Chapter 294

Kesha’s words made Hexi speechless and could only sigh helplessly.

She had found out. Since she followed Yun Che, Kaisha, this Nizi, has become more and more floating.

Of course, this is not a bad thing.

After all, the previous Keisha was so serious that it hurts people, but now, floating, it means that she is relaxed, letting go of all the past, and being able to be the most true herself.

Really alive.

“So what, we don’t know whether sisters or sisters are, but we are men…”

At this time, raising their hands silently, Hong Kai, Da Gu and others were not happy, especially Sai Luo.

It’s fine to say that he is not a man before.

Now it is even more directly referred to as sisters.

Listen, this TM is talking about human words, can you respect us a little bit?

They always feel like they don’t do anything with people!

“Oh? So? Do you have any comments?”

Raising her eyebrows, Keisha asked lightly.

Although she is no longer a queen, she still has that queen’s spirit.

Even if it is now in the form of a child, it is still full of courage.

At the very least, a look and a word made Dagu and Hong Kai lower their heads in fright and dared not speak.


Juggler was okay, curled his lips and remained silent.

As for Siro…

Originally, based on his Tsundere’s character, he would definitely return, after all, in the Ultra World, he had never counseled anyone, and dared to say a few words to anyone.

But now, he chose silence.

It was not because he was afraid of Kesha, nor was it because he was frightened by Kesha’s aura.

It was because the light that bloomed on Kesha’s body was so pure.

It is purer than his Laozi Saiwen, he is even more pure than his Laozi’s father of Laozi Otto.

This kind of light, Siro has only seen two people.

One is Noah who gave him the shield of Balaji.

The second is the real master of the Kingdom of Light, the King of Otto.

Because of this, Siro was rarely stunned, but did not respond.

After all, from a certain perspective, the Kingdom of Light still values ​​the purity of the light source, which is almost the same as blood.

The more pure, the more powerful and the brighter the future!

“Okay, little Nanny Sha, don’t be mad at them, they are all my friends ~.”

Yun Che touched Kesha’s head a little funny.

Dagu and Hongkai don’t care if they are counseled, after all, they are not strong at first.

However, Juggler and even Cyro didn’t speak, which he didn’t expect.

After all, these two guys are quite Tsundere and have a lot of self-esteem.

“Friends? Then I should give them some face.”

She raised her eyebrows in surprise, Kesha squinted her eyes, and said glutinously.

To be honest, having been with Yun Che for so long, it was the first time she heard the word friend from his mouth.

Since they can be recognized by their own male gods, they become friends.

So, as a woman of Yun Che, Keisha is naturally willing to give them some face.

As for why it is to give them face, not they give her face…

the reason is simple.

First of all, Yun Che is her male god, and she is the goddess of Yun Che.

Secondly, regardless of strength or age, Keisha is definitely much older than them.

Needless to say, Dagu is between 20 and 30 years old.

Hong Kai and Juggler are thousands of years old.

Siro is more than five thousand nine hundred years old and nearly six thousand years old.

And Kesha, more than 30,000 years old, let alone being older than them, even a grandmother who is a grandmother is more than enough!

“By the way, where’s Liangbing, isn’t she with you?”

Yun Che asked suspiciously.

Basically everything that should be back came back, and it seemed that Morgana was missing.

“She took Wanda and Carol to play around in the universe. It is estimated that she ran to a galaxy farther away, so it will be slower to come back.”

Keisha shrugged and said.


Yun Che nodded when he heard the words.

They can play if they like, and they don’t have to worry about safety anyway.

One point of his own strength is that he is strong, and another point is that in the current super god world, there are almost no villains, so there is no need to worry about anything.

“Yun Che, they are all…”

“You don’t even let such a small child go?”

At this time, Intermediate, who had already passed Guangxiahai and understood the current situation, walked over.

Feeling complicated, she wanted to confirm whether the women present were all his women, as Guang Xiahai said, but suddenly she saw Kaisha in Yun Che’s arms.

Suddenly, she misunderstood.

Since Kika Hae had been pulled aside to talk about things before, Iimae didn’t see the scene where Keisha changed from Onee-san to Loli.


Yun Che was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked down at Keisha who was lying in his arms with a pleasant face.

Slap on the forehead, okay…

Obviously, the appearance of Keisha’s child at this moment made Intermae mistakenly believe that she was really a child.

Moreover, he regarded himself as a dead Hentai that even children would not let go…

“…Then what, Intermae, the truth is not what you see…”

“Needless to say, Yun Che, I didn’t expect you to be such a person!”

Yun Che sighed helplessly. Just as he wanted to explain, he was interrupted by Kai Mae directly:

“Because our world is different, we have different habits and different cognitions. I can understand this.”

“Even if you are a man with a dozen or twenty women, I can accept this slowly, but you shouldn’t act on a child anyway!”

Tears flickered in the corners of Ji Mae’s eyes, with a look of hatred for iron and steel.

This tone, this gesture directly stunned everyone present.

What a big melon, it’s really sweet to eat…

(Promise)   “Then what, sister, have you misunderstood something…”

Hexi’s helpless forehead, just about to explain, was interrupted by Kaisha in Yun Che’s arms:

“Hexi, don’t talk for now.”

After speaking, Keisha slowly opened her eyes and looked at Intermae with interest:

“You just said, I’m just a kid?”

Upon hearing this, Hexi knew why Keisha told herself to stop talking.

I dare to love that Nizi has a bad taste exploding, and I want to tease Intermae!

“Yes, good boy, if you have any grievances, tell your sister that your sister will definitely help you!”

Nodded, Intermae said seriously, and at the same time gave Yun Che a glance.

It seems that he is condemning Hentai’s behavioral purchases that he never let go of even children.

In response to this, Yun Che reluctantly spread his hands and handed over the situation to Keisha, intending to see how she would “rectify” Intermediate. .

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