Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 206: Prison of Fallen Angels

An Lan observed the shape of Lucifer's armor. The overall appearance is very high. The only unexpected thing is that there is almost no particularly obvious demon element in the overall style.

It is probably because the [Full Bottle of Demon Evolution] was taken out from Liang Bing. Although Liang Bing is called the Demon Queen, her genes are still angels in essence.

The final style is more inclined to fallen holiness, rather than the unity of holy and demon.

In addition, this form has a [cloak] that symbolizes the strong, which also makes An Lan satisfied.

While An Lan was observing his own form, Atuo and the angel Lan Yuan were also observing An Lan. Both of them felt a familiar breath in An Lan at the same time.



Two queens, of course not the same queen.

After being surprised, both of them felt bitter in their hearts. Atuo was uncomfortable because An Lan took out Morgana, and Lan Yuan was uncomfortable because the Holy Kesha was offline.

"Ato, run, run quickly, you can't beat An Lan!"

"Ato, you don't have to face an opponent you can't beat at all, do you understand?"

"Ato, I order you to leave Frazer immediately and don't fight An Lan, this is the Queen's order!"

The anxious Morgana still bombarded Atto's communication channel.


I can't win at all, I don't understand!

"Queen, this is the first and last time I disobey your order. I will show you how trustworthy your warriors are."

After being bombarded for a long time, Atto silently blocked the communication from Morgana, and then boosted his morale, played up his spirit and concentration, raised the sword of command and turned into a residual shadow to An Lan.


The sound of weapons colliding resounded throughout the battlefield, and Atto's powerful sword was blocked by An Lan who raised his left arm and used the wrist guard.

Too weak, this is An Lan's first thought.

The 6.0 level of danger level is a qualitative leap compared to the previous 5.5. In the "Build" system, a danger level difference of 0.2 to 0.3 is enough to suppress your opponent.

A danger level of 0.5 is almost two and a half combat power levels. Counting the blessing of the [Angel Starter], it is at least half a level.

An Lan, who is 5.5, armed with the special abilities of the Evol armor, can have a theoretical combat power and comprehensive data that is equal to or even better than the normal full power without activating the sub-biological engine.

Such combat power can probably be ranked as high-end combat power among the three generations of war gods, and the next one should be the top three generations with activated sub-biological engines.

And the third generation Liang Bing who has awakened the sub-biological engine and is blessed by the sky blade, and the third generation Liang Bing who is blessed by the devil number one, this level is probably the third generation of war gods, the ultimate peak invincible great perfection Pro·Max·Plus·Ultra.

An Lan, who was born as a novelist, can be said to have clearly arranged the division of super god combat power.

Of course, it is only theoretical combat power. Anything can happen in battle. The venue, state, and state of mind will become factors that affect the outcome.

Then the Ifer form, which is about 3 small levels stronger than before, can definitely surpass the limit of the third generation and reach the combat power of the weak fourth generation.

It is stronger than the genius form used after the fusion with Leng, but still a little weaker than the aunt-limited Liang Bing. If the black hole trigger is used, it should be able to truly equal the aunt-limited Liang Bing.

Don’t think that Liang Bing always loses in the hands of Kaisha, it is mainly because Kaisha’s personal combat power is too strong. The strongest divine body in the known universe + the second-largest supercomputer in the known universe, who can withstand this.

Compared with such An Lan, Atuo, who can only be equal to Yan, seems quite inadequate.

"Such combat power is not worthy of Liang Bing's trust." An Lan said indifferently, causing a double blow to Atuo from the physiological and psychological levels.

Waves are the racial talents of most blood clansmen except Wanzhanglong. If you don’t say a few foul words in the wind, you are embarrassed to say that you are a blood clan member.

Atuo gritted his teeth slightly, swung the Sword of Command with his backhand, and smashed it towards An Lan again. The sword was so powerful that it was so heavy that even mountains and rivers would fall down.

Atuo also had the advantage of height. He could swing it as easily as he wanted from a high position.

"Clang, clang, clang, clang..."

A series of weapons and weapons collided, and Atuo's sword moves were all blocked by An Lan. Although the size difference between the two sides was obvious, the difference in comprehensive data between Atuo and An Lan was even more obvious.

[Microwormhole Transport], An Lan thought about it and used the ability of the full bottle of demon evolution.

Atuo, who was stabbing forward with a sword, felt something was wrong after sensing the fluctuation of space, but it was too late when he reacted.

The sword of Changhong Guanri did not even touch An Lan, and Atuo and his sword were transferred to a position about one meter behind An Lan.

An Lan lifted his legs slightly and rotated 360 degrees at the same time, and a heavy whip kick hit Atuo's shoulder behind him.

The name of this move is Rainbow Energy Kick, which is a very fancy kick. Senior Brother Duan Shuiliu and Kyoto Kusanagi are well-known users of this move.

It is worth mentioning that the name of this move in "The King of Fighters" is 707 Styles·Dule Tu.


Ato's shoulder armor and shoulder blade were suddenly shattered by this kick, and the whole person flew forward for dozens of kilometers before stopping because of the force of this kick.

The little angel Lan Yuan opened her mouth slightly in surprise. This strength is too strong, obviously stronger than Sister Yan and Ato just now.

In the past, the Queen and Sister Yan said that Yan and An Lan were truly a match made in heaven. An Lan was above the Holy Left Wing in both strength and potential, but Lan Yuan still didn't believe it.

The overall situation in the universe is that women are strong and men are weak. No matter how strong An Lan is, he should not be stronger than Sister Yan.

Now it seems that it is indeed a match made in heaven. It is a pity that Sister Yan is no longer here...

Before A'tuo, who was blown away, had time to breathe, An Lan had already used the [Micro Wormhole Carrying] ability to travel to A'tuo and hit out with a set of hook and swing combos.

A few punches struck Atona so dizzy that he could barely hold the sword in his hand.

"For the queen, I must hold on..."

A'tuo gritted his teeth slightly and roared, cheering up, finding an opportunity to get rid of An Lan's attack, and slashed at An Lan with his sword again.

【Dark energy drive】

【Light energy drive】

【Star energy drive】

An Lan turned slightly sideways, dodged Atuo's slash, and at the same time used two Evolution Full Bottle abilities to mobilize various energies that are ubiquitous in the known universe.

Angel's genes are better than balance, strong in all aspects and balanced in all aspects.

The same is true for [Angel Evolution Full Bottle], which can temporarily draw energy from the universe to strengthen and amplify An Lan's various moves as much as possible within the acceptable range.

Forms above 6.0 basically have the ability to cheat. The black hole form has a black hole reactor, the genius has a 60-full spray bottle combination, and Chuangyue has all the abilities of the genius + forced 50/50 + other messy abilities...

The basis of Lucifer's form is the Angel Evolution Full Bottle and the Angel Activation Device, which can be said to be able to use almost all the abilities of the Angel.

Endless energy surged from the universe to Fraser and attached itself to An Lan's left hand.

Before A'tuo's sword fell, An Lan took the lead to take a step forward, raised his right leg and hit A'tuo's side waist, directly interrupting his sword move, and kicked him to the left without any control. Zai fell down.

An Lan grabbed A'tuo's neck with his left hand and smashed it to the ground with a bang. His whole body was pressed on A'tuo's chest, and his left hand was still firmly grasping A'tuo's throat.

"Despair is your end."

【Paradoxical Attack! 】

The energy condensed in the palm of his left hand exploded, starting from A'tuo's throat and spreading to all directions, destroying A'tuo's body and brain without restraint.

Although the types of energy are more complex, the energy that has just been condensed is by no means under the flaming judgment that ordinary three generations of angels use with all their strength.

The chaotic and majestic energy was well contained within a small area by [Devil Evolution Full Bottle], swallowing An Lan and Atuo completely.

Viewed from a distance, it looks like a red-black epiphyllum with a diameter of more than ten meters, strange, powerful, holy, and depraved...

This energy blooms like an epiphyllum, and dissipates like an epiphyllum within a few seconds, as if this filthy world is not worthy of that deadly beauty.

Only An Lan, who was standing on the spot, and A Tuo, who was seriously injured and lying on the ground, were left.

After all, Atuo was only a third-generation god, and he was facing An Lan, who had always been ruthless, and An Lan with all his strength in a furious state.

It was completely foreseeable that he would be seriously injured and on the verge of death after a dozen moves.

"With sixty thousand and twenty years of skill, can you block this move?" An Lan asked coldly.

Liang Bing and Kesha are 60,000 years old together, plus An Lan's twenties, the total is 60,020 years old, give or take.

"Haven't I... already... held on?"

A'tu said angrily, staggeringly stood up and wanted to fight again, but judging from the trembling posture that he could barely stand up, A'tu could be said to have completely lost his fighting ability.

If he left it alone, Atuo might die in a few minutes, just like Yan just now.

"Then try to see if you can sustain this move again."

The Evol driver was projected onto his waist, and An Lan slowly turned the joystick without mercy.

When watching "A Better Tomorrow", An Lan couldn't understand why Xiao Ma Ge fired several shots at the minion after he was attacked by an enemy minion during the bloody battle at Maplewood Pavilion, clearing all the bullets. Even after two shots, you can be sure that the opponent is dead.

Some people say that this is the violent aesthetics of director John Woo, and now An Lan vaguely understands it. Many times, what people need is not reason, but catharsis.

Because of Angel Yan's "refuse to make a guardianship oath," An Lan can now be said to have awakened all his simple emotions. Now he urgently needs a sandbag that can let him release his emotions to his heart's content.

Ato served as the sandbag well.

【Paradoxical Finish! 】

The end of the paradox!

The light energy, dark energy, and stellar energy of the entire Fraser planet and even the surrounding universe were mobilized, and hundreds of rivers converged toward An Lan, who was in the northern border of Fraser.

This energy was amplified by the Evol driver and then released, turning into dark red energy and covering the sky and the earth within a radius of dozens of kilometers.

Except for this area, the entire planet Fraser was plunged into darkness.

The little angel Lan Yuan was just on the edge of the [Prison of Fallen Angels]. After sensing the huge energy covering the world, she knew what An Lan wanted to do.

He picked up Angel Yan's body very rationally, waved the wings of time and space forcefully, and flew dozens of kilometers farther away, dragging his seriously injured body.

“Ready go!

Paradoxical Finish! "


Following An Lan's sharp shout, the dark red [Prison of Fallen Angels], which was enough to destroy any tribe or country on Fraser Planet, suddenly erupted into waves of destruction.

This destructive wave is chaotic and complex. It contains star energy similar to the Heavenly Blade Judgment, micro-wormhole power that can distort space, and light energy similar to sword energy that travels between micro-wormholes...

All kinds of different energies set off a chaotic storm inside the [Prison of Fallen Angels]. Particle flow and gamma rays danced together, and nuclear fusion and dark energy bombarded each other.

In fact, these energies are not only released inward, but also released outward. It's just that the energy released outwards was accurately transferred internally by An Lan using his [Micro Wormhole Transport] ability.

Under An Lan's control, the farthest distance the energy can be released continues to shrink. At least the energy will be transferred back 30 kilometers away from An Lan. Now it will be transferred back 20 kilometers away from An Lan.

And this is linear. From the outside, it looks like the [Prison of Fallen Angels] is constantly shrinking inwards.

The diameter and coverage of the [Prison of Fallen Angels] are constantly being reduced. In other words, the intensity of energy bombardment per unit space within it is also rapidly increasing.

Four or five seconds later, the [Prison of Fallen Angels], which was initially dozens of kilometers in diameter, shrunk to the size of a table tennis ball.

An Lan still stood there, relying on the [Micro Wormhole Transport] technology, the violent energy could not cause any harm to him.

But Atuo has disappeared, his material body has been completely destroyed, and all the dark information has been gathered and imprisoned in the [Prison of Fallen Angels] which is only the size of a table tennis ball.

In the database of the Demon Legion, the name belonging to Ato also lost its luster. Morgana, who was 160 million light years away and beyond her reach, knew what this meant.

Morgana, who was heartbroken, wiped away the tears that fell from the corners of her eyes. After a long silence, she tentatively sent a communication request to An Lan.

"Hello?" An Lan asked softly.

At the same time as he killed Atuo, An Lan had already lifted his shield against Liang Bing.

Liang Bing took a deep breath and asked softly: "An Lan, did you really kill Atuo?"

An Lan was silent for a moment and replied: "From the day you and I merged and severely injured Kesha, you should know that some people cannot be touched."

Liang Bing remained silent.

An Lan's meaning is very clear. I will kill anyone who dares to touch you. In the same way, I will kill anyone who dares to touch Angel Yan. When you let Atuo do it, you should be prepared for Atuo to be killed by me.

Liang Bing regrets it now, very, very much.

Although Atuo died in An Lan's hands, she was also responsible for a large part of it.

If she hadn't carelessly ignored An Lan's attention to Yan and wanted to expand the effect so that A Tuo could kill Yan, A Tuo would not have died.

Although An Lan, who killed A Tuo, is undoubtedly the murderer, don't you, Liang Bing, bear even 1% of the responsibility?

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