Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 173: Increase life?

Three days passed in a flash.

In the past three days, Chen Lang has nothing to do. In addition to running a few big guys in the WeChat group to brag and fart, he just continues to study the market issues of some products.

The magic world does not need to be managed by Chen Lang. After the new version is updated, although many players' computers have reached the limit, but with the assistance of artificial intelligence, it will not freeze up.

Chen's steel is still the same. After Wang Xia's son took over Chen's steel, he was obsessed with the research of new special metals all day, except for occasional reports when necessary, such as the purchase of raw ore, etc. Yes, he has his own abilities, and Chen Lang does not need to be in charge of all aspects of the company's development.

In addition, special metals have been stored a lot, and now they are all in a liquid state, ready to be used by Chen Lang at any time.

In terms of Tianhong Industry, there are two main lines. The first is a closed industrial center where Chen Lang lets artificial intelligence ball management. In the closed industrial center, inertial intelligent industrial robots and combat robots have been produced, even some Energy weapons, energy cores, have many reserves.

Combat robots are assigned to second-tier defensive forces in addition to security in major industries, while industrial robots are assigned to factories in the Biogene Research Institute and Tianhong Industrial.

Various production lines in the factory have already been manufactured, and a steady stream of parts and raw materials are transported into the factory, and then Inter Milan XUNI mobile phones are produced into finished products.

Old Lei in the middle also came a few times, looking at the pile of mobile phones, his eyes were red, and almost old tears flowed.

This is Inter's further hope.

Especially in the past two days, with the accumulation of mobile phones too much, Chen Lang also let Lao Lei bring people to transport most of them, and those who were taken away were all allocated by Lao Lei to warehouses in major provinces and cities nationwide.

Quickly ship immediately after the sale!

In addition, Zhao Shenglan and others who went to Turkey to pretend to engage in the business of raw ore also returned. A hundred million yuan spent nearly 40 million, and the provincial 60 million was their bonus. The entire team, even if it is Contributions made the least amount to millions of rewards.

It can be said to be a wave of riches.

And Zhao Shenglan's actions along the way were all recorded by the ball. After watching the waves in detail, Chen Lang also had to admit that Zhao Shenglan was capable, and the main thing was that this woman, kill Decisive, crispy, not afraid to spend money.

Naturally, Chen Lang will not waste this kind of talent.

"I have another consideration for the position of general manager of Chen's Mining. You can temporarily serve as my assistant!"

A word later, Zhao Shenglan Ming descended and rose from an empty general manager to an assistant chairman.

And Xiao Xiaoai's secretary is different.

The secretary's main job is to answer the phone, pass documents, arrange travel, and even some simple tasks, and occasionally have to be responsible for pouring water for Chen Langduan tea.

This is the work of Xiao Xiaoai on weekdays.

Zhao Shenglan's assistant has simplified life directly, and more focused on work.

It can be said that in the future, Chen Lang would be too lazy to run errands. In addition, in some special work, if Chen Lang is not present, Zhao Shenglan's opinion is even more important than Liu's first-hand general manager of these subsidiaries.

Because she represents the will of Chen Lang.

With Zhao Shenglan, Xiao Xiaoai's work has been lightened a lot, and it can be said that it is more from work to life.

She doesn't need to do anything about file processing. She just needs to follow Chen Lang, answer Chen Lang's phone call, pass information, arrange her schedule and so on.

What happened to the blind date did not affect the work. Private play was private and serious work was returned to work. These days, Xiao Xiaoai is also very busy.

Major mobile phone manufacturers need some patent licenses, and even electrical equipment manufacturers also need many patent licenses. These licenses are too lazy to manage. The person in charge of this company within the company has not yet recruited them, so they are all over Xiao Xiaoai's. Body.

That is, after Xiaosheng Zhao arrived yesterday afternoon, Xiao Xiaoai was considered to be getting away.


Liu Xiaoxing Building, Xiao Xiaoai hurriedly came from outside, standing behind her was Zhao Kai.

Compared with a few days ago, Zhao Kai looked much more energetic.

His muscles are solid and his face is cold and determined.

"Is everything done?" Chen Lang asked.

Zhao Kai nodded, looked at Xiao Xiaoai, and then saw Chen Lang nod his head and said, "I attach great importance to gene repair agents above. I haven't rushed back in the past few days, mainly to show them the changes after the injection of gene repair agents. .

I temporarily participated in a short-term special forces devil training, prepared for the special forces injected with gene repair agents, for three days, these three days, my strength, speed, endurance, all increased a lot.

In addition, some of the dark wounds, scars, and even all the acne pits formed during my adolescence disappeared.

It can be said that now I can easily hit me before, three! "

Chen Lang nodded slightly, watching Zhao Kai quietly.

Zhao Kai continued: "Besides that, the same is true of the other special agents injected with medicaments who participated in the devil training with me. All of them have increased substantially, and after testing by a group of researchers and some machines, the gene medicaments are completely free of any side effect.

Moreover, according to the test, they came to a conclusion that not only special forces, ordinary people will gradually become stronger with time, even if they don't exercise.

Even because of the more complete and powerful genes, the body can be immune to almost all diseases on the market.

There is no disease, and because the genes are more powerful, they have come to the conclusion that after the injection of gene repair agents, not only have no side effects, but also increase life expectancy! "


Chen Lang couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Although the gene repair agent is not a long-lived agent, nor is it a gene fortified agent, nor is it an evolutionary agent. From the source, this is the basis of the gene agent.

Can this thing increase its life?


The reason to increase life ~ ~ is ultimately because the body is more powerful, so that people live longer.

If there is no longevity medicine, normally people who have been injected with the gene repair medicine can live about 120-180 years.

"So what?" Chen Lang asked.

"So it is very important."

Zhao Kai said seriously: "Now all the big guys are looking at this gene repair agent. Someone will contact us in the near future, and they may need a very large number.

At least, more than 100,000! "

ps: This article is not involved, to avoid being blocked, the big guy will never appear! Do you understand? So don't feel awkward and unrealistic, there is no way, understand. Super God Technology Empire

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