Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 752: Land of ruins

The King of God is the third level of the gods.

According to the information obtained by the Avengers Chen Lang, the level of God King is different from other levels. At this level, many of them involve the ultimate secret of the universe.

Even the goddess of fate knows little.

He only knows that the first level of the God-king realm is the Heavenly King, and the second level is not known. It is suspected that the heavenly Father Zeus is in the third level, and the third level is completely unknown. If there is any later, it is even more unknown.

The goddess of destiny once said that even if there were, there would be no one to reach it.

Because the strongest existence in the history of the universe is those celestial beings, they have come to an end.

As for more detailed information, the Avengers Chen Lang didn't inquire about it, nor was he able to reach it. Even these were leaked out while listening to the goddess of fate and him whispering.

And the fourth level.

That's really legend.

It is said that the fourth level has never been reached, but it is just a false, guessed level.

层次 This level doesn't even have a name.

Unknown, descriptive, or even existent.

He is only in the fantasies of the gods, in the fantasies of the supreme gods.

The more I understand in detail, the more I feel the terribleness of the sacred civilization.

At the same time, Chen Lang became more and more full of expectations for the current harvest.

根据 Based on the information from previous lives, the information from this life, and Xiao Jing's research on the broken area, he concluded a divine war that took place more than four billion years ago.

It is impossible to construct a plane, and even today, it has been destroyed for more than four billion years without any care.

At the same time, it can shatter countless stars in the surrounding galaxies under World War I.

This battle is by no means a battle of ordinary gods.

He is fighting at the level of the Lord God.

Two major gods!

Because according to Xiao Jing, if it is a **** king, the four planes of the constructed plane reach the big universe and will automatically devour dark energy and material to grow. It is impossible to destroy itself, even if the **** who controls the entire plane falls.

So this is not the world of the God King, but the world of the Lord God.

It can exist for more than four billion years. That must not be the general god, it must be the higher god, such as the goddess of fate.

A civilization that has once appeared the Lord God.

There are definitely a lot of gods in Jaina, at least there are gods weaker than the Lord God.

It can be said.

This is an extremely glorious civilization in ancient times, billions of years ago.

It is only because of the fall of the gods that this civilization has decayed.

It is difficult for a living being to become a god.

Even if it is a man of the divine civilization, it is difficult.

But relatively speaking, it is much easier than those who have no foundation.

According to Xiao Jing, the gods who broke the heavens and heavens are falling behind. Although the main **** who violated this place did not rush to kill it, he put something similar to a curse or a gene lock, so that this civilization can no longer be a god.

It is because of this, that this civilization has led to more than four billion years. From now on, no new **** has been born, and finally it is about to be completely destroyed.

多么 What a rich plane this is.

Chen Lang could not help feeling.

I once had a group of gods, but all of them fell, which means that although many high-end resources have been stolen, even if there are a small amount of leftovers, that is a terrible wealth.

浪 Chen Lang had no mercy in his heart.

Because he knows better than anyone, this is the universe, this is reality, and this is the law of the dark jungle.

The law of dark jungle is not set by a certain person or god.

Is a kind of weak meat and strong food in the universe, the law of natural elimination.

If one day, Chen Lang and some of the strongest men on the earth are dead, will anyone let the earth go? No!

this is the truth.

Rather than pity others, you might as well develop yourself first.

Only the strong can be qualified to sympathize with others, and only the strong can have the power to indulge their emotions.

The people on earth, ordinary people, they can indulge their emotions unbridled, they can sympathize with kittens and puppies, they can be gentle and lead people and treat others with kindness.

I can go for love, or even dedicate myself to it.

But Chen Lang can't.

As a leader, only He is cold-blooded, cruel, Yin, and dark-hearted.

Only in this way can the peace inside the earth be forever, so that the people of the earth can continue to enjoy their emotions and enjoy a beautiful life.

This is the guardian.

Everything in the world is not black and white, and there is absolutely no light and darkness.

Puppet guardians, to foreigners, are the devil and the killers.

"Two, please!"

In front of the temple door, Zuo Qiu's voice interrupted Chen Lang's thinking. Chen Lang looked up at the temple and looked at Zuo Qiu, could not help but smile.

Although Chen Lang showed only the seventh-order breath.

But Zuo Qiu didn't dare to take the slightest care, because Chen Lang looks too much like a god, except that he doesn't have the power of a god, everything is just like a god.

Is this so-called earth actually a descendant of the deities?

He Zuoqiu couldn't help thinking about it.

At this moment, the nearby Qing Gang nodded to Chen Lang with a deep meaning, got up and walked towards the temple first.

Chen Lang smiled and raised his heels.

This is a fragmented area, but even a ruin.

Looking up, I can see countless broken stars suspended in the cosmic void, and on this broken continent, the traces of civilization are almost buried, this is the land of ruins.

At a glance, countless collapsed buildings, and even some buildings were covered with a thick layer of dust.

Only the temple looks normal.

The temple is located in the center of the ruined area, surrounded by some collapsed buildings suspected of sacrificial style, and even the temple itself has cracks and breaks ~ ~ but the temple is very clean at this time.

Because in the temple, there are seven lords of nine ranks.


After entering the temple, the bald head Zuo Qiu took the lead in saluting.

Chen Lang and Qing Gang looked at each other, and then saluted according to this strange etiquette.

After the salute, Chen Lang looked up at the person sitting upward.

An old man seems almost no different from humans. If it is different, it may be the hair of the old man.

With a silver hair, there was a faint gleam, and the gleam, when looked closely, was extremely powerful, and seemed to contain the meaning of destruction that destroyed everything.

The old man nodded slightly, ignoring Qing Gang directly, looked at Chen Lang with a little curiosity, and said, "Is your family related to the gods?"

Chen Lang hesitated slightly, then nodded, and said, "It can't be said, but it is really related to the gods."

The old man nodded again and said, "I understand that even if you dare to say something about the gods, we don't want to listen to it. The universe is too big to do our own thing. Some things are better than nothing."

I said.

The old man muttered quietly in his heart.

‘The appearance is generally the same as that of the gods, and it ’s really related to the gods. If this group is also involved, even if there is a **** in the broken **** ’s realm, it should be more secure. .

After all, even if it is God, it will not easily offend another god.

Yeah, if that's the case, take care of it! ’

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