Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 242: Another Turtle

Pan Zhen winked at Rena frantically, hoping that Rena could come out to smooth things over, and at least not let An Lan get mad on the spot for the common interests of Lieyang.

This is the way to nip the risk in the bud to the greatest extent. Rena can smooth things over as a fiancée, so that Lieyang's face and heart can be saved.

I want it all!

Unfortunately, ideals are full and reality is skinny. I don't know if Rena didn't understand Pan Zhen's intentions at all, or if she turned her elbow outward and deliberately opposed Pan Zhen.

She still played the role of a bystander calmly, without any intention of intervening.

Before coming, Rena had already agreed with An Lan that if she met someone she didn't like, she could feel free to fight, as long as no one was killed, it didn't matter.

The unruly Xuan Tianji still stared at An Lan with a provocative look, and didn't think that An Lan would fight him for this.

This is Lieyang's territory. If you come to Lieyang, you have to coil up if you are a dragon and lie down if you are a tiger. After all, you, Anlan, are just a prince after you get married to the empress. Do you dare to offend the empress and make a move here?

Anlan did not make a move, but he made a move.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, when the situation was tense, Anlan suddenly crossed his arms and smiled, used his super-high-speed movement ability to come in front of Xuan Tianji, and kicked Xuan Tianji.

Very fast, but not extremely fast. Very strong, but not incomprehensible.

Without using the Evol driver and the black hole trigger, with Anlan's danger level of 6.5, combined with various full bottles, he can only exert the comprehensive strength of the high-level third-generation war god.

This level is enough in most cases. After all, the sacred wings, the upgraded Atuo, the normal Sun Wukong, and the three normal god-making projects are basically at this level.

Although it is still a bit far from the fourth generation, there is still room for improvement with supercomputers and special engines, but this level is almost the conventional ceiling of the known universe.

Facing the reserved An Lan, Xuan Tianji did not feel afraid. Instead, he felt good about himself and had an inexplicable feeling of "he can replace me".

Why can he become the prince of Lieyang when everyone is at this level, even if he is stronger than me, he is not much stronger, but I have nothing to gain from fighting for Lieyang for more than a thousand years?

Is it because he has a pretty face?

Xuan Tianji was full of suspense. If he loved him, he would definitely not love Rena, but who doesn't like beautiful girls?

Moreover, marrying Rena would make him the prince of Lieyang, and he would get further resources from Lieyang, and his strength, status, and genetic potential would rise to a higher level.

This is not a bullshit love, this is an interest.

I, Xuan Tianji, am a seven-foot-tall man with a decent appearance. I am a native Lieyang man. Why am I not as good as a foreign pretty boy?

Xuan Tianji got angrier and angrier as he thought about it. He punched An Lan with his foot. This is Lieyang. How can I, the four heavenly protectors, only be beaten and not fight back?


The fist and foot collided. Because of the reaction force, An Lan took a step back, and Xuan Tianji also took a step back.

"Interesting." An Lan tilted his head and smiled.

The power of the legs is definitely better than that of the arms, but An Lan's lower body is not as stable as Xuan Tianji's on one foot. It is normal for both sides to take a step back.

In this way, Xuan Tianji's physical level, or just counting strength, is not below the normal An Lan.

Are all the four heavenly protectors of Lieyang at this level? An Lan, who has not watched "The Way of Lieyang" and the remake of "The Hero Company", has developed some interest in Xuan Tianji.

After the two sides fought a move, the attitude of Lieyang's civil and military officials immediately became much more ambiguous. It seems that this legendary Milky Way Light, which is favored by both angels and demons, is not that powerful.

At least his physical skills are not as amazing as the legend says. It is said that An Lan can fight with the Holy Kaisha for a long time.

Now he has fallen to the level of Xuan Tianji, a god of this level, although Xuan Tianji's physical skills are not weak.

As one of the four guardians of Lieyang, Xuan Tianji experienced a great battle with Sun Wukong more than a thousand years ago and regarded Sun Wukong as the biggest threat to Lieyang.

In order to match Sun Wukong, Xuan Tianji put all his skill points on close combat and conventional combat, but he was not very proficient in Lieyang's traditional stellar energy drive technology.

Xuan Tianji, who fought against An Lan in a single move, was full of confidence. He turned his legs into rainbow light and rushed towards An Lan. The counterattack started from now on.

"Get out of here!"

Cheng Yaowen, who had been standing beside An Lan, shouted and took a step forward. He had activated the [build driver], [white marble lion plug-in], and [full bottle of Wangtianhu] in the dark plane and completed the transformation.

The driver given to Cheng Yaowen was specially trained by He Xi. It can be directly activated in the dark plane like An Lan, greatly reducing the transformation time in special periods.

Kamen Rider Beast-M!

In an instant, Cheng Yaowen, who was covered with armor, had a leap-forward improvement in both momentum and comprehensive data, from barely reaching the level of the quasi-third generation to the level comparable to some third-generation gods.

Cheng Yaowen's strange improvement attracted the attention of Lieyang's civil and military officials. Everyone understood in an instant why An Lan was so valued by Pan Zhen.

Cheng Yaowen, as a subordinate, has this kind of means that are different from traditional Shenhe technology, and An Lan, as the main god, must also have it.

After the transformation, An Lan's strength must be far beyond the current level.

While everyone was thinking, Cheng Yaowen, who had transformed into a pure white beast, was already fighting Xuantianji, and a fierce battle started outside Nantianmen.

Both of them are white super warriors, one is pure white and the other is silver. They are both quite proficient in close combat and conventional combat, making the fight highly entertaining.

At first, Cheng Yaowen was still beaten by Xuantianji, but as Cheng Yaowen's danger level volatility increased to 5.3, the comprehensive data further improved, and the two were able to hit 46.

Cheng Yaowen 4Xuan Tianji 6.

After all, Xuantianji is a strong man who can fight fiercely with the normal Sun Wukong for a long time. Even if Xuantianji is bare-handed and does not use weapons at this moment, his combat power is still not comparable to that of Cheng Yaowen.

But just this level is enough to frighten the people of Lieyang. A super warrior who just had comparable third-generation data is now able to fight Xuantianji back and forth. This improvement is really outrageous.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing that the battle between Cheng Yaowen and Xuan Tianji became more and more fierce, Pan Zhen stood up at the right time to smooth things over and said: "This battle between me, Lieyang General Xuan Tianji, and His Highness An Lan's general Cheng Yaowen is really indistinguishable and breathtaking.

I heard that His Highness An Lan is very good at conventional combat, and I just saw that His Highness also wanted to point out Xuan Tianji.

How about waiting for the two of them to decide the winner, and then His Highness can personally teach Xuantianji some moves another day? "

Pan Zhen knows how to behave.

In one sentence, the battle between Xuan Tianji and Cheng Yaowen was defined as a "competition." In the tradition of Lieyang, it is common to hold banquets on a whim and send out their respective generals to compete to heighten the atmosphere.

At the same time, Pan Zhen also gave An Lan enough room to regain face.

There is a high probability that Cheng Yaowen will not be able to defeat Xuantianji, and Xuantianji is not using his full strength yet. Lieyang's face was saved, but An Lan's face was lost.

But it doesn't matter. You, An Lan, didn't want to beat Xuantian just now. I'll let you beat him another day... give him some pointers. I believe you have the strength to regain the situation.

"Okay." An Lan narrowed his eyes and smiled.

After resolving a potential crisis, Pan Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. He stood side by side with An Lan and commented calmly on the battle between Xuan Tianji and Cheng Yaowen.

Although Cheng Yaowen's regular combat level has improved a lot in the past two years, it is still lagging behind Xuantianji. In addition, the overall data is a little worse, and he has been at a disadvantage overall.


Xuantianji punched out like a dragon, punched Cheng Yaowen hard on the chest, and blasted him dozens of meters away. Then it turned into rainbow light and rose into the sky. He raised his hand to summon roaring lightning, and waved his hand to blast Cheng Yaowen below. past.

Cheng Yaowen, who flew dozens of meters away, stopped himself with one hand on the ground, punched the ground with a punch, and used the Build driver to activate the ability of Wangtian Jianmanbottle to communicate with the power of the earth.

For a moment, the marble-covered ground rippled like water, and more than a dozen highly compressed white jade spears with a length of more than 3 meters shot out from the ground, intercepting lightning and shooting towards Xuantianji above the sky.

"Little tricks."

Xuan Tianji sneered, turned into a rainbow, and with just a few simple moves, Cheng Yaowen fired the white jade spear and dodged it all, and then dived towards Cheng Yaowen on the ground again.

When Xuan Tianji was halfway through his sprint and was about to approach Cheng Yaowen, he suddenly felt that the gravity of the earth had increased thousands of times in an instant.

Thousands of times the force of gravity is not just a simple matter of bearing weight. Increased gravity has an impact on the human body both internally and externally. The pressure on flesh, flesh, bones, and cells will increase.

Xuan Tianji was at a loss as to what to do and fell from the sky.

Cheng Yaowen punched the ground again, summoned a white jade thorn more than ten meters long, and shot it towards Xuantianji from bottom to top.

Seeing that he was about to be stabbed through, Xuan Tianji activated his dark energy, strengthened his divine body to offset a considerable part of the gravity, and changed his posture in the air to avoid the white jade stake.

Cheng Yaowen, who shot out the white jade spike, had already summoned the Buiid driver from the dark plane. He quickly turned the joystick with his right hand to activate the energy in the full bottle of Wangtianhuan, almost shaking the joystick to sparks.

"Beast Finish!"

The end of the beast!

At the same time that Xuantianji fell to the ground, Cheng Yaowen had already manipulated the gravity field to rise into the air, and his body erupted with powerful energy comparable to many third-generation gods.

These white jade-colored energies were almost substantial, enveloping Cheng Yaowen and turning him into a phantom of a beast that looked like a wolf or a lion.


Amidst the beast's soul-stirring roar, Cheng Yaowen fell from the sky, flew up and kicked Xuan Tianji, who was still restrained by a thousand times gravity.

When I fly, I just kick it.

At first glance, Cheng Yaowen's posture was already in full swing, but Pan Zhen remained unmoved and had no intention of stopping it.

Pan Zhen had tens of thousands of years of experience, and his perception of energy was very accurate. He could tell at a glance that although Cheng Yaowen's kick was powerful, it could only severely damage Xuantianji, but could not kill Xuantianji.

What's more, Xuantianji has not yet exerted his full strength, and there are three generations of divine bodies. Not to mention fighting back, as long as you dodge a little, you won't be seriously injured.

Sure enough, after sensing the huge energy contained in Cheng Yaowen's kick, Xuan Tianji finally could no longer remain calm.

It wouldn't be death, nor would it be serious injury, but it would be a shame enough for one of the Four Heavenly Protectors of Lieyang, who was famous in the universe, to be injured by an unknown person at the gate of Nantianmen.

Don’t do that kind of thing!

At the critical moment, Xuan Tianji raised his hand and exchanged for a silver double-edged trident, and stabbed Cheng Yaowen who fell from the sky like a dragon.

The dragon-shaped phantom on the trident collided with the beast-shaped phantom wrapped around Cheng Yaowen and began to wrestle, releasing powerful fluctuations when the energy collided.

Lieyang Wenwu and Wu were both shocked. This level of energy collision was enough to destroy the entire Nantianmen.

When everyone was about to retreat, they saw An Lan activated the Evol driver and the full bottle of demon evolution, using the space ability to cut the space of Nantianmen and cut out the battlefield of Cheng Yaowen and Xuan Tianji separately.

Because there was no transformation, the space cracks generated after the cutting were not particularly stable and could not absorb all the energy released when the two fought.

But it could absorb a large part, so that Nantianmen would not be reduced to ruins because of the fight between the two.


In the fight between the dragon-shaped phantom and the beast-shaped phantom, the dragon-shaped phantom was better after all. Xuan Tianji, who was going all out, was not a match that Cheng Yaowen could match now.

The chaotic energy could no longer be contained, causing a powerful explosion. Cheng Yaowen was blown out of the isolated space on the spot. His knight armor was damaged and fell on the ground in front of the Nantian Gate. After rolling for a few weeks, he released his transformation state and opened his mouth and closed his eyes.

Although he lost, Cheng Yaowen, who had a hearty battle, felt extremely happy.

Being able to fight Xuan Tianji, who was the best at conventional warfare among the four heavenly protectors, to this extent was enough to attract Lieyang's attention. After today, no one would dare to look down on the impoverished prince of the Light Shield Royal Family.

What's more, Cheng Yaowen felt that he could actually win.

Xuan Tianji was indeed very strong, but he was even stronger after using the dangerous trigger. If he went all out, he would not need to enter the energy overflow mode, and he would definitely be able to defeat or even kill Xuan Tianji.

The energy explosion not only affected Cheng Yaowen, but Xuan Tianji, who was at the center of the explosion, was also blown away.

Compared with Cheng Yaowen, who was protected by the Beast armor, Xuan Tianji was less injured, but he looked more embarrassed.

The silver-white armor and helmet on his body were damaged, and the blade and shaft of the black two-edged trident that was directly fighting with Cheng Yaowen's knight kick had some cracks.

Xuan Tianji's equipment must be of a high-end level in Lieyang, but it is still far from the knight's armor and the real top-level god-level equipment.

Even the knight's armor was damaged, so there was no reason for Xuan Tianji's equipment not to be damaged.

For a moment, Xuan Tianji was furious.

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