Super God Evolution

Chapter 363: Dumpling Toon 1

"Damn, what the **** is going on, how could it be what it is now, which is too scary."

The scene in front of them was too weird, beyond their cognition, they were terrified.

"Haha, cool." Liu Jiang grinned, and then his wings fluttered, then he rushed to one of the fangs lizards.

The Tusk is fast, but he is flying, and he quickly catches up.

Fang Lizard's thick tail twitched violently and pulled towards him, and then he thought about it, and the tail passed through his body, then he jumped to Fang Lizard's body, and then appeared, a knife Insert the posterior part of the fangs lizard, and then twist firmly.

Liu Jiang turned around and found that the other fangs were all gone.

"Haha, the ability to blur is great." Liu Jiang's heart was exceptionally carefree, and the extremely powerful force gave him extremely strong execution.

Dozens of nine-level fangs lizards can't help him at all, or even hurt him. If he is fast enough, none of these fangs lizards can run away.

"Intentional killing of the clan, the death penalty was imposed." Liu Xing looked up carefully at Liu Ze's eyes, and then spoke carefully.

Soon, he found the king-level big green cow yesterday.

Liu Jiang dived, not far in front of the big green cow.

What's the matter with the UAE? It's fun to teach physics teachers.

"Next, Lao Xiao will give you a three-dimensional view of the vacant villas in Wudu District. You can choose your favorite villa." The fat man smiled. "As for your chain repair resources, you can choose it yourself. It is less than two million. The remaining money will accumulate to the next month, more than two million parts, you can pay for the difference yourself, but I think you still buy it all, you can’t use it and you can sell it to make money. Give you a three-dimensional view of the elixir and the detailed effects."

Looking at Yang Cheng's jealousy, you know that Yang Cheng is jealous. After all, Yang Cheng's crush on Qian Yu is a well-known secret in the class.

In the past, a boy wrote a letter to Qian Yu, and then Yang Cheng beat the student every day in the name of learning. Finally, he was forced to drop out of school.

Liu Jiang thought a little, thinking about dealing with the next crisis.

In the campus of this era, fighting between students is very common. As long as there is no human life, the school will not care too much.

Yang Cheng's combat effectiveness is not something he can compete with. If he comes to him every day to discuss, he shouldn't think about training well.

After school in the afternoon, as the clear and loud bells rang through the campus, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the campus, and a large number of students poured out from the teaching buildings, talking and laughing and walking towards the entrance of the school.

"Very well, there are so many dangers on Kaga, but for you, it's nothing." Zhao Zhen said.

"Well." Liu Jiang nodded, looking forward to it.

After leaving Zhao Zhen's office, Liu Jiang returned to the school in a blurred state.

Instantly put away the deformed person, and then his body emerged in vain.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

When Xiao Maoqiu saw Liu Jiang, the first time he cried loudly.

Liu Jiang was very busy before, so he closed the puppy in the dormitory and gave it to the transformer. The puppy felt quite keenly aware that the transformer was not Liu Jiang.

He could think of Liu Jiang.

Xiao Maoqiu jumped directly on Liu Jiang's shoulder, then stretched out his little tongue and licked Liu's face.

"Okay." Qian Yu nodded, then directly activated the space teleportation artifact, and appeared in the campus a few seconds later.

Qian Yu found Liu Jiang, it was a violent look.

"What's wrong." Liu Jia grabbed Qian Yu's small round face and twisted twice.

Qian Yu reached out and poked Liu Jiang's face, "Your face is so tough, how strong is your gene."

"Eleven thousand?" Liu Jiang possessed and said beside Qian Yu's ear. At this time, his identity as a virtual **** was no longer necessary to conceal Qian Yu.

"Huh?" Qian Yu's eyes widened suddenly. "Are you?"

"Hey, that's right." Liu Jiang grabbed Qian Yu's little hand and went to the third restaurant.

"Do you know what I asked?" Qian Yu asked.

Even Liu Jiang himself did not dare to guarantee that the Federal Evolution University would recruit him specially.

If he were not seriously injured, he would definitely choose to engage in a lot of resources, rather than go out and wait for the illusory special notice of recruitment.

But this is reality, and reality is so helpless.

"There are still eight days left, I can definitely get 100 million worth of resources." Qian Yu said with a smile, she is bound to get the Federal University of Evolution, will never take it lightly, at the last moment off the chain.

"You will get it!" Liu Jiang cheered for Qian Yu, but it was really difficult to do something worth 60 million in eight days.

You know, killing a first-level beast is only one million resources, two-level beast is two million, and a third-level beast is three million.

There are too many students in this area, and every moment a fierce beast is killed. It will take a long time to find a fierce beast.

Things like Crystal Jade Needle Bees are too rare and hard to find. Before they were completely **** luck, they tracked a damaged Crystal Jade Needle Bee before finding its hive.

Curious about what black charcoal is, and also an evolver of Liu Jiangtang, who actually ended the exam early.

After all, those who can become evolvers at their age are all geniuses.

When they saw that Liu Jiang was also eliminated, they suddenly felt balanced.

This is how people are. When you encounter misfortune yourself, you are particularly sad and find that others are more miserable than yourself and will dissipate a lot.

An evolver in Liu Jiangtang has ended the exam early, and it is normal for them to end the exam early.

However, they know that even if an evolver like Liu Jiang is eliminated in advance, there are many universities that are rushing to ask for it, and they are not comparable.

"Liu Jiang, you also ended the exam ahead of time." A chubby boy asked curiously. He is a student of Wu Duyi Middle School, and naturally knows Wu Jiang's star Liu Jiang.

A sweep of the phone in their hands, it is clear who has the space bracelet on his body.

There are a lot of students with space bracelets, but they all know the rules. In addition to weapons, food, water, medicines, sleeping bags and other necessities, there is no such thing as primary crystal nuclei.

"Let's eat." Liu Jiang nodded, tore apart a dinner plate, and pinched a lot of meat for the puppy.

"Hey, little hairball." Qian Yu reached out and touched the head of the little hairball. "Did you say...?"

He first wraps the cheetah's fur, digs out the internal organs, and then sets it on the fire to start grilling.

With enough food and drink, Liu Jiang found a tree house. He activated the virtual power, which was stealthy, and then sat cross-legged on the ground, began to repair the body and restore the strength of the body and soul.

With the passage of time, the power of his soul slowly recovered.

The power particles of the soul, which are invisible to the naked eye in the air, flow through the pores of the whole body a little bit into Liu Jiang’s body through the flow, and finally enter the space of Liu Jiang Zhang Tielin’s Red Sea, becoming the most pure soul power.

Early the next morning, the glimmer of light in Liu's eyes flashed, and the power of his soul had been completely restored.

The fangs lizard pounced again, and then Liu Jiang activated the ability again, disappearing into the fangs lizard's sight and perception, and the fangs lizard was stunned again.

The foremost fangs lizard rushed over under the influence of inertia. When he rushed over, Liu Jiang's feet moved, and then appeared on the side of the fangs lizard, Liu Jiang's sword A beautiful arc was drawn across the neck of the fangs lizard in an instant.

A huge head rose into the sky, blood spewed, and the second fang lizard was dead.

Before waiting for other fangs to come up, Liu Jiang's figure disappeared again.

"Roar roar..."

Zhang Jun's wife looked at Si Guopeng's face with ugliness, and a bad hunch burst in her heart. She smiled strongly, "Why didn't he come, Lao Zhang?"

"He is gone and died in the mouth of the king-level python." Si Guopeng said.

"Impossible, just kidding." Zhang Jun's wife shook her head with a smile, and then the whole person became soft and fainted on the ground.

Liu Ermei stepped forward and pinched Zhang Jun’s wife. Zhang Jun’s wife woke up slowly. She grabbed Liu Ermei’s arm. “You’re kidding, right? Zhang Jun is so powerful, how could he have an accident.”

Seeing the silence, she burst into tears.

"I'm so sorry." Si Guopeng said heavily.

"Impossible, impossible." Zhang Jun's wife wiped her tears and shook her head, but the tears wiped more and more, and could not stop.

"I'm really sorry, we met the king-level murderer." Si Guopeng said heavily.

"Then why are you okay, he died alone." Zhang Jun's wife seemed to be a little crazy, her face suddenly twisted, screaming like crazy.

Faced with the questioning of Zhang Jun's wife, Liu Jiang was very disgusted.

If they die, their loved ones will do the same. I do not want. "Liu Jiang gritted his teeth and shook his head, thinking of Nangong Xian'er, a strong hatred rose in his heart, and his inner anger almost exploded his chest."

He couldn't figure out why Nangong Xian'er would treat him.

"Pill Washing Pill is your only chance. After eating Pill Washing Pill and upgrading your qualifications, you can become a bronze warrior and lead a superior life." Wang Rong, who was blowing meat porridge, inserted a sentence.

When the fangs lizard had a distance of one meter, Liu Jiang thought about it and activated the virtual power.

He was still standing there, but the fangs lizard was forced, because the prey was disappeared at once, and his sturdy limbs stepped on the branches of the tree, and then he stopped his body.

Liu Jiang slowly widened his eyes, the puppy was too small, he was not taller than his slap when he stood up, he was fat and chubby, and he had two big eyes with water spirits, which made him feel little threat. .

The big green cow swallowed a human warrior who had just been killed, looked up at Liu Jiang, his eyes flashed fiery, just finished five snacks, and now another one came to the door, happy.

This is the taste of human snacks, it is really delicious, he likes to eat too much, thinking of this, his spit keeps flowing down.

"Why, I'll come if you want to eat." Liu Jiang smiled and folded his wings behind him.

The big green cow's sturdy limbs violently trampled the ground, and then came to Liu Jiang like a primary tank.

His strength was too fast, and the speed was too fast. In an instant, he appeared in front of him. Liu Jiang's pupils shrank and disappeared instantly.

When the green cow rushed past under the inertia, Liu Jiang appeared on his side and then swept across.

Liu Jiang felt terrified and instantly activated the blurred ability, and then the long horn was pushed over from his blurred belly.

Between the flashlights and the flints, it was fixed in the place of Liu Jiang's small tree, and all the hairs in the body exploded in a flash.

Liu Jiang's thoughts moved back quickly, and the metamorphosis between his anger appeared a hundred meters away.

Despite activating the power, Liu Jiang retreated subconsciously and quickly backed out a few tens of meters, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I still underestimate the power of the king-level beasts." Liu Jiang touched his abdomen. Just now this big green cow was too fast, and it was so little that he was estimated to be killed.

Liu Jiang looked at Daqing Niu's eyes full of palpitations, he had just been scared.

"Although I have a virtual power, the king-level fierce beast is very powerful, the reaction is too much, and the speed is too fast. If I am a little careless, I will lose a lot."

Liu Jiang took a deep breath and slowly calmed down.

The big green cow's huge eyes looked around cautiously. The human warrior mysteriously disappeared and appeared again, almost killing his life. He was alert in his heart and dared not care about it.

The perception of the big green bull corpse king-level beast ammunition is extremely It is no less than human beings, he can feel the danger instinctively.

Liu Jiang slowly approached Daqingniu, but Daqingniu was not aware of it at all.

Liu Jiang came quietly behind the big green cow, appeared in vain, stabbed on a basketball-like egg on the left side of the big green cow, and then disappeared instantly.

"Who made you kneel here, go to the ancestral hall and kneel, copy me the family rules three times." Majestic voice came out.

"Woo, I know..."

Then la la la la la la go see if you can't be there? Liu Jiang saw a ten-year-old girl running past the door of the room. She cried sadly and ran to the backyard without looking back.

"Liu Jiang, the patriarch invited you." Xiao Zuo walked in. Pull the ticket to accompany me, hurry up, hurry up, the teacher left no computer to miss what you saw.

"Okay." Liu Jiang nodded and followed Xiao Xiao to a large luxurious room.

Sitting inside the Qingpu District, I climbed up to the door of the Academy of Time and Space. I thought you could not do it. Urgently, hot moms are trying to find a way. Gila is holding a handsome middle-aged man. This person is the patriarch of the Liu family in the four major families of Lingjiang City. The character who has to shake three times, Liu Ze, the super power of Golden Samsung.

"Patriarch." Liu Jiang entered the door and bowed respectfully.

This patriarch and old patriarch were the people whom Liu Jiang's father and mother admired the most. His father and mother often talked about how Liu Jiang also admired the patriarch.

Liu Ze looked up and down at Liu Jiang, and smiled softly. "In just a few years, you little guy has grown so big. I still hugged you when I was young."

But because the veins are too small, the pain is particularly intense.

However, after expanding the meridian by washing the pill, there will be no pain in the chain repair. Chain repair speed will also be greatly improved.

This is really important to him.

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