Super God Knight Evolution

Chapter 79 Mountains and Distance

As a woman, Lianfeng can be said to be perfectly integrated into the earth and often does online shopping.

Compared to Lianfeng, Dukao is much inferior and has no understanding of many emerging things and popular memes on the Internet.

"What is Pinduoduo?" Dukao asked.

"An online shopping app founded this year."

Lianfeng explained: “They used the method of attracting people to give discounts, and the viral development became an online shopping app second only to Taobao and

Cutting off is Pinduoduo's way of attracting people. For example, if you want to buy a mobile phone, the price is 5,000 yuan. At this time, you can attract people to get discounts. If the cut is 100%, you can buy it for zero yuan.

The first cut cuts to 80%, the second cut to 99%, the third cut to 99.9%, and keeps pushing after the decimal point. 100% is the reality that you are always approaching but cannot reach.

It is said that an anchor had someone hacked more than 30,000 times in a live broadcast room without even taking away a mobile phone. "

More than thirty thousand dollars?

Teacher Liu sighed with some astonishment: "Pinduoduo is really awesome. If it were me, let alone more than 30,000 dollars, I would have handed over my phone to him before he even lifted the knife."

"This metaphor can be said to be very appropriate."

Dukao nodded slightly and concluded: "Let An Lan and Reina practice the Xiongbing Company as much as possible first.

Sweat more in peacetime and bleed less in wartime. Don't be too frugal in terms of supplies. We can talk about the support from Lieyang again. "


It's dusk again.

Seven or eight days have passed since An Lan drilled the Xiongbing Company for the first time. During this week, An Lan practiced the Xiongbing Company three more times.

These three times, the Xiongbing Company persisted longer and longer each time, from the initial six minutes to the epic fifteen minutes, which was a huge improvement.

In just a few drills, the commander Qiangwei, Ge Xiaolun and others learned what tactical coordination is and what it means to attack tentatively while protecting oneself.

An Lan's danger level has also increased from 4.0 a week ago to 4.3, which is also a rapid improvement.

But the feeling that a part of life was missing still lingered in An Lan's heart.

A week of violent catharsis did not ease An Lan's mood. He still felt as bad as a week ago.

"Since you left

I lost my gentleness from then on

Waiting on this snowy mountain road is long

Listening to the howling of the cold wind is still..."

An Lan was sitting on the horizontal bar on the training ground, with his cell phone in his pocket and music playing outside, unconsciously looking at the mountains and distance beyond the courtyard wall.

Super Seminary is located among the mountains, and the scenery here is actually very good.

It's just that those who live in the Super Seminary, or soldiers like Ge Xiaolun who have to be drilled every day, have no time and opportunity to appreciate the scenery.

As young people, when they have free time, they are more likely to go to the Internet cafe opened by An Lan in their dormitory to have fun.

Not to mention Teacher Lianfengliu and other cosmic people who have lived here for many years, there is no scenery in the familiar place.

In a daze, An Lan discovered that he seemed to be the person in the Super Seminary who liked the scenery here the most.

Thousands of mountain peaks all turned red under the setting sun, and the layers of woods seemed to be dyed with color. There are eagles flying vigorously in the vast sky, and fish swimming briskly in the clear water.

Even such a beautiful scenery seemed unable to suppress the anxiety and throbbing in An Lan's heart.

"What song are you listening to?"

Qilin, who had just finished training and finished her meal, quietly approached An Lan from behind and handed one of the two bottles of Arctic Ocean she was holding in her hand to An Lan.

"Daolang's "Love Song of the West Sea"."

An Lan took the Arctic Ocean, bit it open with his teeth and replied: "I don't know why, but I seem to be very touched by this song, whether it's the verse or the chorus."

"It's a really good song."

Qilin nodded and affirmed: "It sounds as lonely as the Gobi Desert. My dad particularly likes this song. He is a die-hard fan of Daolang.

He said that there are very few singers like Daolang who write, compose, sing and sing by themselves. Such people can be called artists. "

"Your father thinks so highly of Daolang?"


An Lan smiled and joked: "I remember someone said that Daolang's songs are only liked by farmers with no taste."

"What qualifications does she have to comment on Daolang's songs?"

Qilin also saw the news, clenched her fists and said with indignation: "None of the songs she is famous for were composed by herself.

An actor says that an artist has no taste. Where does she have the face?

Furthermore, at last year's Wanda annual meeting, Wanda CEO Wang Jianlin sang "Love Song of the West Sea". Then Wang Jianlin is also a farmer, and he is also a farmer leader. "

"Wang Jianlin is really a farmer leader." An Lan smiled.

Qilin added: "I am also a farmer, and my father is also a farmer. Whose ancestor is not a farmer or a worker a few generations back?

There are really some bad guys who sing a few bad songs and don’t know how much they weigh. "

There seems to be no young girl who is not interested in the entertainment industry, and Qilin has a particularly low opinion of hot women.

"Some people and things will always change." An Lan just smiled and looked into the distance, not knowing what he was thinking.

"What will change?"

Qilin blinked and asked, not understanding An Lan's misunderstood words.

An Lan didn't answer.

Qilin looked at An Lan again and asked, "Why don't you drink water?

I remember you said that you like to drink Arctic Ocean and don't like to drink Fanta. "

Qilin always remembers Anlan's preferences and special words.

Whether it was when he said he liked to drink Beibingyang during the last barbecue, or when Anlan said he would marry her one day in the dormitory corridor.

"Did I say I like to drink Beibingyang?" Anlan was slightly startled, looking at the bottle in her hand with some confusion.

"Last time, when I was having barbecue with your cousin and Qiangwei." Qilin reminded in a low voice.

I remembered.

"Oh, actually, Beibingyang and Fanta don't matter, but Qiangwei paid for it at that time.

You know, Beibingyang is six yuan a bottle, and Fanta is three yuan."

Anlan still looked at the mountains in the distance and said.

"I knew it..."

Qilin muttered, then looked up and stared at Anlan's face. In a trance, Qilin had a very inexplicable feeling: Anlan seemed very anxious and tired.

Not physically, but mentally.

Thinking carefully, in the past week or so, An Lan could not be said to be absent-minded, but he was indeed distracted more than before, and his words were not as lively and sharp as before.

Most importantly, he always looked out of the distance outside the courtyard wall from time to time, as if this place was no longer worth lingering, and he was eager to leave here.

To find an old friend who cared about him, or to explore the unknown distance.

"Bang, bang..."

Qilin's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and she suddenly became scared. She was afraid that her intuition was true.

The West Sea Love Song, Lao Wang sang it quite well, and Sicong had to call him dad after listening to it.

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