It won't be long before they can recover their combat effectiveness!

The demon kings looked at each other, and the woman in green took a deep breath and said, "I'm afraid this first wave won't be able to rush down."

On another mountain, an old elf frowned.

"Everyone, if our warriors face this Ming army, what chances do we have of winning?"

The seven or eight elves behind him immediately fell silent.

After a while, a middle-aged elf man sighed, "Grand Elder, I think the chances of winning are no more than four..."


The Grand Elder shook his head and said, "In my opinion, without the help of the magician, we can't even guarantee a chance of winning!"

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