Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 361: I'm so scum!

Entered the parliament hall, led by the staff and entered the venue specially arranged for the education reform seminar. Some staff sent the process and time schedule of the education reform seminar.

According to the official plan, a total of three days.

Three hours in the morning and four hours in the afternoon on the first day. Comment on the current education, point out the shortcomings, point out the unnecessary points, discuss the two courses of English and physical education, and collect opinions and suggestions.

类似 The next day is similar, it is also seven hours, and discusses the defects and unnecessary places, while continuing to discuss the layout of the new course.

I was formally confirmed in the morning of the third day and transferred to the upper and education departments.

In the near future, education reform will be gradually implemented.

This is the process and timing.

After looking at Chen Lang, he left it in the trash can aside. He was sitting in the first row, and he was not polite. He took the tea from the table and started drinking.

行为 This behavior, many of the experts and scholars behind can not help but frown.

Chen Lang is doomed to focus, no matter where.

So every word and deed, a little bit of action, are all in the attention of many people.

This action of losing the process and schedule is naturally interpreted by many experts and scholars as different meanings.

Next to him, Wang Lao raised a brow and wondered: "How? This time and process will delay your business?"

Chen Lang shook his head.

不会 "No, but it really doesn't need to exist. The process and time are well set, but I think the meeting will be completely different from what you think because of my arrival."

"Will it be better or worse?" Wang Lao asked after considering it.

"It's never been better!"

"That's good, then I'll sit down and watch your performance." Wang Lao smiled, took the tea, took a sip, and continued: "The General Assembly is here, it should be here by now, but he The person who is most optimistic about you outside of me. When you came to Beijing last time, you did n’t have enough time in a day, and turned away, but he regretted it for a long time. This time I see that you will be pulled back by 80%. Eat at home.

The old boy went to work in the early years. He was not at home all year round. He had a daughter for more than forty years. Now she happens to be about the same age as you. I guess he wants to tell you a kiss. "


Chen Lang was startled and said, "Now it's free love. Don't do this. I'm used to it. I'll tell you that I'm particularly scum. You still help me talk to President Li in private. Well, do n’t look at me honestly, I ’m a real hypocrite. I not only had my ex-girlfriend stabbed at Fuda, but also hooked up with my classmate from middle school, just that Zhao Yusheng, Do you know? The little girl thief is easy to deceive, and there is Modu Jiaotong University. I also hooked up a college student there, and I sent a car. I found it when I checked it, and it was my little secretary. Alas, the one sitting over there, you see, silly, she has no ability or mind, why can she always be my secretary? Because we have one leg. "


Wang Lao couldn't laugh anymore. He frowned at Chen Lang and said, "Are you serious?"

"of course!"

Chen Lang nodded and said, "You are young and vigorous, how can you not like a girl? The reason why you are so pretentious, not close to people, not close to women, is entirely because you don't want the enemy to know my weaknesses, nor do they want to affect I have a reputation for making history in the future. "

Wang Laowen twitched at the corner of his mouth, and said silently: "I found it. You are not only a scumbag, but also shameless, okay. I also grew up watching the child from President Li. It can't fall into the tiger's mouth, and I talk to President Li in private. "


Chen Lang was relieved.

Nirma is so scary.

This is a horrible disaster. This is a character that is more difficult than Zhao Yusheng's girl. If you run into it, it will be difficult to get out.


Suddenly, Professor Yang sitting next to him coughed in a low voice.

Chen Lang and Wang Lao looked up. Sure enough, the reason came.

Mr. Li walked into the conference room with a smile, because the conference room was round, and he sat in the first row after half a lap, which happened to be opposite Chen Lang.

General Manager naturally saw Chen Lang. He nodded to Wang Lao and then stared at Chen Lang with a smile.

Wouldn't it really be that way?

浪 Chen Lang was a little bit upset.

这 At this time, finally, the time arrived, Li always looked back and took out the manuscript to speak.

As a leader, all he has to do is start, and the rest depends on the professionals.


Mr. Yuan Li looked up and said, "Education is national and core, and it is of vital importance. Since ancient times, dynasties and countries have proved the importance of education with facts.

Let's not say empty or big, I will go directly to the topic.

讨论 The education reform seminar we are convening today is an internal discussion. Before it is officially implemented, everyone needs to be careful not to disclose it to avoid unnecessary public opinion.

The times are advancing and society is developing, especially in recent years, with the progress of society, the education system we originally formulated is gradually no longer in line with reality and no longer has its own power.

Maybe it works, but its drawbacks are well known, so we need to change.

Different systems, different situations, different environments, different competitions, and different education systems.

The situation is different in the past, so our education should also be different.

Find the disadvantages ~ ~ Solve the disadvantages, ban the useless courses, add more practical courses, ensure that our next generation can thrive, and ensure that they do not go wrong or go the wrong way, this is what we have to do of.

Is also our point of discussion today.

Now, we officially start the discussion. Everyone is free to express their opinions and suggestions. Let me start. "

He said, Mr. Li smiled and said, "I have a girl who is about the same size as Chen Lang."


For a moment, all eyes were on Chen Lang.

Chen Lang was aggressive.

What's going on.

You ca n’t do this all the time. You can get me by example?

No, it's so obvious that you did this, right?

Beside him, Lao Wang and Professor Yang gloated and laughed.

However, the general manager did not take care of this, and continued to say, "To be honest, because the work was too busy, I didn't manage her much when she was a child.

I do n’t like what some experts say now that you ca n’t hit children.

Although she is a girl, the older generation of us all believe in one, and there are filial sons under the stick.

她 When she was a kid, she was so bad that I played.

Then gradually, a leather child was beaten by me as a quiet girl, but my grades still couldn't get up.

What should we do?

This is not a solution. If you fight on it, sooner or later, there will be problems. .

I'm thinking, is it because my family has such a stupid person, my brain is not good, can't I learn anything?

But in fact, this is not the case. "

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