Super Genius Bodyguard

Chapter 297 Return To Tianshan Sect

As soon as Ge Youliang heard that, Yu Yang is no longer a disciple of our sect, and I don't know where he went. Since you have said this, I can only say that I will try to send someone to help you find it. Don't be happy if you get it, and don't blame me if you can't find you.

, Thinking of this, he hurriedly suppressed the urge to break through, walked out of the Gathering Spirit Pagoda and came to a very remote place, and only then did he run his skills again and start to break through.

, at this time, the dark clouds in the air seemed to be heard. Yu Yang turned into a violent tumbling and began to roll violently. In the clouds, lightning flashed and thunder, and it was louder than before. Yu Yang thought to himself when he saw it. take risks.

As soon as Ge Youliang hears about it, we will try our best to find him. Although he said he will return to our Tianshan Sect, the Primordial Continent is so big that it is very difficult for us to find someone. Can we find him? It's all about luck.

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, Ge Youliang nodded and said, "Okay, we will accept the things, but whether we can find him or not, it is not certain. As soon as Zhang Feng heard that Sect Master Yu Yang said clearly, he still wanted to return. He came to your Tianshan Sect, so it should be easier for you to find him.

, After half a month of practice, Yu Yang's level has made great progress. On this day, Yu Yang felt that the power of his body was running very fast, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was constantly moving towards him. Converging, Yu Yang knew at a glance that he was about to break through again.

, the grid is bright, when I mentioned Sect Master Ge in front of me, this is what Yu Yang asked me to put here, this box contains the strong soul fruit Yu Yang asked for, he said that when he comes back one day, let you guys Give this to him.

, at this moment, a flash of lightning flashed across the air and a loud bang was heard in the air. Yu Yang fell to the ground with a thud.

, after the call ended, Yu Yang was so happy, let alone mention it. In a blink of an eye, another 10 days passed. On this day, Yu Yang pretended to let the disciples of the Tianshan Sect find him and returned to the Tianshan Sect.

, after a while, a dark cloud covered Yu Yang's head. In this dark cloud, there were lightning and faint thunder, and Yu Yang felt that at this moment, there was a very majestic look staring at him. .

, After two minutes, Yu Yang got up from the ground and shouted in midair how? Sir, I can hold it, isn't it Lei Jie? Come and come and come again.

, Yu Yang's side is cultivating in a very secluded mountain ring. He was practising when he felt movement in the communication talisman in his arms. He hurriedly finished the practice and took it out to hear Ge Youliang's voice shouting, after a while You can come back, Yu Yang was very happy after hearing this, thinking that this medicine Wangshan finally compromised.

, Thinking of this, he felt very happy in his heart, thinking that this is why the wicked have their own grind. People like Yaowangshan should let Yu Yang clean them up. Usually you see them relying on themselves to control the whole cultivation. resources of the world. , is invincible, does not put anyone in the eye.

, The reason for this time, Lei Jie, was much stronger than when he killed Jin Dan Lei Jie. At this time, he felt all the hairs on his body stand up.

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, and then heard Ge Youliang continue to say, I didn't see that your kid is really good, and you got the strong soul fruit. Yu Yang was very happy when he heard that, thinking that he had the strong soul fruit, just wait until it breaks through Yan Mengjiao can be woken up when the cause period is over.

, I thought, even if I stay here, Lei Jie won't let me go, let's just starve the timid to death, I can face him, and when I think of this, I will see Yu Yang running in the body. His skill went up, and Lei Jieyun rushed up.

, at that time, he just thought right, if I fail like this or die, who will save Meng Jiao, no, no matter what, I have to pass this thunder tribulation, and I must succeed. Breakthrough, thinking of this and seeing Yu Yang running the power in his body, he is ready to resist this thunder calamity.

, that is, as soon as Yu Yang was in mid-air, it was suddenly above his head, and a thunder knot descended with a loud bang, watching Yu Yang fall to the ground with a plop from mid-air.

, thinking of this, he was full of energy, and he began to continue to transcend the thunder tribulation. The reason is Lei Jie, which is more than the Jindan thunder calamity. The reason is Lei Jie, there are 81 heavenly thunders in total, and soon Yu Yang will make 81 heavenly thunders. Lei all escaped just like this, Yu Yang successfully broke through to the seventh day of the reason.

, that is, not long after he returned to Tianshan Sect, he took over the position of the head of the Law Enforcement Hall again. , Yu Yang has been there all the time since he came back this time, hurry up to practice, because he wants to hurry up and cure Yan Mengjiao so that he can wake up early.

, Yu Yang doesn't look good, he is still in the Juling Pagoda. If he breaks through the cause period, he will accept the baptism of Thunder Tribulation. He is still in the Ju Ling Pagoda. Giant Tower. , is it broken?

, This Ge Youliang, the more he thought about it, the more happy he felt, he stretched out his hand from his arms, took out a messenger talisman, squeezed it in his hand, and shouted at the messenger suit Yu Yang, you can come back after a while.

, On this day, Yu Yang entered the Juling Pagoda again to practice. This time he entered the Juling Pagoda for 15 days, and Yu Yang also climbed up 10 floors from the original 9th ​​floor.

, As soon as Zhang Feng heard that, then I would like to thank Sect Master Ge for saying this. He stretched out a hand from his arms and took out a box, which contained the strong soul fruit.

, Ge Youliang nodded and said, "Okay, that's what I said." Zhang Feng immediately said, "Okay, Sect Master Ge, then I'll take my leave. After saying that, he turned around and left. After he left, Ge Youliang was happy at the time, thinking that this Yu Yang is really good.

, It seems that this Yaowangshan is really in a hurry, otherwise they will not put down their face and come to our Tianshan Sect to ask me for help in finding Yu Yang and I promise to let Yu Yang come back again.

, At this time, Yu Yang couldn't have the slightest idea of ​​resistance. If it continued like this, if Lei Jie came down, Yu Yang would definitely die. At this moment, Yu Yang heard Yan Mengjiao calling him.

, Zhang Feng said right away, as long as you promise us to help us find Yu Yang, our sect will find him and let him come back.

, Yu Yang almost vomited blood at this moment. , It took him a long time to get up from the ground. At this time, Yu Yang felt that after he survived two thunder tribulations, his body seemed to have changed a lot, and it was not as uncomfortable as before. This discovery made Yu Yang very excited, thinking that it seemed that Lei Jie wanted to spend this time, but Ye was not so hard.

, you really don't say it, it's not ambiguous, this thunder calamity really let Yu Yang take it down, but, looking at Yu Yang's hair, all of Yu Yang's hair has become yellow and even his beard is burnt out.

, this time, it is estimated that Yu Yang tossed them a lot, and see if they will be so mad in the future, this thing is too good.

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