Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 195: Exposed? No, no!

the next day.

Chen Lang had just arrived in the Second World and had time to go to Modu with everyone. At this time, Xiao Xiaoai ran.

"The boss is here for an interview."

"Huh? Interview? What is the interview?" Chen Lang tried the unreleased virtual version of Magic World in the villa of Dijiangyuan last night. He played it in the middle of the night and is still yawning.

"You are the candidate for the general manager of Chen's Mining!" Xiao Xiaoai looked at Chen Lang somehow.

Feelings You said so urgently yesterday, and then everyone was frightened. I worked overtime for ten minutes for this matter, but you forgot it in the end?

Are you worthy of my overtime?


Chen Lang suddenly asked, "How many people?"

"A lot of applicants signed up to send resumes, but only two of them came directly to the company, one came to interview the position of general manager, and the other was his assistant!"


Chen Lang was surprised: "Is there an assistant before I go to work?"

Xiao Xiaoai scratched a black line on her face, and said helplessly: "They are engaged in geological and mineral research. Isn't it normal to have an assistant and apprentice?"


Chen Lang waved his hand, took the pancake fruit handed over by Zhao Kai, started to choke, and walked as he ate, saying, "Since they have come to the door, the attitude is there. Let them get on the plane with me. Let's go magic All!"

"Yes, boss!"

A few minutes later, Xiao Xiaoai brought the two of them to Chen Lang, who was standing by the parking lot on the rooftop of the Liumangxing Building.

The Pingxinghe fighter has been activated and the hatch is open, but everyone has not yet boarded.

Xiao Xiaoai brought both of them very silent, but the silence was silent, but the two were also very energetic. Standing in front of Chen Lang, they did not change their face and were not nervous.

Chen Lang looked at them.

There is nothing to talk about, old and young. These two, a middle-aged man in his forties and fifties, have a vicissitudes of his face, as if he has experienced a lot of things, and his eyebrows seem to be filled with sorrow forever.

另外 And the other person, about thirty years old, ah, thirty years old looks like, the temperament shows that the old man is not old.

人 This man is tall and thin, with a stout physique and a firm face, but although he looks like a very powerful person, he looks very thin. He is silent and silent behind the vicissitudes of middle age.

At this time, the two eyes looked directly at the Xinghe fighter and saw the ice-blue flames spraying under the Xinghe fighter, and they could not help but shrink their pupils.

"Introduce yourself?" Chen Lang looked at them with a smile.

"Hello President Chen!"

Wu Cangsang returned to the middle age, quickly bowed his head, and said, "My name is Wu Wuyou!"

"Although you're called Wei Wuyou, I think you're upset!" Chen Lang dangled, and then asked, "What about him? What's his name? What did you do before?"

Wei Wuyou twitched and said, "His name is Chen Wang, and we are both Chinese Americans. I was a professor at the University of Pennsylvania when I was in the United States. Later, I was hired as a technical consultant by Garnier Minerals. Later, I entered this company to find mineral resources for them. Before I resigned and returned to China, I also served as the company's vice president, so this time I saw your company's recruitment information and thought about developing in China. Mr. Chen, rest assured, I once crossed the mountains and the sea, and also across the sea of ​​people ... "

"Okay, how about you singing?"

浪 Chen Lang was impatient and said, "Wait a while, what, Zhao Kai, is Zhang Meilu here?"

Zhang Meilu turned to Chen Lang and naturally became Chen Lang's employee.

Chen Lang originally wanted her to work underground, but later felt that it was not necessary for the time being. Before that, she was temporarily appointed as the director of Supervision Technology's inspection department.

At the beginning, her job was magnificent, and all employees involved in taking bribes and betraying company information were arrested by her.

But then, as people caught up, her job was really boring, and she became a fisherman for three days, and was exposed to the sun for two days, even more excessive. At least for this month, in the attendance record, this product came. Pass the company once.

浪 Chen Lang usually doesn't bother to care about her, but now it's an annual meeting, and it would be too late to be late.

"I'm coming!"

Not far away, as the elevator door opened, Zhang Meilu, wearing a light blue dress and a down jacket, came quickly.

This woman has let herself go since her identity was revealed. She used to wear pure jeans and T 桖, but now she just wants to wear it.


In front of Chen Lang, the original frowning of Chen Wang's eyes blinked inconceivable.

Wei Wuyou next to his wife reminded him silently.

But he couldn't calm down, his mouth twitched, and whispered: "77"


Wei Weiyou's face changed dramatically, showing an incredible expression, looking at Zhang Meilu suddenly, watching Zhang Meilu's sudden stop, Wei Wuyou's face was bitter.


This pretense is about to be revealed. Is there anything more embarrassing in the world than this?

浪 Chen Lang glanced at the two of them, sneering in his heart, and then beckoned to Zhang Meilu.

装 The two pretended to be quite similar, but Chen Lang was not a fool. Not to mention that Zhang Meilu had painted Chen Wang's image before. Chen Lang recognized the moment they came.

Let's just say that this product is Wu Youwei. This old product is a celebrity in later generations. In the Xinghe era, he was the commander of the fleet of Ge and Spear. These characters are like modern people who see stars and hide in black lights. Level, but also flickering Chen Lang?

I'm afraid I have never died!

"What are you doing? Boarding!"

浪 Chen Lang greeted him, and then took everyone to board the Xinghe fighter ~ ~ Zhang Meilu turned around and looked at the two, then did not speak, and followed Chen Lang to board the Xinghe fighter.

The two of them were immediately confused.

Chen Chen looked a little puzzled and frowned.

Wu Wei is more worry-free, and there is more drama in this goods. He has begun to wonder what it means.

Chen Chen didn't recognize them?

I think should not be?

Their identities are top-secret, not to mention that they are on the Internet, not even paper materials. This time, the organization has created a nearly perfect identity.

What happened to Zhang Meilu?

She must have recognized it, but why didn't she speak?

Didn't she say that ... instead of betraying, she broke into the enemy quietly, and then, because of fear of exposure, never contacted the organization?


I'm sure this is the case, it's better this way, in this case, it will be better to operate in the future.

Wei Wei's worry-free eyes brightened.

"Let's go!"

Wei Wuyou whispered to Chen Wang, and quietly made several gestures to Chen Wang. This gesture meant: "No exposure, comrades-in-arms have entered the enemy, quietly entered the village, shot No! "


Chen Wang's face slowly eased, and he nodded and made an OK gesture.

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