Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 246: Super God Bank established

I believe you a ghost!

Here everyone looked strangely at Chen Lang.

They also understand Chen Lang's plan. The so-called loan is not to be kept on loan. Even if the interest is repaid every cycle, the interest may not be left to the bank to continue to lend.

By then the bank will be an empty shell.

All money Quan Nima was loaned by Super God Technology.

In this case, they are evil because they receive dividends. They are afraid that they will not earn more and more, but they will eventually be a number.

What about money?

Well, it was all loaned by Chaoshen Technology.

Loans have interest, they are legitimate business, they are for everyone, they are for making more money, and they ca n’t find faults.

The question is that the business is very good, but there is no money.

Can you sting?

"Compared to Chaoshen Bank, I would like to invest in all the companies under Chaoshen Technology. Langlang, is there any chance?" Said Laoding Youyou.

The others nodded.

"Not yet!"

Chen Lang heard his words and shook his head, saying, "You also know that the industries under Chaoshen Technology are not suitable for you to get too much money, but I have lost too much, and my blood loss. In general, the major industries are still developing initially Period, and Super God Technology is not short of that little money for the time being, it is impossible to sell shares for cash. If it is sold, it is also a future thing, but I can promise that it will be sold to you first.

In the case of SuperGod, in fact, you can invest. Just joking and talking, but I can actually say that, SuperGod will definitely be an important part of SuperGo technology in the future. Investing in SuperGo, even invest your funds. Put it in the Super God Bank, then I fort, you will definitely be thankful for your choice today.

And one more thing is that if we cooperate to promote it, then there are definitely many people who choose to deposit money in Super God Bank. Ten thousand people don't seem to have anything, but one million, ten million, one hundred million?

Chaoshen Bank's interest to depositors is indeed high, but with Chaoshen Technology taking over those funds, Chaoshen Bank will only make money and will never lose money.

If you think about it, if it is one trillion yuan, the annual interest gap is 2%, how much is this?

Annual profit of two trillion! "

Everyone froze.

Then they fell into meditation.

Chaoshen Bank does make money. According to Chen Lang, if the 2% storage and loan interest rate is poor, it is simply terrible. Although they will definitely not get dividends in a short time, they also know that Chen Lang will never be in trouble. After all, the vast majority of the shares are in the hands of Chen Lang, and there is no need to go into debt.

The Super God Group will earn more than just this money.

Where this money seems small in Chen Lang, but not so little in the hands of everyone.

For example, old horse.

I took 10% of the shares, and if I reinvested 15%, the profit of one million deposits in a year would be 15% of 2 trillion, or 300 billion.

With the development speed of Super God Technology and the interest of Super God Bank, the future will not only be domestic, I am afraid that not all the world will deposit money to Super God Bank, even some organizations, forces, enterprises, countries, etc.

How much will it be then?

"I invest!"

Lao Ma responded instantly and said: "Ali ’s all-round publicity, and even highly recommend Chaoshen Bank in terms of online payment. In addition, Ali invests 100 billion in the name of the group. How many shares are these worth?"


Chen Lang shook his head and said, "This investment can be established without money. Banks can be established with billions of dollars. What can we do with that much money? Super God Bank still adopts an online banking system and will not establish branches in various cities, so it is not necessary. Cash, the future is an intelligent society, identity binding faces and fingerprints, pupils, da, etc., so setting up offline outlets is completely unnecessary.

To say that the outlets can also be regarded as real estate business, it is even more unnecessary. With the social intelligence, the real estate industry is bound to usher in a huge disaster. Therefore, you must not set up outlets, which is a blood loss.

The so-called investment requires your unremitting publicity and guidance, as well as the name of your company. I believe that this bank jointly established by all of us will inevitably attract worldwide attention.

And once it gets the world's attention, that's enough. "

Speaking of this, Chen Lang looked at the crowd and said, "Do n’t say anything about our relationship. It ’s not a trivial matter. This is an exchange of benefits. You agree with the people below, so use the shares instead. This is the most appropriate way.

According to the influence, if you invest, Ali will give 5%, Penguin will give 5%, Thousand degrees will give 5%, Xinliang will give 4%, Inter will give 3%, and the Internet will give 3%, too!!! "

"Okay, I agree."

With almost no hesitation, Pony nodded instantly.

Earn money in vain, do n’t make money for nothing, although changing the bank camp will definitely cause dissatisfaction with the banks that originally cooperated, but what can make money if you can make money?

"I agree!"



Everyone started talking.

Chen Lang smiled, and then let the ball re-formulate the agreement, and everyone signed it after playing.

So far, Super God Bank has been successfully established, and it is waiting to be announced.

Super God Technology holds 56% of Super God Bank and is the first shareholder.

Ali holds 15% and is the second shareholder.

Penguin, Qiandu, each holds 5% of the shares and is the third and fourth shareholders.

Xinliang holds 4% of the shares and is the fifth shareholder.

Inter, Nete, 360, and several other companies each hold 3% of the shares, and are 67th shareholders.

It can be said that from today, Super God Bank is a bank built by domestic Internet tycoons, and other aspects are not mentioned, but it is definitely the first in the world in brainwashing.

It doesn't take long. After a few waves, Chaoshen Bank can become the top bank in China after the four major banks.

In the long run, becoming the first is a breeze.

And in this respect, Chen Lang and everyone are completely white gloves.

With almost no effort, you can easily enjoy it.

"Come, congratulations on the successful establishment of our bank. Today I treat you, let's try our company's cafeteria dishes."

Chen Lang smiled and took out a few bottles of good wine from the wine cabinet.

"Qi! For such a big thing, you can invite us to eat canteen food?" Lao Ma smiled disdainfully. He took 15% of the shares. Although he paid a bank, in the long run, his blood was not lost.

The happiest is him.

"That is, you must eat a big meal. You, a trillion-dollar boss, what is it for us to eat canteen dishes?"

Several people from Lao Ding also followed to coax ~ ~ With this cooperation, the thousands of Li Zhou and 360 Lao Zhou were completely integrated into the circle.

"Our chef, that's not ordinary, the champion of the King Chef Championship!" Chen Lang proudly said.


Others haven't responded yet.

The old horse and old thunder, and the pony brother were all aggressive.

Oh, it ’s emotional. The two of us participated in it, and my little brother organized it. It was a grand Chef ’s Tournament. After getting the last fight, he managed to make a famous chef at home and abroad.

It's been a few days since you got the company cafeteria to be your personal chef, right?

Brother, can you be a person!

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