Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 197 Fraser's sudden change

An Lan put away the dangerous trigger and the counterfeit Evol driver, and then took a closer look at the [Angel Starting Device] in his hand.

After a while, he noticed something was wrong. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "This seems to be a semi-finished product. I can't feel the power in it that can rival the dangerous trigger.

The workmanship is quite fine, but it is useless if it is just a semi-finished product. "

"You really like to use inverted sentences." He Xi complained.

"You're really arrogant with your words." An Lan complained back.

He Xi, who was complained about, pouted his lips to express his dissatisfaction, and then explained: "Because in order for the [Angel Activation Device] to be officially put into use, it still needs to go through the [activation] step.

I have studied various props such as the Build Knight System and the Evol Knight System, and found that the more powerful the prop, the deeper the connection with your [Pandora's Box].

During the development process of Danger Trigger, it must have borrowed the power of [Pandora's Box].

In the same way, if you want to [activate] the angel activation device, you need to call a large amount of energy from Pandora's Box and inject it into it. "

An Lan nodded slightly, understanding, understanding.

It is absolutely impossible for An Lan to lend [Pandora's Box] out, everyone knows this.

He Xi also wisely did not mention this request, but completed all the steps for the angel to activate the device, leaving only the last activation for An Lan.

An Lan connected to the [Pandora's Box] in the dark plane, extracted a large amount of energy and nebula gas from it, and poured it into the angel trigger in his hand.

He Xi stared nervously at the dangerous trigger in An Lan's hand. After all, this prop was only a semi-finished product. Although various theoretical data had been scrutinized many times, it was still unknown whether it could truly succeed.

The energy meter in the center of the angel's trigger began to beat under the stimulation of the nebula's gas and energy, and after a few seconds, it suddenly released white light and clouds.

This cloud is very much like the black smoke released by a dangerous trigger, but the color is the opposite. And unlike the aggressive energy fluctuations of the Danger Trigger, the fluctuations of the Angel Trigger are extremely soft and holy.

Yada thief, success!

Hexi waved his fist, and I knew that my calculations and inventions would never be wrong.

An Lan took out the dangerous trigger again and carefully felt the differences and similarities between the two power-ups with one hand. In terms of energy alone, the two are indeed on the same level.

"I've studied Danger Triggers and the Danger Forms you've used."

Hexi stood aside and introduced eloquently: "First of all, the danger trigger can release special strengthening substances, which can greatly increase the user's danger level in a short period of time.

If the user's own risk level is low, it can even be raised by up to one level.

I can't imitate this. I don't understand the danger level or anything like that. So in response to this, the approach I took was to incorporate some of the characteristics of the sacred body and the sub-biological engine into it.

It greatly improves the user's physical toughness and recovery ability. In terms of direct increase in danger level, the Angel Trigger is not as good as the Danger Trigger.

However, the angel trigger's energy output, whether it is continuous or instantaneous output, is far better than the dangerous trigger. Because the body's toughness has been improved previously, the wear and tear on the body will be greatly reduced when the user withstands the stronger energy wash of the Angel Trigger.

Taking the two together, the ability improvement brought by the Angel Trigger is no less than that of the Danger Trigger. "

An Lan understood what He Xi meant.

Danger level is the basis of the knight system, but if you want to improve your strength, you don't necessarily have to increase the danger level.

Just like An Lan's special state after fusion with Liang Bing. Although the danger level is only 7.2, because he has obtained the immortality of the fourth generation divine body, his overall strength is no worse than the normal 7.5.

Angel Trigger sacrifices the danger level in exchange for an alternative improvement, a bit like a stability-enhanced version of the Nebula Gas Bath.

Although the level has not improved, the energy that can be carried in the body has indeed increased.

"Then after that comes armor performance."

He Xi continued to introduce: "The forms transformed by using dangerous triggers, without exception, have the ability to blast energy directly into the enemy's body, penetrate armor, break defenses, and kill the divine body.

I have no way to achieve this, but I equipped the Angel Trigger with the ability to kill God-killing weapon parts. Overall, it is no worse than the Danger Trigger, and is even stronger. "

"What about energy-filled mode and knight kick?" An Lan asked.

The Cavaliers are incomplete without Cavaliers kicking.

"I used stellar energy drive as a substitute for this part, which can also kill the divine body when combined with the God-killing Martial Arts." He Xi answered fluently.

In short, this is a prop that is no less dangerous than a trigger. If there's one drawback, it's that it's too "angelic".

This is an angel gene loading device covered in the skin of a [starting device]. It is essentially no different from the [Angel Knight System] developed by He Xi.

"It's worth mentioning that while studying the Danger Trigger and Evol Drive, I also discovered the characteristics of your genes." He Xi suddenly said.


An Lan and Holy Kesha raised their heads at the same time, looking like they were willing to hear the details and wanted to hear what He Xi had to say.

"This is just my guess, and it may not be correct."

He Xi waved his hand to call up multiple data interfaces, pointed at those pages, and explained in a very professional manner: "Initially, I thought An Lan's genetic trait was phagocytosis.

Devour the planetary energy and life energy to increase your danger level and basic statistics.

After that, I created more than two thousand models and carefully studied all the data since your debut, only to find that this inference was wrong.

Devouring is not your genetic trait. You have one and only one genetic trait, and that is fusion.

When you are fused with living beings such as Leng, Yan, and Liang Bing that have independent consciousness and powerful strength, their genes can match and complement each other with your genes.

When you are fused with Qilin, second-generation warriors and other life forms that are weak but also have independent consciousness, your strength will not be improved but you can control them.

But when you are fused with planets, space energy, and ordinary life, which are weak in strength and have weak or even non-existent self-awareness, your extremely aggressive genes will directly devour them.

It's like a marriage.

Whether it is a marriage with a rich woman or a powerful alliance, it can greatly increase your strength.

If the other party's conditions are slightly poor and cannot match your relationship, they will inevitably lack the confidence to become your vassal after marriage.

When the conditions of the other party are extremely poor and there is no sense of autonomy, just like the poor white lotus in those urban romance novels, they will be eaten alive by you after marriage.

The characteristic of your genes has always been fusion, and there has never been any devouring. It's just that many times the quality of the person you fuse with is seriously inconsistent with yours in all aspects, and the manifestation looks like devouring. "

Holy Kesha suddenly realized it, An Lan seemed to have some understanding, and He Xi's analysis seemed reasonable.

"Is there any necessary suggestion between this and Angel Trigger and Danger Trigger?" An Lan asked.

"No, I just want to take this opportunity to share my conjectures and research results with you." He Xi shook his head.

Wealth that does not return to its hometown is like walking in brocade at night. After finally researching something new, how can we not show off and show off?

"No wonder you and An Lan have such a good relationship." Holy Kesha smiled and shook her head.

The two of them have too many similarities. Both are fun-loving people, both are good at interrupting topics, and both like to talk nonsense...

"Who has a good relationship with him?" Before An Lan could answer, He Xi was anxious to refute the rumors.


Holy Kesha's eyelashes twitched slightly. She felt something was wrong with He Xi, as if the "perfect state of mind" in a martial arts fantasy novel had been broken.


Before Kesha had time to delve into this issue, she suddenly received an emergency message from the operator. After receiving the message, her expression suddenly turned cold.

There is a bit of relief and relaxation in the indifference. In short, it is a very complicated mood and expression.

"What's wrong?" He Xi stopped making jokes and asked seriously.

"An accident occurred on Fraser Planet."

Holy Kesha solemnly said: "Liang Bing dropped a quasi-third-generation demon on Fraser Planet. For Fraser, who is still in the era of cold weapons, this is a dimensionality reduction strike.

In just a few days, that demon conquered the largest tribe in the north of Fraser and slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people with his own hands. His demonic power was overwhelming.

Although the demon did not take action against the south controlled by Enisid, the leaders of the northern tribes who were slaughtered found Enisid, hoping to pray for angels' help. "

He Xi understood.

Fraser is a planet with complicated beliefs and beliefs. Many tribes in the north believe in the God of Time, who is the principal of the Super Seminary, Kieran.

The three major god-making projects developed under the guidance of the Super Seminary are theoretically believed by many tribes in the north. It's just that these few beliefs are like Roaring Heavenly Dog to Erlang God, and Good Fortune Boy to Guanyin, they are just tacks on their head.

No one would go to the Erlang Temple at Guanjiangkou to worship the Roaring Heavenly Dog.

Under normal circumstances, when tribes are invaded or encounter dimensionality reduction attacks from high-level civilizations, they will seek help from the gods they believe in.

But the problem is that the time god Kiran no longer exists in the known universe in physical form. His state is very close to that of Kesha after being bombed. It can be said that he is offline.

And the Super Seminary established by the God of Time has also existed in name only.

Liang Bing, Carl, and other gods and scientific researchers who were once super seminarians went their separate ways. The Denon civilization, which inherited the most intellectual heritage outside the clock, reincarnated into the earth.

The prayers of Fraser’s northern tribes are destined to receive no answer. At this time, we can only put aside the grievances between the north and the south and seek the help of angels.

He Xi and Kesha looked at An Lan at the same time.

They knew that Liang Bing and Karl teamed up to try to take Kesha offline. Liang Bing sent demons to Fraser, but they didn't know.

However, An Lan must know this.

Liang Bing just handed over the oath of guardianship, so naturally he would not hide this matter from An Lan.


An Lan sighed and read: "The city of heaven is shocked, and the universe has changed. Naive angels, don't judge by yourself that the wind is rain."

Lang Gu was suspicious, so he took off his clothes and took the collar, and divided the pot without checking.

A thousand kinds of suffering, the pearl of Job's tears, let's talk about it with whom. "

This is the first half of the title of the poem "Yong Yu Le", which An Lan casually recited to cry out for injustice.

"Is this the level of a leading young writer? My grandma can write this kind of limerick, but what about the second half?" He Xi complained.

"There are none below." An Lan answered honestly, and then explained: "What I am better at is modern poetry, ancient poetry is not my strong point.

Being able to write half a verse is already the limit. "

"Then who do you say is the Naive angel?" Holy Kesha looked unfriendly.

Naive, is a kind of clothing, meaning childish, ignorant, and innocent.

"Whoever answers, I'm talking about him." An Lan did not give in.


Holy Kesha snorted and said, "Ignore the question of whether you know about this matter for the time being. In your opinion, what should we do next?"

"How can others sleep on my bed? Liang Bing sent the demon to Ferezer. Even if he did not harm the south under the jurisdiction of Enesid, it was a provocation.

Provoking my authority and questioning my power, such things are absolutely not allowed. "

An Lan hinted wildly, and added: "This is just my personal immature opinion. You can decide for yourself how to do it."

Holy Kesha stared at An Lan, and asked: "Many tribes in the north of Ferezer believe in the God of Time. Does this need to be notified to the Earth Super Seminary?

After all, it was the Earth Super Seminary that inherited the claim of the God of Time, Jilan. "

"Now the authority of the angels has been challenged, what does it have to do with the Earth Super Seminary?" An Lan asked back.

Saint Kesha pondered for a moment, and tacitly agreed with An Lan's statement, and ordered on the communication channel: "Yan, Lan Yuan, I have a task for you, come to the palace of the King of Tianji."

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