Chapter 371

The fighting intensified, and the situation became worse and worse.

Different from the original drama, it only affects the battlefield of the Pacific Ocean.

Now, due to the addition of Cerro, the battle between two otters and one monster gradually shifts to the city.

This is not what Diga wants to see.

But no way.

After all, it was not him and Siro who pressed Gatangieu to approach the city, but Gatangieu pressed the two of them to lean towards the city!

“Siro, you can’t retire anymore!”

“Although I have already taken refuge in the underground shelter, once a war starts in the city, humans will definitely suffer heavy damage!”

While resisting Gatanjae’s attack, Tiga said with difficulty.

“I don’t want to, but I can’t help it! This bastard has great strength!”

Sai Luo smiled bitterly.

Earlier, he had already switched to a strong corona form, but he couldn’t help but couldn’t resist Gatangie’s attack. With his body at 957, his strength was naturally not something to eat.

“I don’t want to just give up like that.”

Looking up at Yun Che in the air, Tiga gritted his teeth unwillingly.

“My uncle doesn’t want to either.”

“In that case… let it be fate, fight for it?”

Cooperating with high-intensity beasts every day, he has been training for so long.

Neither Siro nor Tiga didn’t want to just give up like this.

They plan to explode with all their strength and fight hard, whether they can win or not, it is up to fate, anyway, if it is really impossible, Yun Che can rely on behind them.

“Out of limit form!”


After making up their minds, Siro and Diga took a deep breath and burst out into their current strongest form.

Siro is okay, Tiga…

As innocent as him, I really feel the strong type…Oh no, it is the great ancient happy type, which is the strongest form of Tiga.



Looking at each other, the two of them exploded at their feet, leaping high and rushing towards Gatangieu.

“Extra-limit punch!”

“Diga Power Punch!”

The purple and red lights flickered, and Siro and Diga made powerful punches one after another, slamming hard on the huge conch shell of Gatange.

This time, they seemed to regain their confidence.

Successfully repelled Gatangieu a few steps.


“Don’t give it a chance to breathe!”

I made a fist and felt the rhythm return to my hand again.

Siro and Diga rushed to the whip, not letting go of a single chance, grabbing Gatanjae’s tortoise head, and throwing it up with a bombardment of skills.

“Aimelim’s stab!”

“Tiga ejects light waves!”

“Sero Kick!”

“Tiga kicked hard!”

“Shuanglian Jijia broke!”

“Diraxum Light Stream!”

Sai Luo and Diga completely incarnate Lord Fa, just like Don’t Lan, they threw out their skills all at once.

In the end, it seemed to be on the top, and even the nirvana was thrown on Gatangieu’s body.



Loud roar, brilliant sparks.


A ton of damage hit Gatanjae’s body, seeming to really hurt it, and let out an angry roar.

“It works!”

“The final blow, see if you can take it away!”

Throwing out a lot of skills desperately.

At this moment, both Tiga and Siro were empty blue, and the energy indicator light kept flashing.

What they can do now is to seize this last opportunity and see if they can take Gatanjee away directly, otherwise, they will be completely cool!

“Yay Destroy Light!”

“Zai Pelliao Ray!”

In a sign posture, Siro and Diga fired a super killer light together.

They have done their best.

Whether it’s dead or alive, it depends on this wave!


The two rays did not deviate in the slightest, hit the center of the bull’s-eye, and hit Gatanjae hard.

It roared, as if expressing pain.

After a few seconds, the fire blazed into the sky and there was little smoke.


Explode in place?

“Huh~ We succeeded?”

“Well, it looks like it should be…no, be careful!”

Sai Luo and Da Gu looked excited, thinking that they had exhausted all the fortunes, and finally succeeded in defeating Gatangieu.

When I was about to clap my hands to celebrate…


I saw that in the black fog, a dark purple light burst out!

Kong Lan was exhausted, and Tiga and Siro, who were too late to react, were hit instantly and penetrated through their bodies!

“This is……”

“Energy, disappeared…”

Holding their chests, whispered in pain, Siro and Diga struggled powerlessly, starting from the wound that was penetrated by the dark purple light, and gradually petrified!

Just a few seconds…

They went from a living giant to a stone statue!


At this moment, the whole world is silent…

All humans are dumbfounded.

They couldn’t think of it. It was clear that victory was in sight for the first second, but in the next second, Desperate didn’t even say hello, and rushed directly into your face.

Who can accept this tm?


In Attis, Lina who saw this scene immediately yelled heartbreakingly.

And her shout made other members of the victory team understand that the giant who had been guarding them was their teammate!

“Dagu, Siro…”

At this moment, InterMae frowned tightly, also a little worried.

She has no doubt that Yun Che can beat Gatanjae every minute, so she is not worried about the safety of the world.

It’s the safety of Dagu and Siro!

After all, these two people were directly petrified, and the ghost knew if they were really dead!

“Hey, it still doesn’t work…”

In midair, Yun Che couldn’t help sighing while looking at Tiga and Siro who were petrified into statues.

“Even with the help of Siro, the gap is still too big. It seems that if you want to defeat Gatanjae, you still need to break through the shining form…”

Yun Che is not at all worried about Tiga and Cyro being petrified.

Isn’t it the petrochemical lights off?

It won’t be so good.

When the time comes, just inject point light sources into them, and they will be able to resurrect in situ without any difficulty.

“It’s better for me to do it, otherwise, this world will really be wiped out by Gatanjae.”

Shaking his head, Yun Che’s dark eyes switched into scarlet eternal kaleidoscopes.

Just as he was about to summon a complete body, Sou Nenghu, and beat Gatanjee…


Suddenly again!

I saw that the dark sky that was originally shrouded in the black mist of Gatanjee suddenly opened a small hole, shining a shining light from it.

Immediately after…

One, two, three, four…

Several large figures rushed out from the mouth of the shining light, and landed steadily on the surface of the Pacific Ocean, setting off a stormy sea.

Look around, take a closer look.


All are giants of light! .

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