Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 743: Arms of War: Tinder Machinery

"of course it's true!"

Chen Lang nodded, looking at Qinggang, solemnly saying: "Since you have agreed to join us, then I don't have to hide from you. You take what you need to repair the injury, we take what we need and say it works for us A hundred years, it was actually a deal. "

"Thank you!"

Wu Qinggang's eyes flickered brightly, and he could not help getting serious as he heard that, because it seemed to him a big deal.

He used to be ninth order.

But although it is also considered as the ninth level, his strength is much weaker than before. In World War I more than 10 million years ago, his body was broken, and even the core was broken.

Fortunately, he was born with the Holy Spirit, and took a new road that combines technology and alchemy, the way of machinery.

Transformed the original solid metal into a robot, and combined technology and alchemy to optimize his body for the second time.

It is because of this that he has a fairly good combat power in Tier Nine.

With his current injury, although he thought of a clever way to avoid death, split his consciousness, and subtly created a mechanical civilization, and made mechanical civilization have to repair his injury and replenish his energy.

But mechanical civilization is too weak.

He is just a medium civilization.

It was only later that it gradually became a medium civilization. In the beginning, it wasted too much time.

So far, even if he swallowed the three masters and swallowed all the tinders, he still only recovered 40-50% of his injuries.

Even the obvious damage of the body has not been repaired.

As a holy spirit, he walks the way of machinery, and is different from the ordinary ninth-order. The ordinary ninth-order devours energy, but he can only repair himself by getting some precious ninth-order metal.

Mechanical civilization is only a medium civilization. The metal of the three masters still benefits from some of his previous collections. The fire of ordinary people is at most made of seventh-order materials.

The seventh-order matter is meaningless to him.

No matter how much, it is meaningless.

如果 "If really as you said, I can get the chance to repair the injury in the opportunity you said, then as a thank you, I can give the entire steel continent to you, the earth's humanity."

Qinggang spoke again.

Then, he looked at everyone's disapproval, and looked at Chen Lang again, and laughed: "You can rest assured that the continent of steel is indeed your spoils, and of course I will not use your things for you The real treasure of the steel continent is not the steel continent itself. After all, such a metal is rare, but the metal of the steel continent is not rare.

The real precious thing of Yangang's continent lies in one technology, mechanical arms technology. "

He said, the light flickered in Qing Gang's eyes, and a virtual projection appeared in front of everyone. This was Qing Gang's own projection ability.

In the picture of the virtual projection, a huge automated machinery factory is constantly operating. With the robot and robotic arm continuously throwing some minerals and other substances into the melting furnace, on the other side, one by one Elite warriors wrapped in battle armor kept coming out of the channel.

This is a brand new unit.

Although the specific strength of the mechanical arms cannot be seen, this infinitely-manufacturable arms are very valuable in the universe, similar to Chen Lang's angel-type war arms.

This is also a war service.

"What about the specific data?"

浪 Chen Lang was intrigued, because he himself had developed the war service of the angel family, so he was curious about the strengths, weaknesses and statistics of this mechanical service.

山 The stones of other mountains can attack jade. Even if this mechanical arm is useless to the earth, it can also be used as a ladder for technological progress, adding to the earth's scientific and technological system.

"Data will definitely satisfy you!"

Tong Qinggang opened his mouth, and the projection in his eyes changed into dense data. At the same time, he also helped Chen Lang to explain.

"War arms are almost standard for the strong in the universe.

Possessing a good and potential war armies is a very face-to-face thing even for the 9th-tier powerhouses, and the existence of war arms can help the powerhouses solve many, many things.

Of course.

At the very least, he must be an eighth-order strongman to be able to support a war service.

Although the war arms are widely used, they are the same, and it takes resources to develop. "

I said.

Emotion used a projection to simulate a bunch of robots, all of which are even large, but the proportion has been reduced.

"This is my war arm, I call it Tinder Machinery!

The beacon machine was developed by combining some of the superficial alchemy spreading out of the Kaos theological civilization and the more mainstream technology in recent times.

The beacon machine contains 373 robots.

From the most common resource mining robots of the first order to the eighth-dominated robots, they all have.

Of course.

No war arm is perfect unless it is a **** made by a god.

The advantage of 兵 mechanical arms is that they can be manufactured quickly and can be developed everywhere. If you invest in a small mechanical base, you only need to give a certain time to develop a huge army of machinery.

He is like a mechanical civilization.

This is one of them.

Second, the mechanical arms are sturdy, fearless of pain, possess the most sophisticated combat learning capabilities, and can train a group of iron fighters with good combat power in a short period of time.

Third, there is no betrayal in the mechanical arms. The reason why I was betrayed this time was devoured by the three masters ~ ~ After all, I was dead, at least in their eyes, I was dead So they are using waste.

But the moment I was awakened, they were directly under my control. Even though I had no power at all, I still swallowed them.

This is the absolute loyalty mechanism.

In general, the various types of advantages of Tinder Machinery Warfare can be included in the five-star category, but unfortunately, because of a major disadvantage, it can only be included in the three-star category.

Alas, even if it is a three-star, it is enough for your nascent civilization, at least enough for you to use it for a long time. "

"What is the defect?"

Chen Lang asked.

"Too much resources!"

Qinggang was somewhat helpless, saying: "The strength of the mechanical arms has a great relationship with the materials. In general, it is not much for an individual such as me. After all, I slowly accumulate, always After all, I can accumulate a large army of machines.

He is a great flaw for the eighth-order or a certain ethnic civilization.

After all, all civilizations and resources are useful. Is it not good to train subordinates? Why did we have to create war arms?

I also use it for you. I think your strong is too strong, and the weak are too weak. If you have extra material to train the strong, you might as well make some high-level war machinery arms for temporary use. .

In general.

The order of the puppet arms corresponds to the order of the materials. The highest order is the eighth order, but the eighth order requires the eighth order materials. "

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