Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 240 Lieyang Palace

A moment later, a golden stream of light flew from the east and landed in the Super Seminary.

When Mao Shen, who was wearing silver armor, saw Cheng Yaowen standing behind An Lan, he was slightly startled and confused. Why did Cheng Yaowen appear here?

After monitoring Leina for so long, Mao Shen must have a good understanding of Cheng Yaowen's identity, his conflicts with Leina, and his grudges with Lieyang.

To be honest, Cheng Yaowen was a bit unlucky when he appeared here on this happy day.

"Yaowen is my subordinate. This time he will go to Lieyang with me to completely end the hatred between Deno civilization and Lieyang."

An Lan just explained briefly.

The only person in the known universe who is qualified to represent the old Deno civilization is Cheng Yaowen, and even Dukao, the former Deno military leader, is not qualified.

Dukao is like Xiang Yu in the late Qin Dynasty. Your grandfather Xiang Yan, the general of Chu State, is true, and the Xiang family can also represent Chu State to a certain extent.

But if you really want to achieve great things, you still have to respect Xiong Xin, a true descendant of the royal family, as King Chu Huai and take up the banner of King Chu Huai.

Mao Shen just nodded slightly, and for a moment he didn't know how to settle the grudge. Whether Cheng Yaowen's visit to Lieyang this time would have a good or bad impact on Lieyang.

However, what does this have to do with him being a guerrilla general? This is something that only the Four Heavenly Guards, the Four Guardians, and even senior officials at Pan Zhen's level need to consider.

No longer thinking about Cheng Yaowen's matter, Mao Shen knelt down on one knee and lowered his head and asked: "Your Highness An Lan, Your Majesty Reina asked me to ask you, do you plan to take the spaceship and go through the wormhole to the Lieyang, or do you plan to transfer there directly?

No matter which way you use it, the sun is ready. "

"Warp space, hurry up." An Lan's time can be wasted in daze, and he can waste it in playing games, but he can't waste it on things that make him unable to obtain pleasure.

"Okay, then according to the instructions of my god Lena, I must give this to you."

God Mao took out a jade from his arms, held it in both hands and presented it to An Lan respectfully.

An Lan took Baoyu and looked at it twice. It seemed to be a communication device special to Lieyang. It is also the Kamigawa civilization, and Lieyang's technological creations are very fantasy-like.

Less than two seconds after activation, Rena's jumping image was projected in front of her eyes.

In the image, Lena is wearing a bright yellow royal robe, a pearl glazed crown, and her hair is tied back, showing her dignity. The overall style is very similar to that of a noble lady from the Tang Dynasty, with some flavor from the Qin and Han Dynasties.

It's a pity that there is always a feeling of being like a monkey, no matter how solemn the clothes are, they will look out of place on Reina.

"An Lan, I miss you so much."

Reina moved forward, panicked twice, and said happily: "Are you thinking about me too? You must be.

I told God Mao in advance that if you want to use space warping to come here, let him hand over this communication device to you, hehehe~

This is the charm of this goddess. "

"Are you very happy in Lieyang? Didn't you say that Lieyang is not good here and there is no good there? Everything is not as good as you want?" An Lan asked with a smile.

"Humph, that was before."

Reina raised her chin and said proudly: "You don't know how awesome and free this goddess is now in Lieyang.

In the past, that old guy Pan Zhen stared at me every day. Even if I walked incorrectly, he would scold me, saying that I didn't stand or sit properly, and that I didn't look like an empress at all.

The pace of my daily life was strictly restricted. I was not allowed to get up late or go to bed late. My clothes had to be neat and decent, and I had to eat dignifiedly and elegantly...

Now I eat meat and drink Coca-Cola every day, and I can do whatever I want, and I have meat. "

As Reina spoke, she rolled up her sleeves, made a fist, raised her arm, and pinched the fat on the triceps of her upper arm. She was indeed a little fatter than before.

Suddenly thinking of something, Reina quickly rolled down her sleeves and put down her arms, and said hesitantly: "You won't mind me being a prostitute. Why don't you come and marry me? My wedding room has been decorated."

"How is that possible? Girls who are a little plumper are also very cute." An Lan denied with a smile.

Through the influence, An Lan could roughly see Reina's figure. The latter's figure was not out of shape, and she was only about two or three kilograms heavier than before.

It is very difficult for super soldiers, especially third-generation gods, to lose their shape. Even if it is like Ge Xiaolun in the original plot, who never leaves the house every day and never exercises and becomes an otaku, his figure will not be so out of shape.

Moreover, even if a super soldier is really out of shape, it will only take a month or even a few days to get back in shape.

"That's good."

Reina, whose body anxiety was dispelled, smiled again and said, "You don't know how high my status is in Lieyang now. Pan Zhen doesn't even dare to lecture me."

Pan Zhen doesn’t even dare to lecture you anymore? An Lan smiled and said nothing, and had no intention of waking up Reina.

Pan Zhen should be too lazy to train now, and his status is not suitable.

Although Pan Zhen treats Leina like a teacher and a father, he is not his biological father after all, and there is a difference between king and minister. Lieyang is more traditional, and male and female defenses also need to be considered.

For a god, Reina is still too young, and at five hundred years old, she is still a little girl among angels.

Pan Zhen has always regarded Reina as a child who has not grown up. This is indeed the case. According to the standards of a god, Rena is indeed very immature.

Now this little girl is suddenly getting married, changing from a girl to a woman, and completing her identity change by marrying as a wife.

At this time, no matter how immature Reina's age and temperament are compared to God, Reina cannot continue to be treated as a little girl.

Starting a family and starting a business has extraordinary significance for both Shenzhou people and Lieyang people. It is an important turning point in life.

From now on, no matter what shortcomings Leina has or what bad habits she has in life, it will not be Pan Zhen's turn to discipline her as a fake father. He is a man with a husband.

In addition, Pan Zhen may also have the idea of ​​practicing trumpet.

Reina's account has been half worn out by practice. Although there is still a chance to correct it, it is still somewhat inappropriate after all. But it doesn’t matter, it’s impossible for you Di Leina not to have a baby after marriage.

Even if they don't give birth for now, they can give birth thousands or tens of thousands of years later. Pan Zhen has enough patience to wait for An Lan and Reina's child to be born, and then train him to become the true dragon emperor of Lieyang.

His mother is the light of the sun, and his father is the possessor of extra-level genes that attracts angelic civilizations. Isn’t this child so awesome that he can take off?

"Then are you coming here now?" Reina asked again.

"If you think about it, I'll be in front of you in 5 seconds." It takes a little preparation time anyway. Long-range space warping takes longer and consumes more energy.

Although Pandora's Box contains endless energy, An Lan cannot mobilize much at present. If you want to fully control Pandora's Box, you must have at least a danger level of 8.0.

"Hmph, you liar. You arrived in Lieyang in five seconds and you didn't say you came to see me. Have you been lured away by that little vixen Qiangwei?"

An Lan was noncommittal.

What do you think Qiangwei said... She is very similar to Liang Bing, very hard-working and cooperative, capable of both literary and military skills and strong innovation ability.

"When we get married, I'll let you experience what it means to be as passionate as the sun."

Leina glanced at Cheng Yaowen and Mao Shen behind An Lan, and without speaking too clearly, she said, "Okay, don't come so early, I have to go find Pan Zhen and the others first.

Pan Zhen said that no matter how you come, you must be welcomed as soon as possible. Lieyang's hospitality and dignity must not be lost. "

Be particular about it.

"Go." An Lan waved his hand.

Reina was about to hang up the call when she suddenly thought of something and added in a lowered voice: "Also, if someone doesn't treat you particularly well, don't give me face, just beat him to death, but don't really beat him. die?"

"How to say?"

Both An Lan and Cheng Yaowen were a little confused. Are there any people in the known Lieyang who are dissatisfied with An Lan? There are so many people.

Mao Shen, who was standing aside, kept silent and smiled awkwardly twice, obviously having anticipated this incident.

"Hey, hey, I don't even want to think about who you are going to marry!"

Reina said proudly: "In addition to being the Empress of Lieyang, my emperor Reina is also the undisputed number one beauty of Lieyang. There are countless Lieyang generals who admire my name."

"A beauty is a beauty. I can't say how much moisture the most beautiful woman has." An Lan complained.

"If you're like this, I'll ignore you!"

Reina said angrily, and then explained: "I believe you also know Lieyang. Both Pan Zhen and Manchu Wenwu are a group of old-fashioned people who always talk about tradition and tradition.

Lieyang has not liked marriage with other civilizations since ancient times. It is a bit like the Celestial Dragons of Earth China, who look down upon other civilizations.

Tianlong women only marry men who have houses in the Holy Land of Mariejoia or the Champagne Islands, and Tianlong men only marry women who have a residence permit in the Holy Land of Mariejoia.

This is the situation in Lieyang. In their view, even me, the empress, is no exception. In the future, I will most likely choose an outstanding god-general from Lieyang to be my husband and Prince of Lieyang.

Do you understand now? "

Got it, totally got it.

The attitude of the god generals in Lieyang towards An Lan is probably the same as the attitude towards Zhao Youting among the majority of netizens. You married Gao Yuanyuan recklessly, you really deserve to die!

The hatred for seizing his wife is irreconcilable!

"The fearless Chu Yi Zhuangbangzi once said that beauties are only worthy of the strong, and I will love them well."

An Lan smiled, glanced at Cheng Yaowen behind him, and said, "If they really dare to jump out, they can just solve some minor troubles for me. Maybe I won't need to take action to deal with them.

You're right, Yaowen. "

"I will go all out and defend the glory of the Lord God to the death." Cheng Yaowen said without squinting.

The current Cheng Yaowen and the old Denuo Ministry are highly bound to An Lan. To what extent can the old Denuo Ministry build the new Denuo civilization and how fast can the construction speed be.

To a large extent, it depends on the strength and reputation of the main god An Lan. Not to mention that Cheng Yaowen was just rushing to settle his grudges. Even if it was for Xin De Nuo, he would definitely fight to the death against those idiots.


His strength may not be enough, and some of the four Heavenly Protectors of Lieyang may not like you. "Leina shook her head and was not too optimistic about Cheng Yaowen.

The four heavenly guardians and the four guardians are two completely different clergy.

The former is the patron saint of Lieyang, and its status is second only to Reina and Pan Zhen. It can be compared to the sacred wings of angel civilization and high-level guarding angels.

The four heavenly guardians are all third-generation or nearly third-generation gods, and the strongest ones can even compete with Sun Wukong.

The four guardians are only the guards who protect the empress Reina. They can be understood as the guards with golden kitchen knives in front of the emperor. They are all at the quasi-third generation level and are weaker than the four heavenly guardians.

"Anyway, I'm going to find Pan Zhen and the others. Wait for my notice." Lena threw out a sentence, hung up the communication in a hurry, and ran out.

A few minutes later, Lena sent a communication, saying that it was OK.

"Together?" An Lan looked at Mao Shen.

"No, no, I still have to drive the spaceship back." Mao Shen shook his head to refuse.

Driving the spaceship back was just an excuse. Mao Shen knew how big the pomp Pan Zhen prepared to welcome An Lan was. That was the highest courtesy of Lieyang.

If they went back together on the spaceship, he could still stay on the spaceship like those grooms. It would be so embarrassing to go back with An Lan using space warping and suddenly appear in front of Pan Zhen's generals.


An Lan nodded, connected to the Pandora's Box in the dark plane, mobilized the energy, searched for the location of Lena and Lieyang Star, opened a portal four meters high and more than two meters wide in front of him, and stepped into it.

Cheng Yaowen followed closely, and walked into the portal without thinking, feeling quite excited.

In Lieyang Imperial City, outside the Nantian Gate, Lieyang's entire court of civil and military officials gathered together, standing behind Pan Zhen in formal attire, waiting for the arrival of the distinguished guest.

The layout of Lieyang Palace is similar to the height of the palace in Shenzhou. The overall layout is symmetrical on the central axis, perfectly meeting the specifications of "left ancestor, right community, facing the back market" in Zhou Li.

As the largest building complex in Lieyang, Lieyang Palace is called a palace but is actually closer to the imperial city, covering an area of ​​more than one million square meters.

The south gate of the imperial city is Nantian Gate, where 1,000 second-generation heavenly soldiers are stationed on a daily basis, and two quasi-third-generation super soldiers guarding Nantian Gate.

To be honest, it is definitely a bit of a waste of talent, but Nantian Gate is not just a door, but also the facade of the Lieyang royal family, and it must be supported.

Behind the South Gate of Heaven are three more gates, each with five doorways. Behind these three gates is the Lingxiao Palace, where the Empress Lieyang and her civil and military officials discuss matters.

Behind the Lingxiao Palace is the Tiandao Tower, the center of Lieyang and the place where the ancestors are worshipped. Behind the Tiandao Tower is the Four Holy Halls, which can be regarded as the Empress's study, lounge, and office.

Behind the Four Holy Halls is another palace wall and the Tianmen Gate, and behind the Tianmen Gate is the Empress's harem and many buildings. Because the Empress has not yet married, the harem is in a serious state of idleness, but the palace maids, female guards, and eunuchs are still fully equipped.

In addition to the several halls, the front palace also has dozens of auxiliary buildings, generally called pavilions, which are the places where the central civil and military officials work and discuss matters on a daily basis.

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