Super God Evolution

Chapter 327: Famous one

Yang Cheng was dumbfounded and warned: "You wouldn't be bluffing me, you also like Qian Yu, how could you help me chase her."

Finally, Liu Jiang secretly worried about the child's IQ.

"Who said I like her, she was so violent, and when I saw her, I beat her. My scalp felt numb and my legs became soft. I like the gentle girl like Liuge in class 18, the wild cat like Qianyu, except Ordinary people do not dare to like your arrogance, because even if you get married, you have to worry about domestic violence every day." Liu Jiang said with a wry smile, and then said right again, "And with your IQ, I can bluff you. ?"

"Well, this is also true." Wen Yan, Yang Cheng laughed happily, Liu Jiang's words made him quite useful, and then he asked with curiosity, "Do you like Liu Ge?"

Liu Ge, they are eighteen next door

Fatty Ma Hongwei looked at Yang Wu and smiled, "You can't help but bring such a brilliant genius back to the Super God Gene Headquarters."

Yang Wu rejoiced in his heart, with a faint smile on his face, and said, "The key is Liu Jiang's greatness. Not only does he work hard enough on weekdays, he also awakens the genetic ability."


Fatty Ma Hongwei's eyes fell on Liu Jiang, his face became solemn, "Would you like to join my super-scientist gene now?"

"Next, Lao Xiao will give you a three-dimensional view of the vacant villas in Wudu District. You can choose your favorite villa." The fat man smiled. "As for your cultivation resources, you can choose your own. It is less than two million. The money will accumulate to the next month, more than two million parts, you can pay for the difference yourself, but I think you still bought it all, you can’t use it and you can sell it to make money. Three-dimensional view and detailed functions of your elixir."

"Haha, cute." Qian Yu's face looked so cute, Liu Jiang smiled and pinched Qian Yu's face.

The two ordered a meal, served a plate of delicious food, and smelled the scented little hairballs, crawling out of Liu Jiang's clothes pocket.

Then his eyes were sparkling, and his small claws were making gestures, telling Liu Jiang that he was also greedy and wanted to eat, and who said Lingling's eyes looked at Liu Jiang after all, looking forward to it.

"Haha, very good." The fat man smiled heartily. "According to the contract, you can choose a large villa in Wudu District with high security measures. You can choose to go to the three villas in Wudu."

"There are also ninth-level beast souls with special abilities, but this will not be available until you become an evolver."

"In addition, every month, you are provided with two million worth of training resources and five million dollars of purchased resources. When you become an evolver, these quotas will be increased accordingly. The specific data are written on the contract." Fatty With a smile, he looked at the middle-aged man next to him and said, "Old Xiao, go to draft a contract and bring it over to let Liu Jiang carefully check the terms."

"Yes!" The middle-aged man nodded and turned to print the contract.

Soon, the man took the completed contract, and the fat man took it so late and sent it to me, that is, you left. I saw it. The contract signed his name, pressed his fingerprint, and then handed the contract to Liu Jiang. "Liu Jiang, joined the Super God Gene. When you graduated from university, you can only choose to work for the Super God Gene to serve the Super God Gene. You can choose to join the Super God Gene Hunter Squad and you can choose to enter the Super God Gene army. You can also go to the company of Super God Gene to do business, and you can even choose to go to politics in the city controlled by Super God Gene. However, if you want to leave Super God Gene or switch to other forces, you will have to pay ten times the compensation of Super God Gene. "

"I know." Liu Jiang nodded.

He had known these conditions before, and Yang Wu told him in detail on the way.

Super God's genetic welfare is good, and there is a complete system, the welfare is great.

There are words that you can say about Super God Gene, but you can’t say anything at all, because it hurts, so you, as a girl, must help the boy and not her mother’s family. If you don’t speak to him, it will make him feel cold, and if something is cold, he can’t come back. He is the largest interest group of the Human Alliance and the largest power in the world. He controls nearly one-third of the world’s cities. Independent army, independent system, independent law.

The most important thing is that the Super God gene is very short-sighted. Whoever dares to kill members of the Super God gene is waiting for a steady stream of powerful men to pursue it. No one dares to easily move the members of the supernatural gene.

Liu Jiang's small ball is coming in a wrong direction. Liu Jiang is afraid that someone will be in trouble. There is a big background where the super-scientific gene is so strong. Whoever dares to move him will have to weigh it.

The students with space bracelets handed over the bracelets to the Han Han for inspection. The Han Han read it in a clear way, which was a clear inspection of the contents, and then returned the bracelet to the students. "What a magical thing." Liu Jiang could clearly feel the black preserved egg entrenched in the vortex of the soul sea of ​​Dantian.

After all, it is still two contact lenses, because the matter of a few RMB has caused such a big thing, don't you feel regret?

But in fact a lot of things are caused by a little bit of things.

"No, but he is my friend, a very good friend. His ghost spirit is that I got it from Super God Gene and sold it to him." Liu Jiang said.

He didn't tell the truth, there were too many words in Qianyu, and he couldn't hide the secrets in his heart. It would be terrible if he said something when he said something.

This kind of thing has nothing to do with trust, but for the safety of two people, keeping these secrets is good for the whole family.

He robbed so many people, and even the warriors with super-scientific genes. If someone is known that he is the thief, life will not be good in the future.

Unless one day he becomes a god-level evolver and becomes the world's number one.

"Are you and he actually a friend?" Qian Yu exclaimed.

"Good friends, life-long friendships, don't tell anyone, otherwise I will be in big trouble." Liu Jiang said solemnly.

"Uh huh." Qian Yu nodded heavily.

"Hold it and eat it quickly." Liu Jiang said.

"No, this is too expensive." Qian Yu shook his head quickly.

"Well!" Liu Jiang didn't know the student. He nodded, then returned, walked to the student and sat down, fastened his seat belt, and then closed his eyes to recuperate.

He still needs time to heal the scar on his shoulder.

The super-elixir's medicinal effect is terrifying. In just half an hour, the injury on his shoulder has almost recovered, the bones have healed, and the torn blood has grown out, but the top is all Blood stains, it looks miserable.

When he stopped his body, Liu Jiang appeared in vain, Liu Jiang appeared too abrupt, the fangs lizard had no time to respond, Liu Jiang's sword in his hand was like lightning, and he instantly pierced the fangs lizard's eyes, Penetrated his brain.

Other fangs lizards screamed and rushed up, Liu Jiang activated the blur ability again, and then a group of fangs lizards passed through his body.

The scene in front of them was too weird, beyond their cognition, they were terrified.

"Moo..." The big green cow made a violent roar, and the egg was split, and the intense and extreme pain continued to hit his brain, so that he could not lift a little bit of his body. strength.

His whole body was trembling, the pain was too strong and too horrible, and finally he knelt down on the ground.

Then the two mentions reported that the lazy egg was rolling on the floor, without you making a repressed sound, because the pain was too severe, and its sound did not dare to be too loud.

"The king-level beasts are too sensitive and fast. Even if they have the ability to blur, I have to be careful." Liu Jiang was secretly vigilant, looking at the big green cow kneeling on the ground.

The moment he pierced the egg of the big green cow, the big iron hoof of the big green cow almost kicked on his head.

Zhang Jian could clearly feel the fierce wind brought by the huge iron hoof.

All the white hairs burst when they rose.

If he was kicked by the pot-sized iron hoof, his head was absolutely no different from the watermelon that fell to the ground.

Liu Jiang stepped forward, came to the side of the big green cow, and appeared in vain.

The fourteen-year-old boy felt the powerful background of the main house for the first time, and felt his insignificance for the first time.

With his current qualifications, even if he struggles for a lifetime, there is only a slight possibility of becoming a bronze warrior.

Liu Jiang walked to the hooligan with his thigh screaming, grabbed the collar of the hooligan and pulled it in front of him, "Dare to go to the site covered by my brother Liu Jian to do things, who gave you the guts, you Is it impatient to live?"

The hooligan is a little ignorant, and he doesn’t know what the so-called Liu Jian is, but it sounds very powerful. Is it really that he accidentally caused a big man? The hooligan’s fear is not good. A flattering smile, "Brother, I'm wrong, I will never dare to come here to do things again."

"I love you, my brother."

"If people see you in this area in the future, I promise you will not see the sun the next day." Liu Jiang continued to threaten.

A powerful hooligan with power and status will not come to such an inferior place because it will degrade his status.

It's really too stupid to insult the reader's IQ, but because there is a market, there will be output.

If he was kicked by the pot-sized iron hoof, his head was absolutely no different from the watermelon that fell to the ground.

Liu Jiang stepped forward, came to the side of the big green cow, and appeared in vain.

Daqing Niu's eyes widened sharply, but Liu Jiang's Phantom Warblade instantly crossed his neck and cut a deep foot and a foot wound.

The big green cow's huge body fell heavily on the ground, and the blood was sprayed wildly. The big green cow's huge body struggled frantically, but the more struggling, the faster the blood was sprayed, and the ground was red for a moment. Liu Jiang took the opportunity to make two more knives, and Daqingniu's huge body twitched once and for all. After a minute, he completely lost his movements.

He will split the Daqing post office unhurriedly, hit his head, and then dig out the source energy crystal nucleus of the big golden bull's head.

Can't afford it, Liu Jiang had to say so sourly

However, the blue wolf is only a black iron monster, far worse than the flaming tiger.

Looking at the body of the big green cow, Liu Jiang's heart filled with uncontrollable pride.

The wonderful UAE has a good temper.

It is said that several people looked at Liu Jiang up and down. The Liu family has eight major branches and a lot of people. They see Liu Jiang a little bit familiar, but they don’t know it, but they naturally know the name Liu Jiang.

Liu Ze's voice was very cold and very serious. The whole body of Liu Xing's two brothers and sisters shuddered.

Liu Xiaoguo was tearful, and looked quite cute.

Wang Yisheng, with a clear voice, looked at Liu Jiang with big eyes.

Both are secretly in love with girls, which makes him feel a confidant to Liu Jiang.

Yang Cheng hooked Liu Jiang's shoulder and was very intimate and humbly asking, "Well, how can I give Qian Yu the kind of pure, sweet dead love."

"First of all, it is to give her freedom, not to let her rush into depression." Liu Jiang was full of scorn, "Love is enjoyment, the most beautiful thing, think about it makes people laugh beautiful, you are so haunting her all day , She must be bored, she hates seeing you, how can you still get her heart."

"Then what should I do?" Yang Cheng asked anxiously. Liu Jiang's sentence was considered to be an idea. Qian Yu now walked around when he saw him, obviously bored with him.

"Specifically, it is a little farther away from her." Liu Jiang talked eloquently. "Don't buzz around people like flies all day. This is the first step and the most critical step. The second step, It is to give her a soft love like a spring breeze and let her feel your Be gentle, don't let your love be a burden and pressure."

Yang Cheng nodded thoughtfully. He felt that Liu Jiang was justified and said humbly, "What exactly should I do?"

Soon, there was no effort to come to my cash. You are off work. The twenty-four students in the seven classes of the combat department are to integrate the disposable primary armor into the body.

With the original armor, a group of students who were already fearless became more and more motivated.

"Okay, let's go." Instructor Qin Hai led Liu Jiang and some others into the Shenniu m6k6 type primary shuttle that was parked alongside.

"Shoot..." The original Nengshuo jumped into the sky and blasted away in the direction of the Pacific Ocean Island.

He joined the Super God Gene, but he never thought of leaving.

After reading the contract carefully, Liu Jiang looked at every clause in the contract. It seemed that I understood it, so I went to the exam and missed you here. It was written in great detail. Every right and obligation was also written clearly. Nothing was found. Question, Liu Jiang signed the name with his pen and pressed his fingerprint.

"Liu Jiang, you are welcome to join the Super God Gene." The fat man smiled and extended his hand to Liu Jiang.

Liu Jiang also reached out and held hands with the fat man.

A particularly good-looking girl in class, she is no less than a thousand feathers in appearance, quiet all day, and not very talkative. He feels like a depression patient, he does not like it, but many boys in class 17 have a crush on Liu Ge, he I know.

"Of course I like it. I have been secretly in secret for several years." Liu Jiang pretended to be a little embarrassed, and then took out his phone from his backpack, opened it, and turned over a few pictures of Liu Ge.

These pictures were downloaded by Liu Jiang from the old classmate Liu Ge gray letter space after school, there are high school and junior high school.

"This is my secret, you must not tell it." Liu Jiang urged.

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