Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 658: Source god

Latest URL: Chapter 658

"Come back so soon, did you succeed?"

Chen Lang's figure just arrived at the Dijiang Garden, and almost instantly, a small crystal figure appeared.

Looking at Xiao Jing's body filled with a faint light, Chen Lang was unable to vomit. He also came to understand when he reached the seventh stage. This light was not due to Xiao Jing himself, but because she was The virtual incarnation is a pure energy aggregate, and light is born and must exist.

If there is light, it means that the energy body is running. Once it is out of light, it will dissipate.


At this moment, Xiao Jing looked at Chen Lang suspiciously for a moment, carefully feeling for a moment, surprised, "The five elements are complete? Then you have the power of the five elements?"

"Seventh order, with the power of the five elements, is there anything wrong?"

Chen Lang rolled his eyes and looked at Xiao Jing silently.

Although I haven't told her some things, since I have awakened the super powers of soil, gold and fire, I have advanced two times and mastered wood and water. Is there any problem?

As for such a fuss?

"It's nothing!"

Xiao Jing shook his head and said, "It's just a bit of a surprise. The five elements and the like are the foundation of all things. Scientific and technological civilization is difficult to understand, because that is more used for enlightenment. If you practice civilization, these things are not so good It takes a lot of time.

On the contrary, it is you, who is obviously a scientific and technological civilization, but is moving fast in this regard, so I am a bit surprised.

The five elements are the foundation of all things. You have too many **** genes and conflicts with each other. When you advance to the ninth stage, the **** genes will basically recover, and then there will be big problems, so you can complete the five elements successfully. .

The five elements are the most balanced. Many forces are more balanced than yin and yang, time and space, etc.

Moreover, let ’s not say far. On the path of the gods, the divine power is the foundation and the law is the supplement. In general, ordinary people ’s practice is a single practice, and they can touch other aspects after becoming gods. Success is easy to fail.

Only some special rules can be merged into one and become God together.

For example, yin and yang, such as ice, such as thunder, such as time and space, and so on.

Because these can be integrated in themselves, they are a kind of balance, so they can be converted into divine power together when they become gods.

The same is true of your five elements.

After the five elements are completed, the five elements can be merged to become the gods of the origin when they become gods in the future. "


Chen Lang was originally not interested in what Jing Jing said, because he knew many of them, but when she said that the source was a god, Chen Lang couldn't help it.

What the hell?

The gods are also separate?

It seems that he saw the doubts of Chen Lang, and Xiao Jing explained slightly: "The so-called source system refers to divine power. According to different god-formers, the divine power will be different when the rules are condensed into the divine power.

For example, repairing the destroying **** of destruction, repairing the life **** of auxiliary gain, repairing the destiny of cause and effect, etc. There are many kinds of things that tell you that it is useless. You are far away from becoming god.

The source **** is practicing the five elements.

If you ca n’t do it alone, you can become a **** if you practice one of the five elements alone, and then the path will be broken. You must supplement the other departments. Only after the five elements are complete can the five elements be united to be called the source god.

Compared to other departments, the source **** is relatively small. "


Chen Lang flashed in front of his eyes and said, "Is that saying that the source **** is strong?"

"Strong fart!"

Xiao Jing rolled his eyes and said, "Everyone is a god, why are you strong? If Yuan God really crushes other deities, then everyone will go to repair Yuan God.

This is just a general term for the deities on different paths.

Not that strong or weak.

There is also a world **** who repairs time and space. He uses the power of time and space to create a world of his own, but is it strong? Not necessarily, especially afraid of being destroyed by the deities of the destructive system, and once destroyed, countless years of hard work are in vain.

The source **** is the same.

Yuan Shen has obvious advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that the initiates have five elements, and the five rules are merged into one God. Therefore, the divine power is many times that of others. In short, it has the magnificent and powerful divine power, plus the five elements are in existence, the divine power is almost continuous. Do n’t worry about consumption.

But again, the shortcomings are not extreme enough, such as destroying God, others are practicing destruction, and you are definitely not as good as others.

Life divine energy gains and recovers, and people's positioning for themselves is auxiliary, and this will not be said.

God of fate is weird. People never confront you with everyone. They play causal calculations and play destiny and conspiracy, so they won't talk about it.

In general.

A word.

The source **** represents the vast divine power, and it also means that it is difficult to practice. After all, anyone who can become a **** is not bad, but you have five times the workload of practice.

In addition, the source **** is an old cow.

What is the physical work that wastes divine power is basically the source **** in the major theological civilizations.

So, do you understand? "


Chen Lang twitched at the corner of his mouth, thinking that the five elements were strong, but he did not expect that to happen.


Chen Lang did not feel particularly disappointed.

after all.

He walked more than just the Five Elements. Before the ninth stage, at the eighth stage, in order to prevent the gene breakdown caused by the riots in the ninth stage, Chen Lang was also preparing to awaken a lifeline.

By the time.

He Chen Lang is the **** of life.

But it's not just the source god.


The **** of life is a subsidiary god, unable to fight head-on, and the fighting power is seriously insufficient?


As a civilized leader, when did Lao Tzu fall to the point where he was fighting in person?


The life **** is a supplementary type, but ordinary life gods are limited by divine power when they bless people, and the role they play can only be described as very ordinary.

But what about the source god?

There is a continuous flow of divine power. Lao Tzu's buff effect stacks him a few hundred layers. A group of younger brothers rush up and can't beat you?

Shit will hit you!

Thinking about it this way ~ ~ Chen Lang comforted a lot.

Mom sells batches!

Since you still ca n’t be the main combatant, it ’s good to be a nurse who can affect a war. At least you do n’t need to go to the front line of the battlefield to take risks, right?

"Well, don't say that, what are you doing to me this time? The solar energy has been consumed?"

Chen Lang pulled over the chair and sat down, asking.

"Not yet, it's fast. I've slowed down in order to wait for you to deliberately slow down. I wouldn't wait to know that you are so fast. Now, if you count it, it will take about three days to devour your inner core of the sun. Are you sure you want me to devour it? "

After Xiao Jing put out her finger and figured it out, she asked Chen Lang.

(End of this chapter)

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