Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 715: The earth set sail again

Time went by for another half a month.

The decomposition of the original version of the S-level energy core has been done, and the standard version of the S-level energy core is already in manufacturing.

As long as it is completed, it can be installed in the latest warships manufactured by Earth at any time.

Because of the existence of vermiculite, the production of plutonium, combined with the three-level super-characteristic metal produced by plutonium, has satisfied the manufacturing requirements of the space transition class warship.

In the industrial bases of Chaoshen Technology and Federal United Technology, complete space transition class warships have been manufactured a long time ago, all docked in the warehouses of various bases, and once the standard version of the S-class energy core is manufactured and delivered, The human space transition class warship can be put into use directly.

For this brand-new battleship, the battleship that combines most of the technology of the previous life is slightly inferior to the main battleship manufactured in the peak of humanity in the previous life, but in this period, it is enough.

It only needs to be transformed once after obtaining a new ultra-high-grade metal in the future, then the series of warships can directly reach the peak level of the previous life.

It can be said.

Because of the existence of Chen Lang, and because of the data in the crystal of civilization, human beings have taken countless detours directly, in one step!

For this series of battleships, Chen Lang chose to use the name of the previous life, and named it as the desired sequence.

At the same time, because the difference from the normal battleship is mainly the space transition, Chen Lang added K1 after the sequence of hope, K is the initial alphabet of space, and 1 is the first model of this battleship.

Hope K-1

Human's first space transition class warship, combined with many of the highest levels of science and technology in human past lives, also represents the threshold for humans to enter a higher civilization.


With only a small number of space-jumping warships, other civilizations cannot recognize your status as a higher civilization.

Although the earth is close to higher civilizations, there is still a lot of way to go.

The main gap is the bottom line.

In the universe, the heritage of any higher civilization is accumulated over hundreds of millions of years, with a population of trillions, trillions, and even trillions.

Naturally, such a huge civilization has no shortage of resources and technologies.

For hundreds of thousands of years and millions of years, whether it is to exchange, trade with other civilizations, or plunder other medium civilizations, it is enough to make a higher civilization profoundly scary.

This is why the strongest combat power in the core of higher civilization is Tier IX.

The road of evolution is getting harder and harder. After the seventh step, the eighth step demigod, and the ninth step pseudo-godder, each step is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Earth in the past life plundered so many civilizations, plundered so many resources, and eventually did not cultivate a ninth order.

In addition to genetic constraints, it is more because there are no resources.

The ninth-order of higher civilization mainly.

The more ninth steps, the stronger this higher civilization.

Because there are enough resources for the eighth step to enter the ninth step, only higher civilizations can take it out and accumulate it.

And can cultivate the civilization of the gods.

Even more terrible.

Any one is a top-level advanced civilization, reaching the ninth level, and the eighth level is not as advanced as a dog.

Cosmic civilization's attitude towards resources is just like the ancient feudal class.

Rich rich die, poor poor die.

The rich can master everywhere, the poor can use the resources of the entire civilization to cultivate a master, for the purpose of hope.

In the vast dark jungle of the universe.

Strength is equal to everything.

Human beings, although Chen Lang has advanced science and technology and technology in advance under the layout and opening of Chen Lang, but it is far from enough in terms of the details.

and so.

For the earth, the best way to grow up quickly is to plunder.

Among the major galaxies around Chen Lang that are known to be able to allow the earth to grow rapidly and plunder enough resources, it is the eradication of the higher civilization that was the second greatest opportunity for humankind in previous lives.

Broken void area.

The higher civilization in a near-deteriorating plane.

In previous lives, the Earth happened to coincidentally, but as a result, the original S-class energy core stored in a warehouse of five higher civilizations was obtained.

It is with the energy core that mankind has started the second big explosion of science and technology, and developed various force fields and space transition technologies.

It still accidentally hit.

What if you are personally involved?

What if it was planned in advance?

Chen Lang would like to know how much benefit can be gained by having a peak-level medium-civilized earth in advance and fully participating in this plunder.

and so.

Chen Lang is paranoid about the passage of the earth into space, and paranoid about not developing in the Ize galaxy, and continues to move forward.

For this opportunity.

Knowing the future, if you miss this great opportunity, then Chen Lang really can't imagine how long it will take for humans to develop into the past life.


Chen Lang is confident that this time, as long as the operation is good, the gains obtained are absolutely horrible.

It is even possible that the earth will directly digest the harvest and directly advance to higher civilizations.

By that time.

It's a real higher civilization, just like the previous life ~ ~ departure! "

Yuehua City.

Chen Lang came here rarely and announced directly after the Federal Conference on the Harvest of the Izer Galaxy was held.

Billions of warships and acquisition ships have docked in the Skynet of the Earth, and on the earth, those "light and dust" light speed engines that were originally silent started slowly.

Brilliant ice-blue light rises into the sky, turning into the most dazzling and largest beam of light.

At this moment, the earth seemed to be pierced by thousands of beams of light.

The ice-blue light column slowly changes color, gradually heating up with the power of the engine burst, until it finally turns into red.

Like a fireball.

However, the excess energy has not been leaked, and the burning high temperature is directly absorbed by the energy collection device on the Earth Skynet, and turned into a universal energy source for the earth.

The Iser Galaxy.

The earth is like a burning sun. After a slow acceleration, it is like drawing a wonderful parabola, avoiding some stars and giant meteorites that may be encountered in the starry sky, and quickly rushes to the unknown front. .

On the outside, three annihilated superstar warships, like escorts, orbit the earth.

Further inside, two caged warships like pearls turned into satellites of the earth, Li Zhihou and Wuhoulong looked at everything indifferently, but also kept silent.

Further inside.

Xingkong Prison is closely attached to the Earth Skynet and is anchored on the Earth Skynet. There are many and many similar to Xingkong Prison.

Like Yuehua City.

Yuehua City is directly embedded in the Earth Sky Network. .

Behind the Earth Skynet, at the tail of the earth's flight, huge iron chains are waving like seaweed. On those iron chains, billions of warships are hung.

The earth once again started a new voyage.

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