Latest Website: Chapter 656 Chapter Seven! (For subscription)

Isolated island.

Chen Lang gradually sorted out his strength map.

After the situation is clear, the follow-up will be easy to handle.

Three main lines, physique, super power, and system.

The three have an inevitable connection with each other. No matter which one is strengthened, it is a qualitative increase for Chen Lang. It has more superpowers, stronger combat capabilities, stronger physiques, and more dark energy.

Chen Lang has injected enough gene-enhancing drugs to activate the high-quality genes hidden in his **** gene, so it is fierce in all aspects.

In a word of spiritual civilization, Chen Lang is similar to a special constitution.

Divine Body, Eucharist, etc.

These are genes that are superior in quality to others, so they are better than others at the root. Gene fighters are exactly the same way to excavate and strengthen genes.

It is just more extreme than those born deities and holy bodies, taking the path of ultimate physical evolution.

Get the ball ready for new bio-energy.

Chen Lang no longer hesitates, and directly controls all his cells to devour high-level biological energy from the genetic level.

The biological energy for the first and second orders is low, the third and fourth orders are intermediate, and the fifth and sixth are advanced.

Enough low-level energy can reach third-order, and enough intermediate-level energy can reach fifth-order, but if you want to enter sixth-order, even if you have intermediate-level biological energy like the sea, it is not enough.

And the same.

If the amount of advanced biological energy required for the fifth and sixth orders is sufficient, it can also push people into the seventh order.

But I want to enter the eighth stage.

What is needed is not ordinary biological energy, but the highest level of biological energy, which can be called the energy required for spiritual practice.

That energy is either extracted, or adventure, or purchased in the highest advanced civilization or theological civilization.

Large-scale, large-scale ownership is almost impossible.


The energy is absolutely sky-high, enough for a seventh-level to eighth-level biological energy, and for lower civilizations, they ca n’t afford to sell their ancestors.

Eighth-order, qualitative breakthrough.

Can be called demigod!

At this time, most of the biological energy transported by the ball is the biological energy created after the death of seventh- and sixth-order beasts, which belong to advanced biological energy.

As for the deaths of the two major eighth stages of Jiulong and Kazlon, no biological energy was collected.

no way.

Chen Lang also had no illusions in this regard.

The eighth step can be called a demigod, and naturally there is a spirit of existence.

It is indeed possible to extract top-level biological energy from the eighth-order corpse, but it must be a complete corpse, or eighth-order corpse preserved.

However, for the eighth-order demigod, rebirth of blood is a normal operation.

For example, the assassin who was bombarded by the Star Destroyer, at that time, did he not heal his body in an instant?

These are the abilities of the eighth-order powerhouse.

Very basic ability.

The eighth-order powerhouse may be okay for magicians or cultivators. After destroying their souls, they can naturally obtain complete corpses, and it is easy to extract top-level abilities from them.

But for the Gene Warrior, for the Starbucks beast civilization, and even for those who refine.

It's useless.

Taking a different path, the consciousness is integrated into the body's cell genes, let alone the corpse, and even a drop of blood can be reborn.

If you want to completely kill this kind of existence, you must frustrate it and make it into the basic particles of the universe.

Otherwise, they can still be resurrected.

Therefore, although Kazlon and Nine Mullons died in the hands of Chen Lang either directly or indirectly, Chen Lang had no way to get top-level biological energy.

You can only rely on advanced biological energy to forcibly promote yourself to the seventh level. If the eighth level, you don't need to think about it for the time being.

Retreat and practice.

In other words, sleeping with eyes closed, the system performs genetic evolution and engulfing of biological energy.

For half a month.

When Chen Lang woke up from his sleep, he was already in the sixth stage, but he was too lazy to check the group chat, too lazy to observe his changes, and continued to sleep with his eyes closed.

Half a month passed.

When the biological energy carried by the ball was completely exhausted, Chen Lang arrived at level seven.

The seventh stage.

Different from the past, when each stage of the advancement reached the peak directly, this time, Chen Lang just arrived at the beginning of the seventh stage.

no way.

High-level biological energy is too precious, allowing Chen Lang to reach the seventh stage. It has already consumed nearly one-third of the high-level biological energy this time.

It is impossible to increase unlimited biological energy as long as possible, as in the past, until biological energy has no effect on the body.

Advanced biological energy.

Even the theological civilization cannot be created without limit.

The earth can live too old, and it can produce unlimited low and intermediate biological energy. It is already immersed in the light of the divine civilization. If it is not the living too old left by the prehistoric divine civilization, the earth ’s genetic technology is no matter how strong it is. No way.

Reached the seventh stage.

The first moment Chen Lang opened his eyes was to check his body.

at this time.

His body is completely different from the past.

The seventh-order body contains terrifying power. If you compare it, then Chen Lang at this time contains a compressed, extreme fusion reactor.

What is a hyperfusion reactor?

Just as the same stars run and the stars burn, all of them have the laws of the universe.

And spiritual practice is similar to this.

After many evolutions of the biological dark energy core, when Chen Lang reached the seventh stage, the dark energy core in the body had completely formed a natural reactor, which contained horrible energy.

Under normal circumstances, it burns like a star, and constantly produces fusion reactions in the inner core, providing the human body with terrifying power and destructive power.

Moreover, because the source of this fusion reaction is not nuclear, but dark energy and the origin of life, he has both the horrible destructive power and the ability to use for human recovery and the like.

But this is a steady state.

If self-detonation ~ ~, a seventh-order powerhouse, detonated his energy core, it is equivalent to detonating a fusion nuclear bomb.

And because the source of combustion is the source of human life and dark energy.

At the moment of self-detonation, uncontrollable fusion reaction will instantly burn all the human life and dark energy, and even the human body will be directly burned in an instant.

In this way, the power generated far exceeds any nuclear weapons known to the earth.

The self-detonation of the seventh-tier strong man, if it is on the earth, is enough to blow up a large pit visible to the naked eye, and the side effects of this horrible explosion are enough to directly destroy the past earth.

That is.

That is to say, everyone is now a genetic warrior, and Earth Skynet can perfectly protect the earth. If not, if a seventh-tier fierce beast blew up, it would be enough to produce an extinction on the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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