Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 446: Gene booster

Hope Island, Wangjiang Mountain Dijiangyuan.

Chen Lang finished the work at hand, and then let the ball open the virtual projection.

The picture appearing in the projection is also an office, which is Wei Wuyou's office.

At this point, Wei Wuyou stood straight and said, "Boss!"

"Well, sit down and talk!"

Chen Lang reached out and gestured. After Wei Wuyou sat down, he kept the pen in his hand and groaned slightly, saying, "Two things.

First, Super God Technology opened the big bang of the global aerospace industry. It is easy to be suspected if ancient technology did nothing.

Secondly, it is enough for the moon to have super-scientific technology and global forces to explore and dig. It is also a waste of time to go to ancient technology. I would like to ask you something. "

"You say!"

Wei Wuyou nodded.

"In order to avoid being suspected, ancient technology should show that it has more important things, um, just the dragon corpse, should you dig out a part now?

Trying to reveal it, haven't countries such as Rice always wanted to drop spies into the Hals Islands? Put someone in and let the dragon corpse be exposed.

In this way, I believe that countries will understand why you are not involved in lunar excavations.

Moreover, now is the time when everyone is scrambling to land on the moon. Even if the dragon corpse is exposed, at most it will attract global attention, and will not cause countries to forcefully share the dragon corpse.

If the trouble is serious, you can also reveal some prehistoric civilization things, for example, the prehistoric civilization has dragons and giants and the like.

This is the first thing to avoid being suspected.

The second thing is more troublesome. "

Speaking of this, Chen Lang also had some uncertainty, saying, "Have you tried the genetic evolution agent? How effective?"

Wei Wuyou said for a moment, saying, "It's very strong. Nowadays, more than 100,000 evolvers of ancient technology have completed the injection of genetic evolution agents, and the genetic evolution is more comprehensive. If the biological energy tube is enough, they will soon Become a first-order genetic warrior like Bo and Spear that you say to the boss. "

"Bioenergy is indeed sufficient."

Chen Lang said: "But the biological energy is extracted from the living age of the earth. Using these biological energy can indeed allow you to directly advance to the first-order genetic warriors.

But it consumes too much biological energy.

The biological energy sufficient for one person to become a genetic warrior can create thousands of bottles of genetic evolution agents.

Don't worry in this regard. After we capture the original version of the moon, we will be too old, and biological energy will no longer be a limitation on us.

Moreover, if you want to become a second-order genetic warrior, this biological energy of the earth is useless and too low.

So the original version of the moon must still be too old.

Super God Technology is now digging up the moon for a lot of reasons. "

"I understand!"

Wei Wuwei nodded and said, "We are not in a hurry in this regard. For now, no one in the world can handle us."

"Well, dragging on is not a problem!"

Chen Lang thought for a moment, and said, "So, send someone to visit Spring City, and the ball will arrange a robot to give you a batch of liquid bioenergy, advanced first order."

"Yes!" Wei Wuyou nodded, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

As people in the underground world, they have a unique fondness for individual power. Although it is not anxious to speak, in fact?

Seeing that Ge and Spear are so strong, they have long wanted to advance.

"Like I said."

Chen Lang continued: "To be a second-order genetic warrior, you need the original version of the moon to live too old.

The living energy of the earth is too low, and the advanced second-order consumption is too serious. In terms of individual strength, the low-level energy advanced second-order is far less powerful than the high-level energy advanced second-order.

As for gene warriors, to be honest, follow-up is very important to us.

Now we just go around the moon and dig resources on the moon, so it's already very troublesome, let's go to other planets to dig resources later.

So we need at least a third-order genetic warrior.

If the first order is equivalent to Captain Mi in the movie, but the individual strength is strong, then the second order is different.

Second-order genetic fighters can already be called inadequate, and ordinary sniper rifles cannot hurt second-tier genetic fighters.

The third stage is a very important stage. After reaching the third stage, people can use biological energy to survive instead of oxygen.

It was a metamorphosis.

It's like being able to use its own biological energy to get rid of gravitation and fly in the sky without fear of a nuclear explosion after the fourth order.

Gene warriors, each stage is a transformation of the level of life.

At the third stage, the human body's biological energy can already satisfy the perfect use of some gene fortification drugs.

Why is it called perfect use?

Because ordinary people can also be genetically enhanced, but the results of reinforcement are very poor. Because of the lack of their own biological energy for the gestation and use of new abilities, a gene-enhanced agent is injected into ordinary people, and the effect cannot be achieved. Everything else is wasted.

Gene strengthening is to give genes a whole new ability, just like upgrading online games. Level 3 is equivalent to level 30, and you can equip it with level 30 equipment.

The genetic level is the level, and the genetic booster is the equipment.

For example, the ability to recover from abnormal changes, the ability to resist temperature changes, the ability to survive in space, the ability to be immune to radiation and non-invasiveness, and so on.

Humans do not have these capabilities, so they need to be strengthened.

The strengthening ability requires that you have enough biological energy. If the energy is insufficient, the strengthening will fail and the effect will be very poor. "

Speaking of this, Chen Lang looked at Wei Wuwei who was a bit embarrassed, and said with a helpless smile: "You may think that we all have battleships and technology, why do we have to evolve genes?

You don't understand, the universe environment is too bad.

Not to mention the other ~ ~ Just a few years later, the planet flees, and the earth flees out of the solar system, which requires genetic enhancement of the entire population.

After all, we ca n’t all live in space suits in the future, right?

How much material does it take?

How much more trouble?

Therefore, in the era of escape, universal genetic enhancement is necessary.

But compared with the soldiers, just living on the earth does not need them to become genetic warriors, just ordinary injections of genetically enhanced drugs, even if they fail, it is enough for them.

But the soldiers are different.

In the future, our soldiers will go deep into the universe, dig resources, find resources, and they will encounter various problems.

So we need them to evolve to at least the third order of gene warriors.

The energy of the third order is enough for genetic enhancement and perfect inoculation and use. Once the third order, coupled with our potentiating potions, they will be able to survive in the universe without a spaceship and a space suit.

Low temperatures, high temperatures, weathering, radiation, unknown toxins, and even planets with extremely harsh environments will be meaningless to them.

Therefore, genetic evolution agents, gene fortification agents, these are all necessary for us. "

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