Super God Evolution

Chapter 290: Combat power soared by one

"Yeah." Wang Hong nodded, and then he exclaimed in a low voice, "Look, that's Gille Lebre, the president of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Guild, known as the Wolf God, the world's third-largest super existence, and the Union Parliament One of the giants, he did not expect him to come."

Looking in the direction pointed by the fat man, Liu Jiang saw a man with a height of two meters and a face full of yellow stubble.

He walked vigorously and walked vigorously, giving great pressure.

Behind him, followed by three powerful god-level strongmen.

The president of the Federal University of Evolution took a group of people to meet him. This time, Liu Jiang persisted for another half hour before exiting the Soul Tower.

A total of three and a half hours before and after, the impurities in Liu Jiang's Dantian soul sea were removed by ninety-nine percent. At the same time, his soul sea space was once again improved by nearly 10%.

Feeling the feeling of being extremely powerful in his body, Liu Jiang felt quite cheerful.

In the evening of the next day, Liu Jiang and Qian Yu went to register together, and Qian Yu won the first place below the king level without exception, and Liu Jiang took the 30 places above the king level.

Students of the king level and above have the opportunity to enter the soul tower in the top 100 in hunting.

Because, he felt that it was almost three times a month to enter the Soul Tower, and then took out exactly thirty things.

Late at night, Liu Jiang left quietly and entered the wilderness area, and then continued to study with the fruit.

He did not study in school because he did not want to leave the smell of fruit in the school, bringing the school a crisis.

He caught another small wild cat, and as a result, the kitten's physical fitness soon improved significantly.

Liu Jiang tried it himself, and there was nothing unusual.

"Don't say that this fruit is only effective for the beast, it is too pitted."

Liu Jiang started, killing a bronze bull of god-level first and a half, and then cut a little bit of fragments and shot it directly into the mouth of the bronze bull.


The bronze cow was fried.

"Now it can be concluded that this fruit can't be eaten directly, and the physical quality of the murderous beast will skyrocket.


A small goose-sized puppy flew, and behind them were two big yellow dogs.

The puppy shot into the chaotic pile of lightning and escaped his life.

The little hair ball drilled into a small hole, and then lay down on the ground pitifully, and fell asleep.

If things were put in the hands of Queen Suzaku, he wanted to succeed, but it was too dangerous.

But now that the other party has stock in hand, things are simple. As long as she and the Queen Suzaku are separated, he will be able to do it at any time.

Liu Jiang quietly left the storage bracelet, quietly appeared in a room, took out the intelligent crystal brain, and sent a message through the floating city account. Well, it’s up to you to determine the time and place. I’m so sorry today.”

Jing Jing shuddered, Dai Ni opened the intelligent Jing Nao, and saw the content of the message, her mouth twitched involuntarily.

"Asshole, play me." Dani was a little angry, and then placed Jingnao in front of Queen Suzaku, "What's the matter with him?"

Looking at the information, Queen Suzaku also had some toothaches, and then frowned and thought, "I think he wants us to relax our vigilance, and then secretly observe us, confirm our identity, and then plan to act."

"Does he really want to rob?" Dani asked.

"It is possible, but it may be that you are not confident in your fighting strength and fear that we will be robbed. After all, the moon flower is so precious," Queen Suzaku analyzed.

"This **** is really cunning." Dai Ni frowned.

Niu Guan's birthday party is very lively, and all the people attending the banquet are big names.

Liu Jiang saw many elites from all walks of life who often appeared on TV.

He was like a transparent man, sitting there, waiting quietly for an opportunity.

Soon, he waited for the opportunity, and Dani took her skirt to the toilet.

To be honest, Dai Ni is not an ordinary person. The king-level third-level evolver has been stubborn for three full years at Kaga Sing, but this poses no threat to Liu Jiang.

He waited for Dani to enter the single bathroom, then appeared behind Dani, stunned her, instantly drained the storage bracelet, and then disappeared instantly.

Queen Suzaku, who has always turned on Shennian and felt everything around her, felt a strange smell appearing beside Dai Ni involuntarily, her face changed dramatically.

She was lightning fast and broke the building wall directly with one foot, and the solid concrete block flew and splashed.

Deliberately show weakness, and then take the opportunity to determine your identity, and secretly hand in the future. Empress Suzaku analyzed lightly.

"Sister, what should I do?" The female evolutionist was suddenly nervous.

"You can relax," Queen Suzaku said lightly. "My mind is always spreading out. Whoever stares at us without good intentions will immediately notice it."

What she said was very determined, obviously she was very confident in her own strength.

It is not that there is more fighting power than her, but those characters will not be shamelessly robbed.

Weaker than her, he is naturally not afraid.

I have to say that her confident look is really beautiful, and she is domineering, has a strong aura, and has the style of a queen.

"Huh, it's worthy of Empress Suzaku, and the analysis was so accurate." Liu Jiang sighed, and then he appeared in a space bead on Dani's wrist, and began to search for the Iron Pterosaur Xiong Soul.

In the first space bead, there were all kinds of snacks full of one space bead, and even half of the boxes of mutated apples.

In the middle, it is a powerful beast soul with a strong breath, it is the tough iron pterosaur beast soul.

"Five-level iron pterosaur clarify the soul of the beast, she really has the goods at hand, not deceiving." Liu Jiang secretly excited.

Liu Jiang was very excited and was drooling.

However, he did not act rashly, did not touch the spirit of the king-level beast, and did not even touch the king-level beast.

Naturally, it is not because he has a conscience and is embarrassed to start, but because the space bracelet is a very special space.

He could sneak in, but he couldn't take anything from it.

He didn't even show up, because the master could watch the things in the storage bracelet as soon as the mind moved, and if they were found, things would be difficult to handle.

He is not afraid of this woman, but he is afraid of Queen Suzaku.

Suddenly smashed the toilet wall.

"Suzaku, what's going on?" The host Niu looked at the broken wall and looked at Dani, who was unconscious in the toilet, frowning.

"Someone stunned Dani and snatched Dani's space bracelet." Empress Suzaku said sullenly.

"What? Who did it?" Niu Guan angered. He used his guests at his birthday party and ransacked it. It was clearly the face of Niu Guan.

He had just felt it too, but the time was too short, and he didn't detect exactly who it was.

"I don't know, but he appeared momentarily, and momentarily. The obvious use of it was the blurred power." Queen Suzaku said, how powerful her perception was, that person appeared and disappeared instantly, without any sign, There is no trace at all.

He couldn’t think of other possibilities besides the blurred ability.

"I feel that his speed is almost as good as the original eighth level. If I guess correctly, he is the phantom warrior known as the False God." Queen Suzaku said.

Liu Jiang thought about it and appeared in the first storage bracelet. It turned out to be a clothes rack and various **** underwear.

"I lean." Liu Jiang stayed for a while, and then entered the next space bead.

In the third space bead, bags of delicious fragrant beef jerky filled with one space bead are stacked.

Forty seconds later, Liu Jiang found a small jade bottle in the sixth space bead.

"The shark has been sniffing the fruit, and the way to use this fruit is probably to absorb its fragrance."

As soon as Liu Jiang's eyes lit up, he didn't know whether other abnormalities would occur if he breathed his fragrance.

Liu Jiang shot again, because it was just absorbing aroma, Liu Jiang caught a very low-level beast, a sapphire blue rabbit,

He placed the fruit on the ground, grabbed the blue bunny in one hand, and placed his nostrils in front of the fruit.

The fragrance enters the body, and the spirit is refreshing. Liu Jiang's powerful thoughts carefully feel the body, but there is no other change, and the gene strength has not been improved a little.

"Does it mean that there is not enough time and it takes a long time to absorb the aroma?"

Liu Jiang placed the fruit in front of his nostril and continued to breathe the fragrance.

One hour and two hours, three hours, five hours, and ten hours, the time passes a little bit, but it has no effect.

"Strange, this fruity mouse works, why it has no effect on me." Liu Jiang was puzzled.

He turned out a crystal jade box from the bracelet, put the fruit carefully into the crystal box, and received it in the bracelet.

"No. 29, it's time to go back." Looking at the watch in his mobile phone, Liu Jiang activated the space transmission artifact and rushed to the school again and again.

Soon, he returned to school, and then entered the soul tower for the first time.

Three hours passed quickly, and the intense and extreme pain diffused in his body. At the same time, because the impurities of the power of the soul in the body were removed, a strong feeling of comfort came.

The fat man felt his heart was about to break, he liked thousands of feathers at a glance, he had even thought of it, and wanted to abandon that gold worshipping girlfriend to pursue Qianyu.

The man with Qian Yu is handsomer and taller than him, but this is not a problem for him because he has money.

But who thought that the **** had a king-level eight-level black turtle soup for a meal?

King-level eight-level mysterious turtle, that is the top chef's soup with king-level eight-level beasts, combined with dozens of kinds of heavenly and earthly treasures.

A pot of king-level eight-level black turtle soup, worth eight hundred million.

For the first time, Liu Jiang deeply felt the deep helplessness, which was really helpless.

Eight hundred million, damn, his grandfather did not dare to be so extravagant for dinner.

He was just showing off his luxury car worth 800 million yuan, and the result was 800 million yuan in a pot of soup.

His heart collapsed, and he didn't even have the courage to speak up.

He stood up without expression,

His companion reluctantly followed.

Liu Jiang smirked at the boiled water. He found that having money was really cool and enjoyable.

In the future, as long as you have time, go to the wilderness area to make money, make money, make money...

After waiting for his apprenticeship, he cleaned the money secretly obtained, and then recruited a group of people to make money with the money. He would be a local tyrant and a rich man.

"You bastard, it's too wasteful, eating vinegar actually wastes eight hundred million yuan." Qian Yu looked at Liu Jiang, eight hundred million yuan of soup, she didn't dare to think about it.

"There is nothing wasted on this, but the king-level and eight-level black turtle will cost hundreds of millions of yuan. With so many delicious herbs, eight billion yuan is wasted there." Liu Jiang said with a smile.

"That's also a waste, eight billion." Qian Yu was still very distressed.

"A black turtle soup is very delicious. The most important thing is that a meal can increase the genetic strength of a little bit, and it also has beauty and beauty, which greatly delays aging." Liu Jiang said.

"It's still expensive." Qian Yu swallowed secretly and said weakly.

"It will cost money to make money, but I am going to be the richest person in the world, what does this money count." Liu Jiang's bragging call was awesome.

"Just blow it." Qian Yu scolded.

"Then we make a bet, if within two months, if I can make a trillion, you will follow me, can't you?" Liu Jiang asked with a dazzling look. He tried to take Qianyu away several times. Without agreeing, he is already uncomfortable, and now digs a pit for Qianyu Two months, one trillion? Qian Yu slowly widened his eyes.

One trillion, what is that concept, how to make one trillion in two months.

"Are you brave enough." Liu Jiang asked.

"Gambling, who is afraid of who, but if you can't make so much money, you shouldn't mess around with your ideas before you get married, hear it." Qian Yu said.

"Okay, let's high-five." Liu Jiang raised his palm in a hurry.


The game is established.

Liu Jiang immediately smiled, smiling very happily, very frivolously, very wavy.

With his current fighting power, staying in the wilderness area for two months will definitely get a trillion of wealth.

And he still has something worth nearly 200 billion yuan on hand.

"Dai Ni, what did he say." Queen Suzaku asked.

"He said he would be here soon." The woman called Dani replied, and then said, "But I always feel that he has arrived. While secretly observing me, he set the trading place in such public places as to explain him. The combat effectiveness is not very strong, and I am not confident in my combat effectiveness. I am afraid that we have robbed him. Such a person does not see me and inquires about my specific information.

Liu Jiang in the blurred state is sitting next to Danny Johnson, listening to her words, Liu Jiang has determined that the master of the beast soul is this woman.

Liu Jiang looked at Empress Suzaku, who was too beautiful on one side, and was a little excited in her heart. The high school students were so excited when they saw the superstar.

However, my temper abandoned me. It looks like a girl’s heart. Soon, he calmed down. He didn’t see Queen Suzaku today.

His goal is to mutate the god-level iron pterosaur clear beast soul.

"It's a good analysis. It's like this out of ten, but there is a possibility that he

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