Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 551: Their highlight moments

"Which way to lead?"

Xiao Xiao Ai looked at Chen Lang with a smile and walked in front of Chen Lang, and said, "You are really out of date, and you have been in Wangshen Mountain for two years. Is this strange to the world?

Let's go, let's go straight home.

How can there be a vegetable market.

I have no more.

Now when you buy food, you place orders directly with a virtual bracelet, and the robot will send it to your home. "

Chen Lang heard the words 愣 God.

Then she laughed dumbfounded.

Isn't it?

He could not help shaking his head, feeling.

At the time when Wu Gang was reborn, he was totally unsuited to this backward age, but after a few years, he adapted to the backward age, and he was somewhat unsuited to this new change.

I must not sigh.

"Sure enough, if a person is out of society, let alone three years and five years, even if it is two or three months, I am afraid there will be places that are unsuitable."

Uh .........

That night.

Chen Lang personally cooks a meal.

But unfortunately.

He was kicked out halfway through, and three women, Chen mother, Xiao mother and Xiao Xiaoai, occupied the kitchen.

Liu Liu was forced to live near Chen Lang. Seeing such a lively scene here, he couldn't help coming over to see it. After learning that Chen Lang was out of customs, he was overjoyed and joined the party.

Everyone is full.

Then started chatting.

Chen Lang looked at Liu Yishou with a completely different temperament than two years ago, and couldn't help laughing.

"You, at first, the temperament of the superiors who could not be trained by our second-hand leader in Super God Technology, but now we have it. Why? The food in the federal township is better?"

"No no!"

Liu hurriedly waved his hand and said silently: "The temperament of a superior is completely exhausted. The boss has been comfortable with you for two years, but you have no idea how difficult our days are.

都是 Every day is a thing.

Big things and small things, layer upon layer, those of us haven't slept well for two years. "

Chen Lang feeling again.

Isn't it?

Temperament is created by experience.

The more experience I have, the more I know, the more different I am.

Liu Yishou was the second leader in Super God Technology, but Chen Lang was there. Basically, the following people would do the small things, and Chen Lang would make the big things. He only needed to implement them.

So naturally there is no pressure.

But it's different in federal towns.

Big things and small things have to be decided.

When I come and go, my brain moves more, naturally I think more, and my temperament changes.

"In the past two years, hasn't anything happened that can't be resolved?" Chen Lang asked.


Liu Yi shook his head and said, "Now the general situation is so, no one dares to go against the trend. Everyone is in power in the federal township. In the face of future crises, they dare not mess with it. For the past two years, honestly, it was difficult to imagine Two years.

In the past two years, too many things have happened, too many things have been solved, and the situation that has not developed in the past two decades has been completed.

Alas, there is one thing that is estimated to be the boss's decision. "

"what's up?"

Chen Lang took the tea from Xiao Xiaoai and asked with a sip.

"Ancient technology!"

Liu Liu said these four words with one hand, and then whispered, "We did not include the ancient technology when we established the federal township, but now all the major companies in the world are beginning to make final preparations.

Only ancient technology can't solve it.

When we first established the federal township, we joined forces with other countries in the name of Super God Technology, and ancient technology is hostile to us in the eyes of everyone, so they are not in the federal township.

But the strength of ancient technology is beyond doubt.

Previously, our plan was for two years to gradually allow the ball to replace the power in the hands of global companies. The global enterprises have been integrated, and now major companies are ready. Once the ball has replaced the power of major companies, The major enterprises will temporarily and completely belong to the federal town government.

And those business owners will be just like ordinary people, or it is time to enjoy freedom, or enter the magic world to play, but only ancient technology has no way.

I hate our hatred in the eyes of the public.

They ca n’t be integrated into the federal townships in the first place, but if we do n’t ban the power in their hands, then there is still a global unification situation in the federal townships that is not under control, which is hard to say.

Morgan and General Manager, as well as other leaders, mean direct and strong suppression, but we all know that it is also our industry.

The ancient science and technology can't stand up now, Wei Wuyou's old boy can be said to be extremely uncomfortable.

The upper levels do n’t understand, the people do n’t understand, they are like aliens now. "

浪 Chen Lang heard the words fell into silence.

After thinking for a while, he said: "Merge for the time being, so that's to say, to ensure that the overall situation is not affected, the three leading positions of ancient technology are given to manage the global oceans."

Liu Yiyan's eyes flashed immediately.

"Yeah! Why didn't I think of it?"

激动 He was excited: "In this way, it is just two birds with one stone, which not only shows that our super-shen technology has given up the air of private hatred in the face of such a crisis, but it can also solve this problem.

Moreover, the management of such things as oceans seems to be a virtual head.

I also have an explanation for ancient technology and an explanation for the public.

Even Li and Morgan they would not doubt.

After all, this is the same as Tianting Zhao Ansun monkey, the name is loud again, that is also false, there is no real power. "

"did not expect?"

Chen Lang looked at Liu with a smile.

This old boy is still pretending to be here.

Others don't think it's normal, after all, no one believes this kind of thing.

First of all, Super God Technology let go of personal hatred.

Secondly, ancient technology is willing to accept it.

很多 In the eyes of many people ~ ~ both are impossible things.

But the senior insiders of Super God Technology know that this is a very simple matter, because all hatred is pretended and fake.

How could Liu Liu never think of such a simple matter? It was nothing without the consent of Chen Lang, he was afraid to do it directly.

Alas, this also shows.

老 This old boy is really growing up.

这 These two years in the Commonwealth have really not been treated in vain.

I dare not say anything else.

At least on the road of licking the dog, this old boy is on the top of the peak, reaching the peak.

Rounded, without exaggeration.

I really are a genius.

"Hey hey!"

Liu laughed twice, and then asked: "The two-year pre-arrangement is coming to an end, and the next few large conferences, will you join the boss?"


浪 Chen Lang nodded, then lowered the cup, lit a cigarette, and said, "But I won't be the protagonist. I'll just listen to it. In this era, it's not just me who can shine.

Everyone should have their own highlight moments.

At such times, human beings need heroes and great people, and it's more important for me to sit on the sidelines than to come up in person. "

"I understand."

Liu Yi Zheng Zheng Jian head.

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