Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 458: What did we do wrong?

Hope Island, industrial zone, machinery industry science and technology business group.

With the control of the ball personally, the entire industrial area began to operate, and giant fighters began to be manufactured.

At the same time, Liu looked strangely holding the list to find someone.

Chen Lang entrusted him with the matter of the candidate hero, and he could only take someone to take charge of it.

And the outside world.

At this point, the whole world was boiling.

[Shock! Thrilling and horrifying beast on the Australian coast of Buri, with heavy casualties! !! !! ]

[Is it a prehistoric monster or a genetic mutation? What's behind the catastrophe of Australia? ]

[Three super-characteristic metals, which were once evaluated as indestructible metals, finally ushered in their enemies. ]

[Monster? Monster? What exactly is it? Where did it come from? What does it, or their appearance, mean to humans? ]

[terror! The Buri Coast incident involved more than $ 80 billion in losses, killed 2,700 people, and injured more than 4,000! ]


Global news headlines are once again dominated.

Major forums, news comment areas, Weibo, Post it, and even circle of friends.

All blown by monsters!

Whenever there is news, it will inevitably appear with the photos of the monsters. The tall and horrifying monsters, the fat ones, and the monsters like the monsters in the bumpy man, completely refreshed the three perspectives of human beings.

"What a joke? Are there really monsters in this world?"

"Nima! Fortunately, this time, Super God Technology helped solve the problem. Otherwise, the Australian country will suffer heavy losses. It may not be that a city will be destroyed in the hands of that monster."

"It's incredible, why is this happening suddenly?"

"The mutation caused by a genetic mutation is definitely the reason. After all, everyone knows that this kind of thing has never been heard before. When Super God Technology moved to Hope Island, this thing appeared and the monster appeared. It is also the Pacific Ocean. Moreover, Super God Technology has the world's top biological gene technology. The first time the monster appeared, less than ten minutes, Super God Technology fighters appeared.

No explanation, real hammer, it is definitely a ghost of Super God Technology! "

"I want you to do research and research, but pay attention to safety? So many people are dead now, who is responsible?"

"That's right! Chaoshen Technology must take on this responsibility."

"No explanation. This time, Chaoshen Technology may be due to an accident. We also believe that after all, Chaoshen Technology has verified that Chaoshen Technology will definitely not be an anti-human company. However, we hope that Chen Lang can stand Come out, take this responsibility, give the casualties, and explain to the families.

Whether it is compensation or apology, we are willing to listen and accept.

Things have already happened, no one blame. "

"Yes, the view upstairs is correct. I hope Chaoshen Technology will give an explanation and compensation for this matter. To say the least, we still support Chaoshen Technology. This is just an accident."

"But in fact, Super God Technology has not spoken yet.

What do you mean?


Dead without proof?

Relying on the high level of science and technology, no one else can handle it? "


Globally, nearly half of them are blaming Super God Technology, and the same, because Chen Lang and Super God Technology have always performed, not many people actually blame Super God Technology.

They all want an explanation, an explanation, and a compensation for those who are injured or killed.

But behind this, why not be guided by other forces?

Chen Lang had seen all this long ago and couldn't help sneering.

"Xiao Xiaoai, announce the existence of the water bear beast!"


Xiao Xiaoai's heart froze, nodded quickly, then turned away.

She knew what she meant.

Once the water bear animal is announced, no one can say anything about Super God Technology, and every country knows that ancient technology has been digging in the deep sea in recent months.

It will be clear at a glance who will cook it.

However, to this day, just like Chen Lang said, after all, this person needs to be carried away.

Sighing, Xiao Xiaoai took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Zhang Meilu to prepare her and Wei Wuyou and others.

Later, in the meeting room of Hope Island, Xiao Xiaoai convened hundreds of media in Hope Island and held a press conference as a representative.

"Secretary Xiao, may I ask if this Buri Coast monster incident is really related to Super God Technology?"

"Secretary Xiao, was this press conference held to explain to those who were injured or killed?"

"Secretary Xiao, where is Consul General Chen Lang now? If it is to give an explanation to those people, isn't Mr. Chen Lang sincere enough?"

"Secretary Xiao ...!"

As soon as the people from the media arrived, the whole meeting room was noisy.

Xiao Xiaoai Han faced, and when the crowd arrived, she waved her hand, and the staff next to him quickly stopped to stop the crowd.

"You all!"

Xiao Aihan said with a face: "I know in your mind that this matter has something to do with our super-shen technology, and even the vast majority of people around the world have identified this matter with us.

However, I tell you explicitly here that this matter has nothing to do with us.

We were the first to reach the Buri Coast to help Australia fight against monsters, simply because we have the most advanced satellite system in the world, and we are always monitoring catastrophic problems around the world, such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, etc. These are all within our monitoring scope.

Mr. Chen Lang, our general, is a caring person and a compassionate person. At the same time, he loves the world and respects life. He believes that life is the greatest miracle in the world.

There have been killers who attacked our general, Mr. Chen Lang, but after those people were arrested, they should have been executed. But our general, Mr. Chen Lang, refused, and he provided them with a complete and excellent living conditions. And gave them hundreds of thousands of books, equipped them with intelligent robots as teachers, and educated them.

Mr. Chen Lang said ~ ~ They may have gone the wrong way now, but their path is still long and their life is long. We cannot kill a life for any reason.

Therefore, they are living very well now. Even, they have completed the seventh assessment of nine compulsory education, and they have become the elite of human scientific research.

Many of them have already begun new life and started new work in our Super God Technology.

Do you think that Mr. Chen Lang, our chief, is such a kind person who is willing to cause thousands of casualties due to experiments?

No, it's not.

It is because of the love of Mr. Chen Lang, who is our leader, that he is willing to help others, so we can help the people of Buri Coast in the first place.

Before I arrived, Mr. Chen Lang, our chief, said that the poor are good at themselves and the rich are good at the same time. Since we have the most advanced technology in the world and the most powerful force in the world, we should protect We humans.

This is what we should do, no matter what we are facing, we should do it without hesitation.

However, I am distressed and uncomfortable, because we have done something we should do, but you want us to take responsibility for it.

I want to ask you back.

What did we do wrong? "

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