Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 620: Hold it with one hand, tearing the star

Can I succeed?

This sentence is hard for anyone to say.

But if you ask Chen Lang, Chen Lang must be a sentence.

You should ask, is there any possibility of failure?


Just having the eighth-order power of Chen Lang in the mountains and seas is enough to blast a planet, not to mention the Baoxing, even if it is a few times larger, it is no problem.

This is the confidence from the eighth level.

of course.

This is a blast. For the earth, blasting a star is a joke. How many resources are wasted by the blast?

What I want is to stop smoothly.

So, this requires a system.

It stands to reason that even if an ordinary person suddenly possesses the power of a deity, it is impossible to make perfect use of this power. Besides brute force, nothing can be done.

For Chen Lang, this is also the case.

But that is the past.

现在 For Chen Lang now, it's different because he has a system.

的 The existence of the system is used to assist combat. With the system, even a person who has not learned any skills can grasp the huge power.

This is the system.

After Chen Lang connected the system with the subject consciousness, the whole person was already in a state of extreme excitement.

Although he did not use the power of the godhead, but the subjective consciousness connected the system, it was a very serious load on the brain.


浪 Chen Lang worked for several months, even busy for a year or two without sleep, this is no problem, this is the evolutionary.

Once the system is connected, it will be different.

The data processed by the brain has been turned over ten thousand times. Anything that appears in Chen Lang's eyes will be calculated in the brain instantly.

多少 How much brain cells does this cost?

So even if it is Chen Lang today, if the system is connected all the time, if he does not use the power of the godhead for a day, he will also fall into a drowsy state.

I used the power of Godhead to become even more horrible, and ten seconds was enough to make Chen Lang fall into a coma.

That's it.

Although Chen Lang did not use the power of the godhead, after the subjective consciousness was connected to the intellectual brain, the entire brain was running at full power. The feeling of extreme excitement gave Chen Lang an impulse to blow everything.

But he held back.

Looking at a bright star, almost instantly, Chen Lang's mind appeared to his distance from the star, how to pass the fastest, how to pass the shortest time, how to burst that star, how to transform That star, wait, wait.

The whole thing was between Chen Lang's thoughts.

If you move your mind, the system will calculate the result directly.



浪 Chen Lang smiled. In the golden red light, he saw the rushing star.

多 How long will it take for Baoxing to arrive?

My thoughts moved.


21 seconds!

The answer came to me automatically.

How can I blast it?

978 methods, among them the fastest ...!

Various results instantly appeared in Chen Lang's mind.

How do I stop it?

After thinking again, the answer reappeared in my mind, and there were thousands of methods, and even listed the most suitable supply options.

How can I rip it?

My thoughts moved, and the answer followed.

And all this took less than a second, and the answer was obtained almost immediately when Chen Lang moved. This is not the answer calculated after asking questions, but everything is in the calculation. By the time the answer was ready.

This doesn't take time at all.

It can be said that the birth of the system gave Chen Lang ample confidence in combat. No matter what he was fighting, there was no thinking, and he could fight directly in the most suitable way.

What moves the opponent uses may need to be considered while fighting, but Chen Lang got the answer at the beginning of the battle, and even different follow-up changes may occur according to the changes of the opponent.

This is how to defeat the enemy.

At the same time, after Chen Lang's actual inspection this time, he also discovered that the existence of the system is not only a battle, but can be used in all aspects and industries.

If ordinary people have a system, they can do all kinds of work perfectly.

Gene Warrior has system and can fight perfectly.

人 Those who are on the front line can get things done faster if they have the system, thus saving a lot of time.

Perhaps it is time to announce the system.

And ... I was worried that internal disturbances would occur after the popularization of genetically-enhanced medicines, but now the war is coming. Once those higher civilizations arrive before the earth flees, war will inevitably be avoided, so it seems that genetically-enhanced medicines It's going to be popular.


I can't think wildly.

浪 Chen Lang quickly stopped the thinking of the ape in the center of the brain.

发现 He found that after the subjective consciousness is connected to the system, it seems that even his thinking has been strengthened many times, and thinking of the problem will directly point to the core, which is difficult to reach in a normal state.


Even if it's the price of still having to sleep every day, the system should be turned on for a long time.

This thing.

It's really amazing.



In the starry sky, Chen Lang, who had been thinking wildly, suddenly raised his head. Then, the eighth-order power in the body burst out suddenly, covering the front almost in an instant.

力量 This power, like the sea, perfectly covers the rushing Baoxing.

Did not cause any losses.

力量 This power caught Baoxing.

Subsequently, Chen Lang's arms were violently bursting, and the power in his body exploded. The endless golden light shone hundreds of millions of miles. He stood like a small sun in the starry sky, in front of Baoxing.

Xun Baoxing is still advancing, but its speed is changing rapidly. After advancing less than 10,000 miles, Baoxing has stopped.


Forcibly held the impact of Baoxing.

this moment.

Global mute, Federal Headquarters, Xiao Xiao Ai and Liu Yi, and General Manager and others are also staring at the picture.

If this is not a live broadcast.

If it's not Jinguang still shining ~ ~ It's still erupting in all directions like an ocean wave, shocking, I am afraid everyone will think that this is the picture pause.

after all.

With one person's strength, I forcibly held down the fast-moving planet.

How great is this?

What a shock this is?

又 How incredible is this?


this moment.

Global people, really crazy.

In the starry sky, Chen Lang sensed that the godhead began to agitate in his mind almost instantaneously, because the power of faith poured in and quickly merged into the godhead.

The Godhead is blooming with its brilliance.

However, Chen Lang didn't take a break, stepped forward, and then beckoned. The majestic power of the sea instantly broke through the power of Baoxing.

The entire Baoxing was torn apart in an instant.

But this fragmentation is silent and does not cause any loss. It is as if cutting a cake. It is easy to divide the entire planet into several pieces.

Several planet fragments are suspended in front of Chen Lang like a continent suspended in the universe.

浪 Chen Lang continued to use the power of the eighth order, and according to the system's calculations, the torn star was divided into several pieces and put into the earth.

A total of eight pieces of debris, like eight continents suspended in the sky.

陈 After Chen Lang dropped it, eight planet fragments were suspended in all directions around the earth, slowly flying around the earth, and completely became satellites of the earth. .

Is like the moon.

I wait for humans to excavate and use.

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