《Fairy, put down your knife first》

In the 5367th year of Tianyuan, there was a demon who bullied men and women, bullied people by taking advantage of his power, and committed all kinds of evil. He was hated by both humans and gods and wanted to turn the world into a purgatory.

Good news: As the plot develops, several years later, the son of destiny will lead his confidante to kill the demon.

Bad news: Now... I have become the demon...

A friend's book asked me to recommend a chapter a few days ago, but I forgot to add it to the words "do it" for two consecutive days. I will open a single chapter.

By the way, I plan to finish this book this month. After finishing the book, I will probably not open a new book immediately. I have encountered some unpleasant things in my life, and I am a little confused and lost my fighting spirit.

In addition, my personal level is really insufficient, and I need to continue learning for a while.

The new book may be an original fairy martial arts or a fan work of "Dragon Clan". Let's talk about it later. It's not certain when it will be opened.

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