Super God Evolution

Chapter 353: Refinery II


The Tusk is fast, but he is flying, and he quickly catches it up. The phantom war knife flashes across the TV like lightning and splits one of the foreigners into two.

"Haha, the ability to blur is great." Liu Jiang's heart was exceptionally carefree, and the extremely powerful force gave him extremely strong execution.

Dozens of nine-level fangs lizards can't help him at all, or even hurt him. If he is fast enough, none of these fangs lizards can run away.

"You remembered that killing the clan deliberately is a death sentence. If you dare to deliberately kill the clan, I can only execute the death penalty on you and follow the rules of the family."

"Mom, tomorrow morning I'm going to the wilderness to go hunting, but you have to train well, and I have to check it back." After dinner, Liu Jiang said.

"Uh huh." Wang Rong nodded, and then responded that Liu Jiang was going to the wilderness area. She was obviously reluctant. "The wilderness area is dangerous. You have to be careful."

"Mom, tell you a little secret, I got a strange treasure under my chance." Liu Jiang found a red crystal with mysterious runes from the bracelet, showed it to Wang Rong, and then quickly collected Up.

"What is this?" Wang Rong's curiosity was hooked.

Liu Jiang bowed his head and mysteriously whispered, "This is a one-time space teleportation artifact from the Kaga Star civilization. I hold this teleportation artifact in my hand, and when I think about it, I can be teleported to this teleportation artifact. Thousands of miles away, in the wilderness, if I encounter any danger, my thoughts move immediately and it will be teleported a thousand miles away, so you can relax, your son will not be in any danger, Not to mention Wang Ji murderer, even if I meet a god-level beast, I can get away safely."

Then Liu Jiang reminded again, "This baby is too much, except for my dad, no one can say that I am afraid of others' jealousy."

"It's better to use the most stupid way." After thinking for a long time, Liu Jiang decided to wait slowly, wait for the shark to go out for food, and then take the opportunity to start.

Time passed slowly. Five hours later, the shark swung away with its tail.

When the shark left far away, a phantom emerged quietly, and then picked off the fruit with one paw, disappeared instantly, and then the fruit was included in the storage bracelet.


For resources and fruits, he will definitely enter the wilderness area in the future.

She didn't want her father and mother to always worry and worry about him.

It’s enough for parents to be scared for so many years. He doesn’t want his parents to worry about her any more. He is worried for him all day. He is now an adult and should have his own responsibility.

Early the next morning, Liu Jiang flew to the Super God Gene Headquarters building with a small hair ball.

Liu Jiang came very early and chatted casually with some martial artists and exchanged questions about martial arts.

Liu Jiang Lightning stepped forward and controlled the lightning storm to completely cover Bish Kaganu, affecting his hearing, and then he immediately appeared on the side of Bian Kaganu, and inserted a knife into the waist and belly of Bish Kaganu. Then, with a violent pull, Bi Shikagan was directly ripped open.

Bish Kaganu's eyes widened at once, and a large mouth of blood spurted from his mouth.

Not only did his eyes hurt, the pain was about to explode, but also the meat hurts, the pain was terrible, and his heart hurt, the blood was dripping.

All his worth is only 20 billion yuan, and the remaining 30 billion yuan was collected by him with friends.

Thirty billion is not a small amount, nor is it a small amount for the second generation of God.

Liu Jiang's lightning storm struck again, and the arc of his thighs hit his wound.

This time, he couldn't bear it anymore. His whole body shook violently, and the pain was terrible. Two seconds later, he passed out in pain.

Liu Jiang thought of it, and put away the lightning storm.

"I heard Bi Shi Kaganu's scream, he should lose."

"Damn, I pressed him a lot of money."

"The lightning storm has dissipated and the outcome has been divided. I just don't know who wins."

A group of students gathered around, looking at the center of the venue curiously.

When I saw the dead dog spreading on the ground, and still spurting blood, the Wet Kaganu knew the result of the battle.

"Liu Jiang, Liu Jiang, Liu Jiang."

Fans of Liu Jiang started cheering, especially Wang Xiaolan, who jumped and shouted clearly, overwhelming the whispers of whispers around him.

"What's so proud." Bi Shi Kaganu's fans are not very good-looking.

"Waste, I lost so much money on him." Some students who bet on Bi Shi Kaganu even scolded. They didn't expect each other to see me as such a waste.

"Awesome, in less than ten seconds, we made Bi Shi Kaganu into that look. For our freshman year, Liu Jiang should be the undoubted first person."

"Liu Jiang is so handsome, I'm turning a fan." Some female students started to be nymphotics, staring in their eyes.

When Liu Jiang and Liu Xiaoyu came to the big square in front of Muren Alley, the square was already overcrowded. In addition to those who formally participated in the assessment, there were also some people and children who came to see the bustle.

Many students are very envious.

The smart watch on Liu Jiang's wrist shuddered. When he saw it, 70 billion yuan had already been hit into the account.

Liu Jiang smiled slightly and walked out of the battlefield. Qian Yu came over at this time, holding Liu Jiang's arm, and there were some ways of worship, "You are so powerful."

"Xiao Jiang's dad, Xiao Jiang suddenly awakened his genetic abilities, and he will develop in the future, and he will move into the villa community tomorrow, but after moving into the villa, what do we do? Xiao Jiang is still studying and his fighting power is still strong. Low, it needs a lot of money to buy all kinds of elixir Lingguo, we can’t count on our son to top the door from now on, I think we should do something.” Wang Rong suddenly said aloud, saying on the side, “Or shall we Continue to fry the barbecue, although tired, but still make some money every day."

"That, do you think it's okay?"

This last sentence is very emboldened.

Because, refining a simple pharmacy does not make a few dollars at all, and it is so difficult to become a real pharmacist. Not to mention a few years, if there is no talent, even decades will not necessarily succeed.

"Xiaojiang has 2 million cultivation resources a month. How much money can we make a year?" Wang Rong smiled slightly and said, "Try it with confidence. Anyway, with our ability, we can't help." What a busy Xiaojiang."

"Good!" Liu Ze's eyes were sparkling, and he was a little excited in his heart.

The number of fierce beasts in that area is extremely horrible. Eight-level and nine-level fierce beast groups can be seen everywhere. There are many king-level fierce beasts, and even god-level fierce beasts are active.

The top warriors of the five major survival bases in the entire northwestern China area are almost there.

"Very good, he has successfully made several kinds of quenching liquid, but the success rate is not very high." Speaking of Liu Ze, Wang Rong's face appeared a faint smile, very warm.

The couple worked hard for a lifetime. When they were old, they could finally do what they liked, and they did a good job. She was happy for Liu Ze.

Liu Jiang looked at his mother's smile, envyed in their hearts, envied their warm, life-long love. The power particles of the soul, which are invisible to the naked eye in the air, flow through the pores of the whole body a little bit into Liu Jiang’s body through the flow, and finally enter the space of Liu Jiang Zhang Tielin’s Red Sea, becoming the most pure soul power.

Jincheng, that is one of the most terrible areas in the whole East Asia.

"I always think I'm dreaming!" Wang Rong grinned, smirking.

"That's your good luck, accidentally gave birth to a good son." Liu Jiang smiled.

"Come on, you little bastard." Liu Ze scolded, "Yes, which community do you choose for the villa? When can I move in."

"Xing'er, Xiaoyue, I said, can you understand?" Liu Ze asked.

"Understood!" Liu Yue was ignorant, but nodded very simply.

Liu Xing thoughtfully, but did not speak.

"If one day, the family needs me to sacrifice, I will not hesitate, because I believe that the old patriarch, you Wen Bo, Uncle Hai, they will take care of you, this is the family cohesion, this is the family honor, this is Family mission, do you understand now?"

Liu Yue was anxious, "I will not let you die..."

Liu Xing was also excited, "Father, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Relax, I won't die lightly, but if I die, I can make the family strong, save the family from disasters, and make your life better. I will not shrink back," Liu Ze continued. "Now , Do you understand? Do you know what to do?"

"Father." Liu Xing fell to his knees. "I shouldn't bully Liu Kang. When I was fined, I apologized to him and asked him for forgiveness."

"You are responsible, man." Liu Ze patted Liu Xing's shoulder and praised.

"Naturally is to wash the pill, the lady she wanted to wash the pill, but the patriarch did not wash it. This morning she secretly took your pill, and even eaten it soon, and the patriarch found out , Not only took away Shidan Dan, but also smashed the **** of the young lady." Liu Xiao said.

"You mean, the young lady hasn't eaten Xiedan." Liu Jiang was dumbfounded. He suddenly remembered the little tooth mark of Xiandan and the little girl who was crying and running away.

"How rare is the Washing Pill, every time it appears at the auction, the price is ridiculously high, the Liu family only buys three or five every year, but they all reward the talented and hard-working young boy. The lady is a little lazy, so she has never been Opportunity to get the pill." Liu Xiao said.

Hearing the words, Liu Jiang's tribute to Patriarch Liu Ze in his heart turned several times at once.

He did not expect that the patriarch would leave good things to others, not his children.

Aside, Wang Rong raised his ears, looking at Liu Jiang with expectation.

"I chose the happy villa community in Dongcheng District. I can move in tomorrow. Let's go together tomorrow afternoon." Liu Jiang said.

"You can move to the villa tomorrow." Wang Rong smiled happily, but suddenly he couldn't control his emotions, and the tears kept flowing.

After so many years of hard work, she could actually live in the legendary aristocratic villa.

Noble villa, she didn't dare to think before.

"Today is a good day, what are you crying for?" Liu Ze laughed and scolded, but he couldn't expect it.

"Then I will call the moving company tomorrow," Liu Ze said suddenly.

"You don't need to call the moving company anymore, everything is there, and it's good to have time to see it after living here for so many years." Liu Jiang suggested.

"Haha, okay, then it's so decided."

"Dad, I won't go to Xicheng District tonight. You buy a roast duck for the puppy tomorrow morning."



At the end of the conversation, Liu Jiang finished washing and returned to the room. His eyes looked brightly at the bright moon outside the window, and he suddenly laughed, um, happy, really happy.

Liu Jiang’s parents were lying on the bed. After a while, you turned around. After a while, I turned around, but I couldn’t fall asleep.

After a while, Liu Ze sat up, turned over Liu Jiang's contract, and continued to watch.

"The power of extracting the purest plant and tree essences from the fragrant forest grass is combined with the southern sky of the moon to refine the immortal spirit."

"Family rules are a country, a family, and a strong foundation. For a country to develop and be strong, it must abide by the family rules."

Liu Zesheng's temper tantrum I can't eat your temporary mobile phone card address. The sound was very cold and very serious. The whole body of Liu Xing's two brothers and sisters shuddered.

Liu Xiaoguo was tearful, and looked quite cute.

Liu Jiang stepped forward two more times, the puppy stayed for a while, then ran away with his legs spread, and turned back after running a long distance.

Soon, he found the king-level big green cow yesterday.

Liu Jiang dived, not far in front of the big green cow.

What's the matter with the UAE? It's fun to teach physics teachers.

The big green cow swallowed a human warrior who had just been killed, and looked up at Liu There was a fiery flash in his eyes, just finished five snacks, and now another one came to the door, Happy.

Humans like to hunt monsters and beasts, and **** bones and skins that hunt monsters and beasts, but why don't they like humans? Human skin is thin and rotten, which is the most delicious food for sales.

The taste of human dim sum is really delicious. He likes to eat it so much. Thinking of this, his saliva dribbled down.

He subconsciously poked his mouth, and the drip of the corner of his mouth dripped on the ground, and the ground was wet for a moment.

Liu Jiangshan stared at Yao Yang from the top, and it was reported that a strong kind of selfishness appeared in his eyes.

The big green cow's sturdy limbs violently trampled the ground, and then came to Liu Jiang like a primary tank.

A total of three and a half hours before and after, the impurities in Liu Jiang's Dantian soul sea were removed by ninety-nine percent. At the same time, his soul sea space was once again improved by nearly 10%.

Feeling the feeling of being extremely powerful in his body, Liu Jiang felt quite cheerful.

In the evening of the next day, Liu Jiang and Qian Yu went to register together, and Qian Yu won the first place below the king level without exception, and Liu Jiang took the 30 places above the king level.

His strength was too fast, and the speed was too fast. In an instant, he appeared in front of him. Liu Jiang's pupils shrank and disappeared instantly.

When the green cow rushed past under the inertia, Liu Jiang appeared on his side and then swept across.

Liu Jiang felt terrified and instantly activated the blurred ability, and then the long horn was pushed over from his blurred belly.

Between the flashlights and the flints, it was fixed in the place of Liu Jiang's small tree, and all the hairs in the body exploded in a flash.

When Liu Jiang thought about it, he quickly backed away, and his metamorphosis appeared beyond 100 meters.

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