
The sound of the propeller rotating at high speed spread from far to near, getting louder and louder, like thunder on a sunny day.

A supersonic plane flew over and hovered over the top of the mountain, and then jumped off a few figures in black armor.

Seeing this, Cao Yan secretly thought that it was not good, maybe he was still making a lot of noise.

Sure enough, within a few minutes, there were a few more figures in black armor around him.

Although, during this period of time, he could fly away without a sound.

But Cao Yan was still worried that he might be exposed or be monitored by satellite, so he simply stayed here.

Maintaining the status quo!

"It's you, why are you here?"

The first person to speak was a cold-faced girl with burgundy hair. Isn't that the Du Qiangwei who I just met not long ago?

"Hey, it's really a local tyrant!" Di Leina realized that the gold master was here.

"What's the matter? Sister Na knows this person?" said a young man with fluttering hair.

Seeing this diaosi young man, Cao Yan immediately recognized it as the young knight Xin Zhao.

"It's not that there are demons here!" said another young man in heavy armor.

This young man looks a bit simple and honest, but there is still a bit of timidity and wretchedness in the simple and honest.

Such a special temperament can only be possessed by Ge Xiaolun in the early stage.

"Hey, you are cosplaying?? You came here by plane, the conditions are okay." Cao Yan said deliberately.

Qiangwei frowned. Denuo [-] detected a large number of dark energy fluctuations in the northwest mountainous area, and thought it would be some kind of conspiracy by the devil.

That's why they dispatched a company of soldiers to act together, but when they reached their destination, they encountered "acquaintances".

However, she has always been somewhat skeptical about this "acquaintance".

Perception as a killer can never go wrong!

"What cosplay, we are a company of soldiers!" Derena said.

Now that you can't hide your identity, you can't hide it, so you just admit it generously.

"Which bear?" Cao Yan asked.

"Of course it's the hero of the hero!" Ge Xiaolun, who was carrying the big sword on his shoulders, said immediately.

"I said buddy, why are you alone in this wilderness. And you actually know our goddess of the army, tell me what's the relationship?"

Xin Zhao said, the small eyes were full of gossip.

"Guess what." Cao Yan deliberately sold a pass.

"It can't be that kind of relationship. Sister Na is our goddess." Xin Zhao said incredulously.

"Xin Zhao, shut up for me." Qiangwei said coldly.

"Sister Na." Xin Zhao looked at Reina aggrieved.

"It's just you who talk too much." Di Leina said bluntly.

"We are a company of soldiers, affiliated to the country, specializing in dealing with extraterrestrial events and all abnormal events.

Now, can you say why it is here? " Rose asked, trying her best to slow down.

"Oh, so that's the case. What's the relationship between you and the God Stick Bureau?" Cao Yan asked.

"Seriously, I'm not joking with you, this is a very serious matter." Qiangwei's voice increased a little.

"Rose, do you have a better attitude?"

In the end, it was because of Cao Yan's red envelope before, that Di Leina had a good impression of this human being.

Although people are not shockingly handsome, they are not bad, plus a lot of money, the relationship will come over like this.

Qiangwei glanced at Reina, this guy really has no stance.

A nympho or a money fan, he was actually captured by a few red envelopes.

Hey, it's exhausting to meet such a teammate.

For this, Cao Yan had already thought of a reason, and replied:

"I came to this mountain alone to collect some landscape photos for material, and isn't it very popular recently with Douyin?

Although he inherited several hundred million from his parents, plus a few villa apartments.

But as an aspiring youth, you still have to work hard and be self-sufficient, right? "

"I'm going, boss!" Xin Zhao said.

"How many billions? So much money." Ge Xiaolun said in shock.

Derena's eyes turned into coin symbols, hehe smiled.

In order to prove the accuracy of what he said, Cao Yan deliberately took out his mobile phone and dug out the photo material that he just took and the comma sign that he had just registered!

It's hard to believe such a convincing reason.

But Qiangwei still felt that there was a problem, but she couldn't tell where the problem was, and asked again:

"Have you found anything abnormal in this mountain?"

Hearing this, Cao Yan thought "seriously", and then said:

"Not long ago, there seemed to be a strong gale, but it disappeared quickly, and then I bumped into you."

I have to say that Cao Yan is still very talented, his face is not red, and he is not breathing. *

Chapter 52 Going to the Giant Gorge (Seeking flowers. Collection.)

The atmosphere was a little anxious, and Qiangwei couldn't ask anything from Cao Yan's mouth.

"Why don't I invite you guys to go play the skewers?"

In all kinds of boredom, Cao Yan couldn't help but say.

"Okay, okay!" Di Leina clapped her hands in praise, and spoke directly without thinking.

During this period of time, I have been training specially, and I am really tired of eating special meals.

It's been a long time since I went to a barbecue stall for a tooth festival, and my mouth is like boiled water.

However, a coldness struck, and I saw Qiangwei's face was as cold as ice, and strangers should not approach.

Di Leina temporarily dismissed this idea, after all, the temperament of these sisters does not seem to be very good.

"You really didn't find anything?" Du Qiangwei asked again.

"What did you guys find?" Cao Yan asked back.

"Qianwei, if you want me to say, it's not a big deal at all, everyone should go back and report." Xin Zhao couldn't help but said.

"Yeah, Qiangwei, Lord Xin is right. This brother doesn't look like a bad person, and there may be a satellite detection error." Ge Xiaolun said.

"Brother? Ge Xiaolun, you have only met a few times before you call them brothers?" Du Qiangwei sneered, her eyes cold.

Although Ge Xiaolun admires Qiangwei, he is still very afraid of this ruthless killer sister.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but shrank his head, peeking at Qiangwei, not daring to speak.

"What's the name of a saying between us men? It's a good friend at first sight, a man is precious!" Cao Yan said with a smile.

Xin Zhao heard this and secretly gave Cao Yan a thumbs up.

"Although I believe that you are a good person, you will not do anything harmful to mankind.

But the satellite detection system of Denuo [-] will not go wrong. You need to go back with me to check your body. If there is no abnormality in your body, you can naturally leave and return to your peaceful life. ' said Rose.

"Okay!" Cao Yan thought about it and agreed to avoid trouble.

With a dimensional group, it is impossible to reveal the secrets of one's own body.

So the group got on the supersonic Boeing plane again and left, and Cao Yan naturally took a free ride from SF Express.

The Boeing plane was very fast, and it continued to accelerate after breaking the sound barrier.

The sound it made was like some kind of "explosion" sound, leaving a circle of white airflow at the end, stagnating high in the sky.

Soon came to the base of the Super Seminary, the South China Sea Fleet, the Giant Gorge.

The plane stopped on the Juxia, and Cao Yan slowly descended with the crowd.

Walking on the plywood of the giant gorge, looking up, there is boundless sea all around.

A cool sea breeze blew, gently brushing his face, gentle and comfortable.

As a strategic unit, the Giant Gorge is very large, several times the size of an ordinary aircraft carrier.

There are tens of thousands of staff needed to operate such a large warship.

Whether in the past or present, Cao Yan has never seen much of the world, and at most he is just bragging a little fiercely.

At this time, seeing this huge Giant Gorge, I couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"How is it, it's big." Di Leina smiled, a look of pride.

"It's really big. Converted into RMB, it should be hundreds of billions. You are the local tyrants!" Cao Yan said.

"Some things can't be measured by money, it will only look vulgar." Qiangwei said coldly.

"Oh." Cao Yan replied calmly.

It's a pity that this ship, worth hundreds of billions, was bombed by that girl, Direna. It's a pity.

"Hey, Sister Na, Xiao Lun, Qiangwei, you are coming back so soon."

On the side of the Giant Gorge, a tall man wearing dark alloy armor and carrying a jet-black axe came.

This person looks a little old, in his twenties, maybe even thirty!

In the Xiongbing Company, only the gangster Liu Chuang matched this appearance.

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