Chapter 288

Looking at Yun Che, who has been hitting the Dark Otter Assassin triple-hit since the shot.

Hong Kai, Sai Luo and others looked at each other, with unspeakable suffering in their hearts.

Is there really such a big gap?

In the hands of Yun Che, the enemy who defeated himself and others in every minute, on the contrary, was defeated in every minute, without saving any face.

People have to die than people, and they have to be thrown away!

“Impossible, I can’t lose…”

“I am the strongest, the strongest!”

Roaring and roaring, the Dark Alter Killer Sanzhong seemed to have lost his mind, and his mental state seemed very unstable.

Turning to look at Hong Kai and the others who are eating melons, their eyes are very red:

“Let your energy be my nourishment!”

Raising his hand and grabbing, the Dark Evil Thought Body·Killer Plasma was activated.

Several beams of light flew out from the energy indicator lights of Hong Kai, Da Gu and others, and merged into the body of the Dark Otto Killer Triple.

Suddenly, the originally imaginary and castrated Dark Otter Killer Triple, regained energy again.

However, Hong Kai and Dagu, who were already lacking in energy and the energy indicator lights were constantly flashing, were directly forced to dismantle the giants this time and return to the human body.

“The second round, start!”

With a cold smile, the energy-recovering Dark Alt Killer Sanzhong took the initiative to attack.

“Dark hunting!”

First, a large amount of dark energy was released, and ten creatures that looked like ferocious hounds were condensed to interfere with Yun Che.

Then the body becomes super high-speed, using killer clusters and death head darts to continuously carry out strong Poke attacks, which is quite disgusting.

“Learning smart…”

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, watching the dense, dense attacks coming from all directions, Yun Che’s blood, which had been silent for a long time, finally showed signs of boiling.

Is it true that it is the Dark Otter Killer Triple?

He is not as stupid as an ordinary monster.

After knowing that he would suffer a blast in close hand-to-hand combat, he switched strategy directly and decisively, starting an annoying guerrilla attack.

However, smart is smart.

but still……

“Too tender!”

With a grin, Yun Che was released with an aura, instantly forming a transparent barrier, resisting the sniper hunting in the dark.

Immediately afterwards, the blue electric light flickered in his hand, and a thunder and lightning spear emerged.

“Indra’s Arrow!”

Sasuke Uchiha shot Indra’s Arrow as a bow and arrow.

And Yun Che wielded as a spear.

The method of use is different, but the power is equivalent, and it can also destroy the world!

Moreover, Yun Che’s Indra Arrow, in addition to the nine big-tailed beasts, also blessed the power of immortality, wood escape, strange power, and the dark yao Ubu.

Its destructive power is far stronger than Uchiha Sasuke, and there is no burden when used up, let alone exhausted Chakra!

“This guy, what a monster…”

Seeing Yun Che, who was waving the arrow of Indra and constantly driving away the dark pursuit, the Dark Alt Killer Sanzhong couldn’t help but slap his tongue.

The senses Yun Che gave him were more difficult and difficult to deal with than the original Otto brothers.

It’s like a bottomless pit, you can never see to the end, and never know what tricks you haven’t used!

“Got you……”

At this moment, Yun Che’s eternal kaleidoscope suddenly flashed with a scarlet light.

It turned out that just now, his hands were waving the Arrow of Indra while fighting.

But his eyes have been turning at a high speed, looking for the figure of the Dark Otter Killer Triple.

But now, the opportunity to capture the figure has arrived.

The ultra-fast moving Dark Otter Killer Triple, and ten dark hunting hounds, overlap with a probability of one in a thousand, forming a straight line!

If you don’t make a move at this time, when will you wait?

“Indra’s Arrow!”

Yun Che activated Indra’s Arrow again.

Only this time, it is no longer as a spear swing, but just like Uchiha Sasuke, shooting out in the form of a bow and arrow!

With the crackling sound of breaking through the air.

The arrow of Indra, which flickered with an electric arc, quickly pierced through the dark hunting with lightning speed.

In the blink of an eye, he slammed into the eyes of the Dark Alter Killer San Zhong!

“Depend on!”

The Dark Otter Killer tripled in a cold sweat and wanted to hide, but couldn’t hide it at all.

Because the shooting speed of Indra Arrow is much faster than his ultra-high-speed movement!



Reluctantly, the Dark Otto Killer Triple, who took the Indra Arrow frontally, burst out with a violent towering fire.

Within a hundred miles, everything was moved to flat ground!

Sniffing the pungent smell in the air, looking at the charred and airless land below…

It is estimated that under the condition of natural growth, it is impossible for this land to give birth to any life within thousands of years, even if it is an external life, it cannot survive here!

Well, to put it more vividly, it’s a nuclear explosion!

The Arrow of Indra is a nuclear explosion, and the land bombed by the Arrow of Indra is a land baptized by a nuclear explosion!

“Mosimosi, Dark Otter Killer San, are you dead yet?”

Shaking his hand, dissipating the residual electric light in his hand, Yun Che asked in a humble tone into the billowing smoke…

He felt that the Dark Alter Killer Triple should not be dead.

After all, although the power of Indra’s Arrow is huge, it is enough to destroy the world.

However, when it comes to the existence of the level of Dark Otto Killer Triple, it is basically not easy to cool down.

You know, why is the strong strong?

Because in addition to their external strength, they all have countless cards!

One trick to kill the hole, one trick to save your life, and so on, there are countless!

“Asshole! You fellow… please let me go!”

When the smoke gradually dissipated, the triple figure of the Black Otter Killer was revealed.

He really wasn’t dead!

However, no death, no death, but it’s not better.

Several of the wings were broken behind him, and all the exoskeleton armor on his body was shattered. The whole person was in a panic. I don’t know, I thought he just ran out of the garbage.

“Are you speaking the most intimidating thing in the most powerful tone?”

Yun Che couldn’t help raising his eyebrows when he heard this.

The last sentence is still cursing the bastard, and the next sentence is to beg yourself to let him go, so funny?

Why didn’t you find that the Dark Otter Killer had a funny attribute when you watched the show before?

Or in other words, he didn’t have it, but now he has been beaten out by himself?

“It’s okay, it doesn’t matter if you are forced, please accept your magical powers and let me go!”

The Dark Alter Killer Sanzhong was about to cry.

You said it’s not good for you to stay obediently and watch the show?

Anyway, I’ve been watching the show since the beginning of the game, and I have read several chapters (dog head).

Beat Hong Kai by themselves. They beat him well and had a good time. You suddenly came out, knocking me high above the bottom into the trough, pressing on the ground and rubbing wildly.

There is really no gaming experience at all!

The Dark Alt Killer San Zhong wanted to cry, the contrast between the front and back was too great, he really couldn’t accept it! .

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