Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 249: Violent storm

Who is going

The seated people stared at each other with helpless expressions.

This is definitely a good job. As long as you do well, it is likely that you will become the helm of this company directly in the next step.

But who is sitting, who is not so busy at all, can't be too busy?

Moreover, if they go to Hailan, they will not be able to return for at least two months, so even if they want to go, there is nothing they can do.

So, for a while, everyone was silent.

Chen Lang looked around at the crowd, thinking slightly, and then said, "If you have the right people, you can also recommend it."

"I recommend Chen Wang!"

Hearing his words, Wu Wuyou said directly, "Now that Chen's mining industry has entered a period of stability, I can handle the follow-up matters myself, and Chen Wang has the ability to stay with the mining company. Recommend Chen Wang to drop the boss of this company. "

"Chen Wang?"

Chen Lang heard the words for a moment, then looked at Chen Wang, who was sitting beside Wei Wuyou, and said nothing.

"What do you think? Want to go?"

Chen Wang opened his mouth, then nodded, and gritted his teeth, "Boss, I think I can try it."

"Okay, that's you."

Chen Lang nodded, and then said, "The summary of the work and the follow-up plan are also finished. Let's talk about the problem. What are you going to do? Let us talk about it now, let's solve it together."

"Changsheng Pharmaceutical has some problems. Now that the gene repair drugs are supplied to the country, they are always being transported by the official. The next step is to supply them overseas. Should we develop our own transportation channels?" Lin Bei raised his hand and asked. Road.

"Let them solve it by themselves!"

Chen Lang replied: "We only produce and do not ship. After all, they have already bargained the price. If they let them ship it themselves, they can't say anything.

In the future, we will set up our own independent courier company, so subsequent scattered sales or new products will be released later, and we will be responsible for these transportation issues. "

Lin Bei nodded and sat down.

At this time, he couldn't help but ask: "By the boss, now it's sold to major countries for $ 1,980. In the follow-up, many poor countries can't afford it. We must sell it at a reduced price. The price is reduced to the level of 1,000 dollars. Will we lose this price? "

This is a problem that Lin Bei is more concerned about. In his opinion, the supply of gene repair drugs to the world is inevitable, and even because of the special nature of this drug, even some poor countries have to sell at a loss, otherwise it will not lead to war. , Certainly a big wave of public opinion.

After all, outsiders do n’t know the cost of this thing, and this thing is axe to humans. If half of the people injected it, and the other half could n’t afford it, it would definitely cause countless complaints from the Virgin Mary.

What to say Chen Langmei earns this money with conscience.

Supplying to developed countries now is to make money, so if we supply to poor countries in the future, we have to think about whether we will lose money.

"Do not worry!"

Chen Lang heard a smile and said, "The cost of this gadget is very low. I didn't plan to make much money on this thing. It was completely unexpected. The target price in my heart was 100 dollars. However, the representative of Miguo had to ask me Asking for a price, they want to show their ability to repay the money locally.

But unfortunately, they were satisfied just after cutting a few waves of prices, and I had no choice but to sell them to them at high prices.

So, don't lose money. "

The lips of the sitting crowd were drawn, their faces were speechless.


Anything else?

Representatives from the country of Rice are not a fool? What do you guys have to say about the price? Okay now? In 1980, the heart was beautiful.

You are not afraid to lose your mind. If you let Chen Lang make a price, Chen Lang will be priced at $ 1,000, waiting for you to bargain. After all, this is ten times more than Chen Lang's psychological expectations.

Right now, the price is 10,000 without saying, you are satisfied with the bargain to 2000, for the 20 US dollar rebate, you simply betrayed your country and the people.

The real batch.

This is even more absurd than movies and TV shows.

If countries such as the State of Mi are aware of this, I am afraid that not the direct president will be angry.


Representatives of the four major countries?

The total population of more than six billion people in your country will never let you go.

"Who else has a problem?" Chen Lang asked.


Wei Wuyou raised his hand and said, "I have two problems. One is that Chen Mining has completed the acquisition plan. At present, there are hundreds of resources and minerals companies, large and small, all over the world. To facilitate management and development, I recommend Chen's mining group. "

"Yes!" Chen Lang nodded: "You can go directly to set up. In the future, Chen's Mining is a subsidiary company of Chaoshen Technology Group. The personnel arrangements and transfers of major companies in the mining group are all up to you. What I want is output and what I want to achieve. I just look at the results and not the process. "


Wei Wuwei nodded and said: "There is also the problem of layoffs. There are too many idlers in hundreds of companies. These idlers must be dismissed. After the intelligent mechanized mining begins, even those workers have to Dismissal, I mean, is it possible for Chen Mining to apply to join the Freshman Program? "

Chen Lang nodded and looked at Zhang Mulan, saying, "Give him some arrangements, not only Chen's Mining, all industries under Super God Technology are included in the new life plan, but the layoffs and resignations caused by Super God Technology's wholly-owned subsidiaries can be involved. The new life plan, because it is a wholly-owned company of Chaoshen Technology, so we are responsible for this money. "

Zhang Mulan nodded, took a pen and recorded it.

Freshman plans are now divided into three types.

One is caused by a wholly-owned company. This kind of money is subsidized by the company.

The second is caused by a joint venture, such as Tianke Energy. At the time of subsidy, the money was divided equally among the companies involved.

Third, it is caused by special reasons. For example, the medical system is subsidized by the state medical closure. However, since the follow-up countries will not continue to replenish the funds, it belongs to the state at the early stage and Chen Lang pays at the later stage.

The freshman plan is a compensation plan and a perfect cycle. This plan can be said to be beneficial to everyone.

For those who are unemployed ~ ~ they can get subsidies. For those companies that have paid for the money, they can join the new life plan to subvert an industry. The future is to make money. Take out some money to settle the problem. It is also a good thing that people become stumbling blocks.

For the state, it is even better for companies to solve the problem of employee unemployment and maintain stability.

For Chen Lang, there is nothing better than that.

The new student plan now seems to lose money, but it will definitely be profitable in the future, because as long as they receive more than one year, all of them will have to pay for the new student plan in the future. In the long run, the new student plan will definitely accumulate a large number of reserves gold.

Where are the reserves? Super God Bank!

Chen Lang is the initiator and controller of the new life plan. When the plan is implemented steadily and becomes a part of society, he will not just want to borrow money.

Although this money can only be used to subsidize the unemployed, but the money makes money, to the point of Chen Lang, whether the money is mine, as long as it is in my possession, he is mine. The latest chapter in the latest chapter of the novel Super God Technology Empire Chapter 249

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