
Su Ping vulgarly exclaimed in the blink of an eye, his body suddenly violent, shattered to extremely radical, even the dust was not superfluous, thoroughly buried!

The figure above his eyes was a little cold.

Although he didn’t understand Su Ping’s language, it didn’t affect that he could sense Su Ping’s evil thoughts, this kind of stupid joke, so that he once again faced the inanimate race to feel disgusted!

After a little punishment, he calculated to wait for Su Ping to come back to life again, directly peeling off this small soul life, finding the truth himself, and at the same time bringing this stupid soul permanently imprisoned in his own realm below, wanting to die!


Five seconds, ten seconds . . . A minute passed.

In front of nowhere, Su Ping appeared but did not appear again.

The king above the figure frowned slightly, right at the moment he felt suspicious, suddenly his eyes moved slightly, his eyes were black in the blink of an eye to see through nowhere, he calmly sat his body, at this moment suddenly stood up!


The palace shook, time unwavering.

With the ten thousand heavenly auras, it was revealed from his body, that he wanted to penetrate the entire heavenly realm!

Here, thousands of miles inside the spirit of life, they all felt this machine coming from the angry monarch, all of them threatened to lie on the ground, trembling!

“Time not moving, it’s time not moving!”

This demonic aura filled the sky, blackened eyes through the great hall, shot towards the far side of the frame, “Two great high-level martial arts at the same time, once moving distance, but beyond my realm, who is it, who is it!”

Falling on his stomach in the white hall on one side of the Black Angel Young Lady slowly crawled up, seeing the king angry again, in his eyes filled with shock, this has been tens of thousands of years, even hundreds of thousands of years, never seen through Wang Dong angry?


The king was angry, thousands of miles of blood ran, the demons cried out!

“You!” The figure bowed his head, his whole body was billowing, his eyes were like black holes, “Find me just now, bring it back!”

The Black Angel maiden hurriedly bowed her head and said in a trembling voice: “Obey, my king.”

After saying that, she waited for two seconds, seeing that there was no new division, her body in a flash turned into a black caravan, disappearing into the magic hall.

“It is possible to simultaneously execute the two great elders, except for the ones that were dusted at the time of the Fire Elders, who could be, perhaps, they have returned from the Old World curse . . .” The figure didn’t pay attention to the Black Lady who left, frowning, muttering to herself.

. . .

. . .

“Random resurrection!”

At the end of the storm, Su Ping calmly absorbed death, not surprised at all, but this time he directly chose to randomly resurrect!

“I’m done, she’s comfortable!”

Su Ping took a sip of evil qi, feeling that his entire body was exposed.

Especially thinking of the opponent as the great elder, the result of which was spewed by himself, could not find him again, much less want to laugh.

“Thought I’d be a resurrected fool to continue to die, so naïve!”

Su Ping smiled a little coldly.

Regardless of the satire, this time the movement is still very risky, fortunately the opponent is too confident and arrogant, mistakenly thinking that he will be at the resurrection every time, so it is arbitrary to suffocate.

If he knew that Su Ping could randomly resurrect, the opponent would more than half immediately use imprisonment tricks, slowly bringing him to torture to collapse.

“Hopefully you won’t be random, or you’ll have to take advantage of suicide first.” Su Ping thought in his heart, he felt that he must be looking for a little bit of self-defense (suicide) next to a good new person, if he didn’t want to die, he couldn’t die against the enemy, he was trampled, then it was too tortured.

Most importantly, if he was trampled by a ton, then he valued his time as a waste.

At this time, Su Ping around the scene slowly became clear, he was randomly resurrected to another place.

The top of his head was still a blood moon, and the sky was red, and Su Ping was surrounded by a place all over the land.

There weren’t any flowers and rocks on the mountain, entirely due to the large amount of remains piled up.

Sprinkling teeth!

Su Ping’s foot moved slightly, shattering a hand bone.

This remains are like a weathered lake for thousands of years, extremely weak.

Su Ping had already slowly adapted this Chaotic Death Spirit Realm drawing style, for this as Terrible Hell, the scene had the power to resist.

He freely resurrected Lei Guangxuan and Xiao Long, this two fire families who had previously been killed in the inner black service were killed, now because of the cause contract, can directly resurrect when he is with him.

Lei Guangxuan saw the sun again, saw around the bones of the mountain, threatened to straighten up, but this time but not as before, he was afraid, very quickly entered the state of alertness, the rat eyes of the four sides patrolled the situation.

Going through the ‘Intent’ alternately stimulating, Su Ping found that this Lei Guang tried the liver compared to before.

But the long-dried xiao appeared later, immediately glanced around, then blankly fell on the ground the remains overlapped, it was immediately inside the selection, just picked up the remains of the body was not satisfied, looked a little lost.

“Let’s take a look around, with or without enemies.” Su Ping used the idea of dealing with Lei Guangxuan.

Lei Guangyi was a little disgruntled and hesitant, but still stepped on her husband’s remains, coming around to find out the situation.


Su Ping looked at the selection of long-dried xiao bones, suddenly thought of himself from the other White Essence King Above caught the blood Kureinai treasure, in his heart was slightly moved, and immediately took it out from the space treasure.

Kureinai’s blood fell into his hands, a little warm.

Before catching the time, Su Ping hurriedly collected the space, not having time to subtly feel it, now he was surprised to find out, this blood Kureinai said that there was a life, it would be very small to jump.

“It’s certainly not mortal . . .” Su Ping was strange.

At this time, besides the selection of long-dried xiao bones, he suddenly raised his head, blanking his eye sockets and staring at Su Ping in the hands of Kureinai blood.

Su Ping dried up in consciousness for a long time, feeling an extremely strong desire.

This desire is far from the previous time seeing the human figure at ten times more intense, if it weren’t for the absolute force contract, Su Ping suspected that it would be directly kneaded!

“You want to?”

Su Ping frowned, xiao dried for so long, this thing is more than half useful for it, it is also true, this version is the Death Spirit Realm item, for such a long-dried creature, such a useful spirit creature is also very normal.

Thinking of cultivating the main line task, Su Ping hesitated a little, it was still to bring the throwing object to him, after all, this little fire family was a one-family person.

The long-dried xiao quickly took the blood of Kureinai bao shi, the pink jelly like a lake gave it a bright red glow, it basically did not have half a point of hesitation, directly put this thing into his mouth, and directly opened his mouth, tucked into the cranial void inside!

At the moment it let go, Kureinai blood hovered at it inside the skull bone, hidden with every ray of dodder, the skull inside was dark with energy, flowing into its skull on the inside, and the skull flowed to the entire inner bone body, it’s like a homogeneous coherent blood vessel.

Su Ping was a little surprised, and once again let Xiao Xiao long throw away the passing Examiner.


Super good story

The Devil Restores: I Can Transform The Great Love

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