Super God-level Technology Empire

Chapter 779: Come back alive

Chapter 779 Come Back Alive (For Subscription)

The rainbow bridge that crosses the starry sky is like the only one in this starry sky, which is gorgeous and colorful.

The land of ruins.

Hundreds of ethnic civilizations, hundreds of millions of souls looked up at this scene.

If 840 billion jihad angels converge into a starry sky, then this gorgeous and colorful Hongqiao will lead to the void and dig out the starry sky.

Just a few seconds before and after.

Hongqiao dissipated, and billions of jihadi angels and the human elite troops of the earth appeared not far behind Chen Lang.

Although these billions of people are still tiny and inconspicuous compared to the entire starry sky.

But because of the denseness and endlessness in front of my eyes, I can still shake my heart with a glance.

"Source, send one billion jihadist angels, disperse into the gates of the plane, and project quantum satellites for cross-border contact. Remember, let them enter and start camouflage mode. We need to understand the world."

Chen Lang turned around and spoke to the source in front of her.


The source nodded, then waved with one arm, and billions of jihadist angels behind him divided one billion, as the tide quickly poured into the gate of the plane.

This scene can not help feeling even the broken sage.

Such a quick response, say one billion is one billion, and immediately issue instructions to start operations instantly. This is only possible for higher civilizations. Compared with those middle civilizations, the gap between them is too large.

Because this is a war arm.

Intermediate civilization is very rare, but there are basically the same arms as higher civilization.

The mechanical civilization of Qinggang, for example, was also the moment when the order was issued. One billion robots received the order neatly and began to operate in an orderly manner.

This middle order is far from being achieved by ordinary middle civilization.

Even if it is a well-trained warrior, there will be so many hesitations after receiving the command. One hesitation is nothing, if all hesitations?


There is no need for everyone to be hesitant or stunned for a moment, there is one in 10,000, and 10,000 in 100 million.

The slight hesitation of this 10,000 will directly cause the entire team to waste a lot of time, and even cause blockage and waste more time.

And for civil war.

The time wasted in the middle may be enough to control a battle.


At this time, as the leader of the first battle sequence, Lin Bei appeared in front of Chen Lang with the core personnel behind him.

Liang Chen, Roger, Bell, and so on.

Familiar faces appeared in Chen Lang's sight, and Chen Lang also had a complex mood in his heart for a while.

"You all!"

Next to him, Qinggang is mobilizing his army of robots. Naturally, his steel continent was brought by him, and the robots on steel continent are also war arms. One billion robots can be easily transferred.

As he moved, as he continued to use the Rainbow Bridge, the robot army was quickly converging.

Beside, Little Crystal and Broken Lord are helping him from time to time.

At this time, Chen Lang wanted to talk to Lin Bei and Liang Chen.

Brewed for a moment.

In the end, Chen Lang still didn't know what to say and encouraged? excitation? No, these have been said for a long time, the federal town government has said it, Lin Bei must have said it, these don't need Chen Lang to speak again.

Chen Lang groaned for a long time, and finally could only sigh. He took a step forward and looked solemnly at the crowd, saying, "You are the most elite group of people on our planet, and we are the highest combat power and core combat power of human beings.

Remember, your life is extremely precious, don't be impulsive, don't take risks.

It's not that I look down on you, but that you haven't fully grown up. In my eyes, your future is all ninth-order, you are all respected, and you are all strong men who can guard our new race and civilization.

So I don't want you to die here.

To be honest, I didn't want you to go.

But I understand, so do you.

You can't make flowers in the greenhouse all the time, but just grow strong on the earth, just grow on the earth.

In your growth, you need some other experience, you also need to hone and experience suffering, and you need to fight with other civilizations. Only in this way can you truly grow up.

The earth is too comfortable, even if there is fighting, there is no blood fighting, which is basically meaningless to you.

So this time you need to go.

Here, I hope you will give me a guarantee that you will not die in this broken **** heaven, Lin Bei, you come first! "


Lin Bei stood up straight for an instant, even though he was middle-aged, but at this moment he couldn't help getting his eyes wet.

This is real war.

Different from before.

No one can say whether they can come back this time.

But they have to go.

At this time, when they heard Chen Lang's words, they also had mixed feelings in their hearts.

"I promise, not only will I come back alive myself, everyone, I will bring them back safe and sound!"

Lin Bei solemnly spoke.

Chen Lang nodded, then looked at Lin Bei's rear.

Liang Chen took a deep breath and solemnly said, "I promise, come back alive!"

"And me, I promise, come back alive!"


"And I!"

"me too!"

"We will all come back alive."

"Reassured the Consul!"


For a while, everyone's voices were all around, even the Broken Lord and Qing Gang couldn't help looking at it from time to time.

Xiao Jing even smiled. I don't know why. She felt very happy looking at this scene.

Cosmic Vacuum Environment ~ ~ Sound cannot propagate.

However, the idea can be, but the signal can be. The signal is the use of science and technology, but the idea is the continuous evolution of the human body.

Therefore, in this vacuum environment, everyone can still have a normal conversation, and even this conversation can not only feel each other's emotions, but also can span a long distance.

It is the idea, which is the leakage of the spirit.

For powerful evolutionaries and practitioners, why does everyone have mind reading? In fact, it's not mind reading. The so-called 'mind reading' is only useful for mortals.

Mortals do not practice, they have not evolved, they cannot hold one another, they cannot gather their spirits.

So what they are thinking, the moment the thinking beats, the leaked spirit has already exposed their thinking.

Perhaps those who are also mortals cannot feel it.

But for the strong, it's like Chi Guoguo showing his thoughts to others.

And the communication between the strong in the cosmic vacuum environment is actually the same principle. The words or things you want to express are leaked out to everyone around you.

And if you don't want others to know, but just whisper, you need to expend some power, wrapped in a leaked spirit, to let specific people know.

This is also called Chuan Yin, also called Divine Communication, etc. There are many sayings, but the principle is the same.

"it is good!"

A few moments later, Chen Lang interrupted the crowd and watched everyone's resolute expression. He solemnly said, "I'll wait for you here, don't let me down, go!"


With tears in his eyes, Lin Bei almost ran down. He held back his emotions, turned, and shouted, "Everyone, go!"

"set off!"

(End of this chapter)

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