Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 460: Ancient technology

Why did you suddenly know?

The media present couldn't help but look at the man, full of curiosity.

And the man was obviously not a sullen man, he said excitedly: "I was fortunate to have participated in an interview with a member of the State of Mi a few months ago, and at that time talked about Super God Technology and Ancient Technology.

At that time, he accidentally said that the world began to explore the moon, dig the moon, and excavate the prehistoric civilization. It was incredible that ancient technology, a business country originating from prehistoric civilization, was exploring the deep ocean.

Because everyone understands that there are large-scale relics of prehistoric civilizations on the moon, but their commercial country, which originated from prehistoric civilizations, went to the deep ocean for exploration.

He suspected that there should also be relics of prehistoric civilization in the deep sea.

Now that I think about it, it must be related to ancient technology. After all, ancient technology has also sold genetic medicine and hit the stage with Chaoshen Technology. As a result, Chaoshen Technology has implemented a free sales strategy for some poor areas.

I think that either there is really a relic in the deep ocean, because the excavation of ancient technology caused the leakage of unknown viruses or genetic agents, which caused the so-called water bear beast to mutate, or it is because of the emergence of genetic evolution agents, ancient Technology wanted to develop more potent drugs, and then went to the deep sea to catch water bears and beasts, which led to this situation. "

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help making a mistake.

You have to know that as a media person, you can't speak arbitrarily when there is no evidence, especially on matters of this level.

They really can't think of why this person is so bold.

Aren't you afraid of revenge from ancient technology?

However, mistakes go wrong, and think about it, it is indeed possible.

After all, even Chen Lang said that the water bear is the key to the next step in the development of genetic drugs, and it is the key to humans to enter space without wearing a space suit.

If you think of it this way, it is entirely normal for ancient technology to experiment with water bears.

Moreover, ancient technology really has a very high level of biological gene technology. After all, they shouted the slogan that the genetic medicine of Super God Technology was their technology stolen.

Not even that.

Think about the origin of ancient technology.

That's the transformation of extreme organizations. Super God Technology certainly can't perform such experiments, but ancient technology may not be sure.

"Is it really ancient technology?"

"I think it's really possible."

"Inconceivable, if it is really ancient technology, what exactly is ancient technology studying? Even this horrible beast can be studied, which means that ancient technology wants to research that can make people superhuman. The potion? "

"Really, after all, water bears can resist even nuclear bombs. If this medicine really exists, if it is used on humans, it can carry missiles even if it cannot carry a nuclear bomb, right?

That's really no different than Superman. "

"Big news, this is big news!"


A group of media people whispered, however, they forgot that they were all under the live broadcast. Although their voice was small, it was clearly transmitted to everyone who watched the live broadcast.

"Ancient technology? Yes, there is only ancient technology."

"Oh, we ignored the real goal from the beginning!"

"No way. In the past six months, ancient technology has been too low-key, and it is a type of making a lot of money."

"Brothers, go, **** him!"

"Trust him, you have to explain."

"Um? But ... we have no evidence. We have wronged Super God Technology before, now ..."

"Evidence? Prove NMLGP. Of course, we have to have a better attitude towards Langshen and Chaoshen Technology. After all, we will compare our hearts to our hearts. Everyone knows what Langshen has done.

Can ancient technology?

He counted a few, and his reputation was not good, spray him! "


For a time, the poll turned the muzzle and rushed to ancient technology.

At the same time, countries have clearly come to their senses, and have spoken in public to ask whether ancient science and technology are related to ancient science and technology.

Moreover, while this kind of thing is going on, big brothers from various countries have also made phone calls to Chen Lang.

There is only one thing.

Buy particle beam weapons and energy weapons.

And the reason is right, in order to protect the people, in order to destroy the monsters, and to destroy the monsters.

It can be said that for this reason, even Chen Lang cannot refuse them.

After all, if you refuse, there is no monster. Fortunately, once a monster appears, global public opinion will certainly be another situation.

Hope Island, Hope Mountain.

In the Dijiang Garden, Chen Lang put down the phone and smiled sarcastically.

"Otherwise, just refuse it."

Beside Chen Lang were Lin Bei and Wang Chen.

Chen Lang shook his head and said, "There is no reason, nor is it necessary. Particle beam weapons and energy laser weapons are indeed weapons technology in the age of crushing, but if they are placed in the universe, they are at most ordinary technology. .

There is no need to hide this technology. They have to give it to them. Whether it is a particle beam weapon or a laser weapon, it must be stabilized and launched by intelligence. Artificial intelligence is in our hands. If we are not willing, They simply cannot be used to do other things.

Sell, and not only sell products, but also technology.

What's more, even if this technology is cheap, it is not too much to sell a set of 100 billion US dollars?

So many to buy, this adds up a lot.

At least one trillion dollars can be earned.

This is equivalent to three trillion yuan of hope.

As for those who can't afford it ~ ~ tell them directly, even if they can't afford it, Super God Technology also provides protection for fighters and warships. "

Having said that, Chen Lang looked at the two and said, "Xiao Xiao Ai is still at the press conference, right? Tell her, let her publish the incident by the way, instead of being forced to sell by various countries, it is better that we directly Selling on your own will earn a good reputation. "


Lin Bei and Wang Chen nodded, and then sent a message to Xiao Xiaoai.

Press conference scene.

After Xiao Xiaoai got the news, he suddenly showed a smile.

"Dear everyone, I have good news. After careful consideration by our general leader, Mr. Chen Lang, he believes that in the face of such a catastrophe for humankind, we should not keep our own technology and let go.

He decided that for the external sale, our super-shen technology invested in energy laser weapon technology and particle beam weapon technology for research with countless funds and human and material resources.

The two technologies together cost $ 100 billion.

At the same time, even if we haven't purchased technology, when the monster appears, our Super God Technology will still fully help! "


At this moment, the media below shook, and the people watching the news live also shook.

Of course, the most shocking are the countries.

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