Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 287: We are here

You are not late!

But not only did you crash a car with more than a million dollars, you also crashed the fence around the yard.


Chen Lang has not spoken yet.

A middle-aged man rushed out of the yard, his face was almost twisted, and he roared impatiently: "That turtle son, don't you drive a car with long eyes?"

"Who do you say?"

Wei Wu was worried.

"I didn't say you!" The middle-aged man glanced at Wei Wuyou, and then looked at the car buried in masonry.

"My car!" Wei Wuyou said angrily.

"Ahh ?!" The middle-aged man stumbled, turned to look at Wei Wuyou, and was surprised: "You are not dead?"


A few Chen Lang couldn't stop.

Sun Tianhong stepped forward and said with a smile: "Don't worry, fellow, just a wall, our big bosses are here, and they will definitely buy your land. Anyway, you have to move and look back anyway, don't worry about it. You see, You just fell a wall, but what about him? He crashed a car with more than a million dollars. "

More than a million cars?

The middle-aged man was aggressive, then glanced sympathetically at Wei Wuyou, and said, "Forget it, I don't see you as a rich man, do you want to be a driver for your boss? You won't be able to keep your job right now Now. "

At this point, the middle-aged man sighed, shook his head, and turned away.

Wei Wuyou looked at the back of the middle-aged man aggressively, opened his mouth to explain, but eventually chose to give up.

Explain to him that there is a fart, it will definitely be joke by the grandson and the boss.

Without explanation, it is uncomfortable to be treated this way.

It really is a batch of aggrieved.

"Let's go, let's talk about personal matters!"

Chen Lang reached out and pointed to a tea shop next to him.

Wei Wuyou nodded, then followed Chen Lang into the tea shop and found a place to sit down, while Secretary Chen hesitated for a while and chose to wait in place.

"Ge and Spear planned to attack me again, so I can't give up on this." Chen Lang said lightly.

Wei Wuyou's pupils contracted, then he thought for a moment, and reluctantly said, "It's a bit troublesome. The reason why Ge and Spear can survive to this day is, besides other aspects, the most seamless for secretive aspects.

For example, for our eight ministry, even if I am the ministry director of the Asian ministry, I only know where the headquarters of the Asian ministry is, and the other ministry is not clear at all.

At the same time, the other seven departments did not know where the headquarters of the Asian Department was.

At each party, basically Ge and Spear choose a country, choose a place, choose a hotel to stay in, and then we go to a meeting just like ordinary people.

We are even more unclear about the headquarters of Ge and Spear. It can be said that the entire organization of Ge and Spear has achieved division and rule. The ministries only deal with matters within the scope of the ministries.

In recent years, countries have not failed to target Ge and spears, such as the Department of the Americas.

But after the extinction of the Americas, the country could not find any news about Go and Spear organizations in other regions.

Less than two years after that, the Americas reappeared.

Outsiders call Ge and Spear the "Hydra" of the real world. In fact, even the Hydra in the comics are based on Ge and Spear.

Eight plus headquarters, this is nine.

The destruction of any one part will not involve other parts, and the other parts will rebuild that part in the shortest time.

The Go and Spear organizations circulated in the early years of the underground world cut off a head and grew a head. That's what it means. "

Chen Lang nodded slightly and smiled: "That is to say, we are in the light, they are in the dark, there is no way?"


Wei Wuyou reluctantly said: "Before you could flick a bit, but now, I guess with our betrayal, the Asian Department has begun to rebuild."

"Nine heads, what do you think is the most important?" Chen Lang asked.

"Of course it's headquarters."

Wei Wuwu smiled wistfully and said, "This is beyond doubt, Ge and Spear, the top scientists in the Ge and Spear organization and the talent reserve are all at the headquarters. , The other eight books are not so easy to rebuild.

Destroy the headquarters first, and then follow the vines. This is the only way to completely destroy Ge and Spear. "

"Ge and Spear's headquarters are in the Hals Islands!"

Chen Lang said lightly.


Wei Wuyou was dumbfounded, he looked at Chen Lang aggressively.

How do you always know?

Also, where is the Hals Islands? I have never heard of this place.

Chen Lang glanced at Wu Wuyou with a smile.

How deep is Ge and Spear?

It is very deep. No one has ever found them. Until the later generations, with the rise of Go and Spear, when Go and Spear had the power to occupy a planet, they were still stationed on the earth.

From that moment, the countries really knew where Ge and Spear's headquarters were.

Pacific Ocean, Hals Islands.

Legend has it that all secrets of Go and Spear are hidden.

Moreover, because of the geographical environment, the Hals Islands are permeated with a strange magnetic field all year round. This layer of magnetic field keeps the sea area in the mist all year round and cannot be seen by the outside world.

Moreover, this magnetic field also has a natural function of shielding signals, and even the satellites cannot see the Hals Islands from above.

The Hals Islands are a mysterious island that has never appeared on a global satellite map.

Hidden so deeply, it can be said that unless they take the initiative, the outside world will never find them.

But unfortunately, Chen Lang was born again.

There is no way out.

"Hals Islands? I have heard of this island? Where is it?" Wei Wuyou frowned, thinking hard.

"In the Pacific!"

Chen Lang said lightly, "You must know, because you have been there."


Wei Wuyou was even more aggressive.

I've been there?

how could it be possible?

Chen Lang said with a smile: "I still remember that when you looked down on the Xinghe fighter plane ~ ~ It was said that the scene below was very strange, and there were underlying clouds covering the surface of the sea, so you couldn't see When I clear the bottom, I also say that there is no wind and waves around, and even tornadoes and lightning can be seen. The bottom is definitely a dangerous sea, similar to the Bermuda Triangle. "

"What? Is this impossible?"

Wei Wuyou was stunned. He remembered that when he said this, he was working as a Xinghe fighter and followed Chen Lang to reclaim land and make land.

Moreover, it is said that the fighter is approaching, and it is time to escape from the supersonic deceleration.

what does this mean?

This means that the Hals Islands are less than a hundred nautical miles from land reclamation projects.

Lying down!

No wonder Ge and Spear repeatedly bombarded land reclamation projects.

Nima's, you are building at the door of others.

Who doesn't bang you?

I ’m afraid that it ’s not from your start that Ge and Spear, two old monsters who have lived for hundreds of years, are going to die uncomfortably all day long.

You are the headquarters for trade. After you have repaired this, once the construction starts, the global shipping freighters will gather in that area.

By then, the headquarters of Ge and Spear would be hidden, that would be equivalent to setting up a brand to tell the world, come hit me, we are here.

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