Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 430: The moon is made

"Let's go, let's feel the moon too!"

At the Galaxy War and Defense Center, Chen Lang took everyone to the simulation room.

After entering the simulation room, Chen Lang asked, "Ball, start the simulator."


The sound of the ball sounded.

Subsequently, the originally dim simulation room, the light changed rapidly, and at an extremely fast speed, it became the internal scene of the No. 1 Starship battleship.

This is a virtual projection system.

Chen Lang and others stood in the virtual room as if they were inside the Starship Battleship.

At this time, in the middle of the moon and the earth, inside the flying Starship 1 ship, several small simulators slowly took off.

Ten astronauts in the Starship Battleship 1 gathered quickly, but Xu Zifeng was at a loss.

After standing in a row, Xu Zifeng stared blankly at several instruments she couldn't understand and projected the figures of Chen Lang and Liu Yishou in the air.


Brush, salute to ten astronauts.

Chen Lang nodded slightly, and beside Chen Lang, Liu Yishou and others were surprised and looked down at his hands.

It's really the same.

This is the virtual projection.

People are on the earth, but in the simulation room, they completely simulate the scene in the battleship, so they even feel that they are in the battleship.

In the battleship, the ten astronauts were also a little aggressive. Although they were psychologically prepared, it was incredible to see a few live people appear in front of them.

This is the charm of technology.


Only Xu Zifeng, staring at it all in a stunned state, couldn't help but take a step forward and stretched her hands towards Chen Lang.

However, the hand was swiped, but it was worn in the past.



It is a virtual projection.

Those small simulators were made specifically to simulate projection.

"Has it been enough?"

Chen Lang frowned and asked Xu Zifeng.

It's really awkward.

When Xu Zifeng touched Chen Lang in the battleship, she passed through, and it was all air.

In the simulation room on the earth, Xu Zifeng in front of Chen Lang's eyes was projected. She touched Chen Lang and passed through it.

But it wasn't Chen Lang's body that passed through, but Chen Lang's body passed through her arm.

In her eyes, Chen Lang is fake and projected.

In Chen Lang's eyes, she was fake and projected.


Xu Zifeng was a little embarrassed.

"Can I broadcast live?" Xu Zifeng asked.

"Don't worry, wait a little longer!"

Chen Lang shook his head, then looked beside him.

Because it was a busy time, only Liu Yishou, Zhao Tingyun, and Zhao Kai followed the scene with Chen Lang.

The simulation is also four of him.

Looking at Zhao Tingyun, Chen Lang couldn't help but say, "How's that? This is also a realization of your idea of ​​landing on the moon?"

After hearing nothing, Zhao Tingyun nodded.

Although it is known to be false, this is no different from landing in the moon, and it is much safer.

At this time, Chen Lang looked at Zhao Kai again and said, "Although you did not go to the moon, but the person who will direct you throughout the next step, let me first say a few things to note."


Zhao nodded.

"the first!"

When Chen Lang waved his hand, the moon's projection appeared in front of everyone.

Raising a finger to the moon, Chen Lang said, "There are dark parts and bright areas on the surface of the moon. The bright areas are highlands, and the dark areas are low depressions such as plains or basins. They are called lunar land and lunar sea, respectively.

Of course, there is no water on the moon. In the so-called moon sea, there is actually no drop of water.

The reason why it is called Moon Sea is because early astronomers thought that the dark areas were covered by seawater when they watched the moon, so they called it the sea.

More famous ones such as the sea of ​​clouds, wet sea, still sea, etc.

These bright places are mountains, but our goal is not mountains or moon seas. "

Speaking, Chen Lang turned the projected moon toward the back of the moon and said, "Here is our goal."

The crowd looked intently.

It was a chaotic place full of potholes and weird mountains.

As Chen Lang continuously enlarged the virtual projection, finally, the surface of Chen Lang's fingers finally appeared clearly in front of everyone.

"What is this stuff?"

Liu looked at the inexplicable boulders and pyramids in front of him, and the whole man was aggressive.

The same was true of a few people nearby.

Why is there a pyramid on the moon?

Or rather, this is not a pyramid, but a stone that looks a lot like the pyramid?

"Prehistoric ruins!"

Chen Lang said lightly.

"Our goal is to excavate prehistoric sites?"

All ten astronauts were aggressive.

Chen Lang nodded again and continued: "There are day and night on the moon, and the rotation period of the moon is 27.32 days.

But the earth is orbiting the sun, and the moon is orbiting the earth. Although the rotation period is 27.32 days, because of the lag, a day and night on the moon is 29.53 days, which is about one month in the lunar calendar.

And since the moon will spin, why does he have a back?

In modern astronomical science, the so-called back of the moon is because the earth and the moon are locked to each other, so the moon will always face only one side.

The side we will never see on Earth is the back of the moon.

The back and front of the moon are completely different in terms of terrain.

However, this is not the main reason. "

Chen Lang looked at the crowd and said, "The earth also orbits the sun. Why doesn't the earth have a backside? Why does the moon have it?

The gravity from the earth is only one aspect ~ ~ If it is only from the gravity of the earth, it does not have such a back.

The real reason is because of the core! "

As Chen Lang waved his hand, line by line comparison data appeared in front of everyone.

"The front of the moon is relatively flat, like the surface of a normal barren planet.

On the back, there are bumps and bumps that are full of potholes. Regardless of the material composition, morphology, and age of the rocks, the back is very different from the front.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is underground.

The front side of the moon, that is, flat, facing our side, the thickness of the lunar crust is only about 60 kilometers.

But on the back of the moon, the thickness of the crust is about 150 kilometers.

what does this mean?

It means that the lunar earth's core is biased to the front, so that the front of the moon has been attracted by the gravity of the earth, and humans have never been able to observe the back of the moon on earth.

However, for a planet, the core of the earth is beyond doubt that it initially attracted outside matter to enter and eventually formed the core of the planet.

Since it is the core, why is it not on the moon's center, but on the side closer to the earth?

Because the moon is made! "

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