Super God Evolution

Chapter 356: Siege one

The density of Black Stone Bee honey is quite large, which is just three times that of water. This is a fifty-pound bucket, and a bucket of Black Stone Bee honey is 150 pounds.

Others stared at Liu Jiang fiercely. According to the rules, this black stone bee honey was obtained by Liu Jiang alone. Liu Jiang alone accounted for 70%, and they evenly divided 30%. This black stone bee honey was 100%. Fifty pounds, Liu Jiang got one hundred and fifty pounds. They were divided into sixty-five pounds and forty-five pounds. One person was seven or two halves.

The 7:52 blackstone bee honey can increase the genetic strength of more than 60 points. On the black market, there are nearly 200 million Chinese coins, and there is no market for the price. Even if there is money, it is difficult to buy.

After a while, Liu Jiang said boldly, "Give everyone a point, one pound per person, no need to be polite."

"Thank you boss."

"The boss is so handsome."

In the third restaurant, Liu Jiang took out a battle knife to divide the dragon eggplant into two and handed half of it to Qianyu.

"You are about eighth grade, which I definitely can't ask for." Qian Yu shook his head and placed the fruit in front of Liu Jiang.

"Don’t be polite to me, this dragon egg fruit is very medicinal. Taking half a capsule can increase the gene intensity by 50 or 60 points. If you eat a whole capsule, you can increase the gene intensity by five or six points. It's waste." Liu Jiang said.

"I am so embarrassed that way." Qian Yu sighed.

To be honest, she is really embarrassed. Every day, Liujiang eats and drank together. She is not easy to get some dazzling dragon holy fruit, but Liujiang, dazzling dragon holy fruit, does not need it.

"We are lovers. If we have difficulties, we can't be the same. We can't share the blessings. What a lover." Liu Jiang smiled, "Hurry up and eat, otherwise the medicine will be scattered."

"Oh." Qian Yu nodded cleverly, picked up the fruit and chewed it up, chewing on it, sweet in my heart, warm in my heart.

Liu Jiang smiled and picked up the fruit to bite down.

"Haha, good luck, not yet hatched."

Liu Jiang looked through the small hole and looked at the translucent egg white and the egg yolk inside, and couldn't help but smile.

He poked the hole, and then took a spoon out of the storage bracelet, and began to drink the Thunder Dragon Dragon Egg spoon by spoon.

The taste is very beautiful, the most important thing is that the life energy is extremely rich.

Liu Jiang's speed is very fast, tens of seconds is to drink a huge dragon egg cleanly.


Thunder Dragon's powerful Shennian sensed something and flew over, but Liu Jiang had once again merged into the void, leaving only an eggshell on the ground.

The blurred Liu Jiang sat on a tree branch in the distance, squinting and digesting the dragon eggs.

Dragon egg is different from other kiwifruits. The life energy contained in it is very gentle, and it gradually diffuses from the stomach, slowly strengthening every cell and bone unit of the body.

"These stupid dragons have already exploded. I will leave for the time being and wait for me to completely digest the dragon eggs I eat.

This is a thing that was previously robbed in the wilderness area by using the blurred power. This kind of crystal brain is extremely valuable. It is a magical object found in the ruins of Kaga Star. The safety performance is super good, and others can’t pursue the posting address. .

Tian Mei·Yu Zi is very nervous, but he is a little ecstatic.

"Captain, if you ask me, is my name beautiful?" Tian Meiyou ran to Liu Jiang's eyes, carrying her hands, raising her head, and asked brittlely.

This time she was even more excessive, even tipping her feet, her lips almost touching Liu Jiang's mouth.

Liu Jiang could even clearly feel the hot air coming out of Tian Mei Yuzi, the taste was very fragrant and tempting.

"It's okay." Liu Jiang stepped back, said a word, and then hurriedly walked away. The chick was so powerful that he felt he could hardly resist it.

Tian Mei·Yu Zi watched Liu Jiang's fleeing in a panic, and couldn't help but smiled happily, and blushed a little.

She did not expect that she was so courageous.

"Liu Jiang, I must be chasing you, depending on where you are going." Tian Mei Yuzi whispered in Japanese, and she turned red when she finished talking.

She looked around and found that no one paid attention to her, and then punched a few punches in a serious way, familiar with her soaring power.

At this time, several teachers landed on the ground and took away Tanaka·Second, who was half-dead and fainted. They looked at Liu Jiang curiously and then took Tanaka·Second away.

"It seems there are invisible cameras around us." Tian Mei Yuzi said.

"Yes." Liu Jiang nodded, and then took a step back without a trace. Tian Mei Yuzi talked to him without moving. His intentions were already obvious to him, but in his heart, he was a little happy and expectant. After all, Tian Mei Yuzi is really good-looking and very lively, which is a little worse than his family Qianyu, and has a completely different character. The key is that he also likes this character.

This problem was serious. He was afraid of holding himself, so he avoided Tian Mei and Yuko.

Because he knew that it was not like it at all, but that the animal's physiological instincts were at play.

Men, seeing beautiful bubbling women, want something to happen, but this is not love.

After half an hour, when the members of the barbarian team were familiar with their power, Liu Jiang took a group of people and began to push horizontally.

Everyone's genetic strength has increased by dozens of points, and their combat power has increased a lot. Each one is full of energy, and the horizontal push speed has once again improved a lot.


The huge Baihaidao, seven departments of the Federal University of Evolution, and more than 800 evolutionaries are constantly killing.

There are those who act alone, in groups of three or five, as well as dozens or dozens.

Many students were seriously injured by fierce beasts, and the primary armor was activated at the juncture of life and death to save their lives.

One student was killed before he could activate the primary armor.

Another student was bitten by a mutant viper. Although the primary armor was activated, it still died in the primary nuclei.

In addition to fierce battles with fierce beasts, fighting between students and students also happens from time to time.

The Federal Evolution University has a large building with a large number of surveillance screens showing everything happening in various areas of Baihaidao.

In the room, hundreds of staff looked at the screen.

In the middle there are a few elderly people sitting together drinking tea.

"The quality of this session is much better than the previous one, especially the few monsters with incredible fighting power." An old professor smiled with a smile on his face.

"One session is more powerful than the other. When running a school 20 years ago, there were few people who could become evolutionaries at the age of fifteen. Those who combined ordinary special abilities were born with top talents. It’s a campus star directly,” said a middle-aged female professor. “Now, only evolutionaries are eligible to apply to our Federal Evolution University, and they are not necessarily admitted to it. Almost all students incorporate beasts with special abilities. Soul, the students who fuse top special abilities are hundreds."

"That's nature, more and more beasts and beasts of souls obtained by the Human Alliance, more and more beasts and beasts with special abilities, and more and more high-level beasts and beasts." The gray-haired old man said, "Human little genius The fusion of beasts and beasts is becoming more and more powerful. Naturally, it is more powerful every time."

"Compared with the number of other fierce beasts on the earth, we have too few human evolutionaries, but our human advantages are getting bigger and bigger. Within twenty years, we humans can once again become the rulers of the earth."

"You are too optimistic." The principal Liu Zhongping shook his head. "The wisdom of the god-level beasts is no less than that of our human beings. How could they sit back and watch us grow? Now, they are likely to have joined hands and started to deal with us humans."

"This is impossible," the old professor with gray hair said.

"Two months ago, the White Wolf Slaughter City, so many god-level beasts united and slammed the killer. In the past two months, the number of evolutionaries killed by our human evolutionrs in the wilderness has increased by 20%. "Liu Zhongping said.

"The most important thing is the human evolutionaries killed in the past two months. The death toll of the king-level evolutionaries has skyrocketed. Most of these king-level evolutionaries have merged powerful abilities and are expected to become god-level human elites."

He tapped twice on the smart crystal brain, and the smart crystal brain shot a light screen.

Liu Jiang lit up on the light screen and entered the URL. He took out an ID card from the storage bracelet. The evolver had been dead for a long time, and no one could think of his head.

He also took out a bank card of the Gods Bank, which was registered by Yu Zhong when he used the ID card of the deceased warrior, of which one billion was deposited.

Liu Jiang entered various information and began to register, then paid a registration fee of 100 million, and the registration was successful.

"It takes 100 million RMB to register an account, which is really pitting." Liu Jiang secretly stunned.

But in this way, the number of people on the website can be well controlled to ensure that all the people who come to the website are rich people.

Clicking on the website, Liu Jiang discovered that it turned out to be a small city suspended in the air.

With a little light screen, he zoomed in on the small town. He could see every building in the small town, with a weapon pavilion dedicated to buying and selling weapons, a fairy hall specializing in buying and selling spirits, and a beast soul pavilion specializing in buying and selling beast souls.

Liu Jiang directly opened the Beast Soul Pavilion, which specializes in buying and selling beast souls.

There are two lofts, one acquisition area and one sale area.

Liu Jiang first opened the sale area and found many good beast souls.

"The king-level fifth-level golden feather magic eagle has speed ability, and it can be changed to the purple moon holy spirit fruit or the colorful stacked heart fruit."

"Ziyue Holy Spirit Fruit, colorful stacked heart fruit, these are all different fruits, how have I never heard of it." Liu Jiang frowned, first minimized the website, and then opened thousands of degrees to search for the information of the two fruits.

At first glance, Liu Jiang has some toothaches. Both of these fruits are excellent holy fruits that can greatly increase the genetic strength of king-level evolutionrs. They are extremely rare and rare. The purple moon holy spirit fruit has only appeared twice on earth. .

The colorful stacked heart fruit is even the best spiritual fruit that Kaga Star only has. It only matured in three hundred years. The only colorful fruit tree found by Kaga Star was monopolized by the Blood Wolf Mercenary Guild and did not have enough benefits. Impossible to change.

Liujiang Point opened the floating city.

Liu Jiang was determined to pay attention, ignoring the crazy Thunder Dragon.

Two hours later, the crazy Thunder Dragon has all left, and a space teleporting wormhole is quietly formed.

The blurred Liu Jiang stepped in and disappeared.

After a while, Liu Jiang appeared in Kaifeng and began to seek hunting and killing beasts.

On the third day, Liu Jiang completely digested the Dragon Egg, and his cultivation practice had already reached the peak of the eighth level, and he could almost reach the ninth level.

Divided into a survival base, in a luxurious hotel.

Liu Jiang talked to his family.

Whether there is a thunder dragon that activates abilities can be determined by looking at whether there is an arc in the eyes. It is very simple.

Liu Jiang came to the edge of each lair, observed the pupils of each female Thunder Dragon, and then recorded it.

In half an hour, he recorded all the female dragons.

Then quietly waiting for the opportunity, Liu Jiang waited until late at night.

As he expected, none of the vigilant mother dragons went out, but their vigilance did drop a lot. Some thunder dragons even fell in love with their eyes and began to sleep.

"It's time to start." Liu Jiang got up and walked towards a thunder dragon's lair.

His target is the lowest-level god-level fourth-level thunder dragon, and has not activated lightning.

Liu Jiang wore five thick sets of cn98 high-level deformed armor. Although he chose the weakest target, he should not have mastered the lightning storm, but it was also a fierce beast of the **** level four.

Then quietly stepped forward, his virtual body appeared under the nest, his heart thumped violently.

The first time he lowered his stomach in a divine beast, he couldn't help being nervous and excited.

The god-level beasts reacted too fast, and the power was too horrible, and a little difference was death.

They have been gambling for a long time, he can't I don't know why, he always feels that he has too much hormone secretion, and he wakes up every morning and misses a lot of essence.

Occasionally, he still dreams in spring. Although it is hazy, it has greatly inspired his animal nature.

"Then say quickly, your mother and I are ready." Liu Ze said.

"Uh huh." Liu Jiang nodded.

Hanging up Dad's phone, Liu Jiang called Qian Yu again.

On the phone, Liu Jiang made a variety of calls, and Qian Yu was blushing all the time.

Qian Yu's acquiescence made Liu Jiang more bold, and the topic became more and more turbulent.

Qian Yu couldn't bear it in the end, and hung up in shame.

Yanjing, Qian Yu holding her phone turned off her phone all at once, but she couldn't blush.

"This big villain."

"I don't know when this big villain proposed to me." Qian Yu was lying on the bed, waving her feet up and down, looking forward to her.

Wang Xue, her best friend in high school, is now married and tells her shamelessly, saying how cool and enjoyable it is, she is already looking forward to it.

"This big villain." Qian Yu was lying on the bed, thinking beautifully.

For a while, the blushing was pretty, and for a while, happiness.

After a while, she called Liu Jiang's phone, "Hey."

"Wife, miss me?" Liu Jiang asked.

"Uh." Qian Yu nodded cleverly, "When will you come back?"

The juice enters the body, and immediately turns into a rich energy swept through the body.

A group of people almost jumped up after hearing the words. Blackstone Bee Honey, they didn't even think that Liu Jiang even gave them two or two halves.

A pound of black stone bee honey can just saturate the body, allowing them to increase their gene strength by more than a dozen points.

This is really too generous.

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