Brother Lang?

As the fat man Shen fierce opened his mouth, everyone suddenly stopped together.

In the research room, that is, Shen Xie and others can't access the mobile phone at ordinary times, and need to concentrate on doing research, so they don't know about the tumultuous things outside.

For Professor Chen Jianfeng and the leaders of several software colleges present, it is impossible for them to know Chen Lang's name.

I want to know that, compared with the concern about Chen Lang that broke out in the past two days, professionals in the IT industry have long looked at Chen Lang.

The technology mastered by the Second World, the acquisition event jointly conducted by Penguin and the Pig Factory at a price of 20 billion yuan, and even the Magic World game is an incredible textbook-like optimization.

These have always been amazing directions for IT industry insiders.

It is because they knew Chen Lang that they also understood the significance of Chen Lang's presence here.

"To shut up!"

建 Chen Jianfeng's face changed, and he turned to stare at Shen fierce, sternly: "Who told you to speak? No big, no small!"

"Lao Chen, wait!"

At this moment, suddenly one of the school leaders reached out and held Chen Jianfeng, then took a closer look at Shen Xiong, and said, "This classmate, do you know President Chen?"

I know?

I'm more than just knowing.

This is a young man who grew up together.

Distraught and daunting, at a loss, I don't know why Chen Lang appeared here, and he has never heard of the name of the second world company.

I can hear the meaning of Xiao Ma, it seems that this second world looks very rampant.


Shen Shen fiercely looked at Chen Lang, and then mixed with excitement in an incredible and incredible way, he said, "Lang brother, are you really?"

"Who am I not?"

浪 Chen Lang heard a smile, he stepped forward and patted the fat man on the shoulder, and said, "The crane head turned back to become a school bull, great!"


Several school leaders were relieved.

I know just fine.

After all, Chen Lang is the helm of a 20 billion-level enterprise. Although 20 billion yuan is not a very large company in the Internet industry, it is at least a middle-level boss.

You can't offend at least this kind of character, even if you can't do it well.

"I have long heard of Mr. Chen ’s name. For the second world ’s breakthrough in key technologies and the perfect optimization of the magic world game, many people in the industry or our software academy directly use it as a textbook for general research. of."

"Yeah, I was curious what kind of character was in a week to build the Second World, a legendary company in the online game industry. I didn't believe it after I had Mr. Chen's photo on the Internet yesterday. After all, Second world, how could a helmman be so young? I didn't expect to see it today, it turned out to be true. "

"A hero is a boy!"

Several school leaders habitually carried out a wave of praise.

Although Chen Lang was speechless, his heart was also beautiful.

However, compared with several school leaders, Professor Chen Jianfeng is different.

At this time he was completely aggressive.

Chen Lang?

浪 The second world boss Chen Lang?

Shen Xiekou joined the job after graduating from bachelor's degree. After half a year, he resigned for some reasons. Even Chen Xie couldn't help but find the Chen Chen who took the initiative to help him arrange work?

Are you sure you are alone?

建 Chen Jianfeng is a little confused. He doesn't believe that he has been identified as a big man who doesn't want to be motivated.

Whether it is Shen fierce or Chen Lang, this is impossible to fake.

All that happened in front of my eyes is telling that this is true.

教授 Professor Chen Jianfeng opened his mouth and did not know how to speak.

浪 Chen Lang looked at Chen Jianfeng, and couldn't help laughing a little. The old man's temper was naturally very clear. The old man is probably embarrassed now.

"Hello, Professor Chen!"

Chen Lang took the initiative to shake hands with Chen Jianfeng.

Chen Jianfeng breathed a little sigh of relief, and then laughed and said, "Everyone, Mr. Chen, before Shen Xie said you went to start a business, I still feel unreliable. I did not expect that in a short period of time, not only did you start a business successfully, but you became a penguin. The tens of billions of partners are really incredible. "

"Technology changes life, creation changes life, but that's all." Chen Lang smiled slightly.

"well said!"

Beside him, a school leader began to applaud directly, and even the others had to applaud.

The school leader said with emotion: "Everyone says that heroes are young. This is really true. President Chen's perception of technology and life is no less than anyone. Even in this regard, we must learn from President Chen. . "


"It's better to take time for President Chen to take a lesson with our software college students?"



Chen Lang's mouth twitched, and at this moment he was speechless.

Beside him, Xiaomao smiled and looked at the excitement without interrupting, just to see Chen Lang's reaction.

Chen Lang was helpless, and then shifted the topic and said, "Today is mainly about Mr. Ma coming. I just came here to make a joke and see if there is anything that can help, so let's leave time for Mr. Ma. "

The implication is: Do you distinguish between primary and secondary? The real gangster is next to it.

Everyone said that people were mature and mature, and sure enough, when Chen Lang opened his mouth, several school leaders immediately looked at Xiao Ma Ge ~ ~ Mr. Chen was right, so Mr. Ma ’s time is precious, let ’s not be here Time is wasted, President Ma, please! "


Uh ...


This time, Chen Lang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Xiao Xiaoma pointed at Chen Lang with a smile, then shook his head and walked forward.

Chen Lang reported with a smile and followed.

Chen Shen fiercely walked beside Chen Lang with excitement, and didn't know how to open his mouth several times.

建 Chen Jianfeng is after all a scholar, with a bad temper, but he is very serious about learning and research. He took the lead in leading the way to pony.

As for those fierce brothers and sisters, as in a dream, they followed the last one aggressively, looked at Shen fierce, and looked at Chen Lang.

"Tortoise, I really thought that this fierce buddy likes to pretend to be aggressive, but I didn't expect it to be really awesome." One of Shen Xiong's brothers, who was calling together yesterday, was aggressive.

"I thought it was bragging ..." Shen Wen's little sister Wen Wen also stared blankly at Chen Lang in front.

"Well, don't talk about it, this is really a big brother, let's take care of Shen Xie, and I'm afraid that there is no good job after graduation?"

"Hey, the oldest person in my heart should be the old man, right? Old man has criticized Shen fierce many times because of this incident."

"Shut up, you, old man Chen is uncomfortable now. If you hear him, see how he cleans you up."

"Hush, whisper, whisper."


Beside him, Zhang Mulan gave a strange glance at a few graduate students, could not help chuckling, and could not help but miss some of his former student days.

It's so young!

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